Wrong hunch.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader must admit he was wrong about something. He may yet prove to be right, but it seems less and less likely as we move ahead…

Your Maximum Leader is sure that you have probably read about the case of Jessie Davis. She was the 9 months pregnant Ohio woman who’s body - and that of her unborn child - were discovered over the weekend. Davis’ boyfriend, Bobby Cutts, Jr, has been arrested, charged, and is being held for the murder.

Excursus: Isn’t it quaint that the AP referres to the unborn child as a fetus and explains how in Ohio someone can be charged with murder if they kill a fetus? Very quaint.

Your Maximum Leader must admit that he was wrong when he speculated last week to Mrs Villain that he thought Cutts wasn’t the killer.

Normally, your Maximum Leader would immediately suspect the boyfriend/lover/spouse in a case like this. But he didn’t in this case. Why? At first your Maximum Leader thought it might be because Cutts was a police officer. Now, before you start thinking that your Maximum Leader is willing to ascribe a lofty status to law officers; please know that your Maximum Leader is often willing to believe pretty horrible things that police are accused of. Of the police officers that your Maximum Leader has known, there has sometimes been a streak of believing that because they are an authority unto themselves. (Not unlike your Maximum Leader…) Your Maximum Leader is sure that in some (perhaps many) cases, police to exceed their authority. But not in this case.

In the case of Cutts, your Maximum Leader thought that the knowledge of procedures and the fact that he would immediately be the primary suspect might have kept Cutts from committing a crime. Of course, Cutts has only been accused at this point. That means he is innocent until the state proves otherwise. It may be that he didn’t commit the crime of which he’s been accused. Time, and the judicial system, will tell.

There is something else that might have influenced your Maximum Leader’s thoughts unconsciously. Perhaps your Maximum Leader was willing to extend the benefit of the doubt to Cutts because he is black. Perhaps there was some subconscious process that wanted to avoid a racial sterotype? Afterall, doesn’t society tell us that it is always the black man who is the killer? What racial overtones are there when the accused is black and the victim is white? Could your Maximum Leader have been trying to make himself feel like he wasn’t entertaining racist thoughts by giving the black man the benefit of the doubt? Your Maximum Leader is sure that any thinking along these lines was definately unconscious…

If we discover that Cutts did the crime, he ought to be fast-tracked for execution.

Humm… Was that last line laden with subconscious racism? Your Maximum Leader doesn’t think so. Frankly, we should execute more people. Regardless of their race, socio-economic status, or sex. But not everyone agrees with your Maximum Leader on that count.

Carry on.

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