Who cares if it is fair?

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader isn’t in the habit of reading “tell-all” books about recently ended political campaigns. He feels that he gets all the good stuff from commentary on various news channels and in various blogs. He doesn’t feel the need to slog though all of the minutae in the whole book to get the point and/or juicy bits. Indeed, your Maximum Leader will not even consider buying/reading a tell-all unless it is positively endorsed by one of a handful of people. (Some of these people are those he knows personally, and some only virtually. And he should say that there is a small crossover of people he first knew virtually and now has met personally… Anyhooo…)

He might actually consider picking up this book from which the recent Harry Reid stuff was excerpted. He will wait for the needed endorsement, but he’ll think about it now…

So the President doesn’t speak with a “negro dialect.” What a joy to learn. Thanks Harry. We all needed to know that.

Frankly, your Maximum Leader thinks that Harry should step aside for Dick Durban as leader of the Senate. He said as much to some gentlemen with whom he had lunch today. They thought it was just your Maximum Leader wanting to be “fair” in as much as this would be a chance to “revenge” what was done to Trent Lott back when…

To be honest, your Maximum Leader doesn’t think that either man should have lost his leadership position over a stupid comment that may (or may not) have given insight into the man’s mind. He does think that he is fed up with the Senate leadership and would be happy for a change. Admittedly Dick Durban is a complete arse of a man and likely a bleeding idiot. But at this point he isn’t Harry Reid and that is enough. Your Maximum Leader doesn’t really care about the whole perception of “fairness” that many are bringing up. Politics aren’t fair. The attempt to make politics and political outcomes “fair” is the root of so much of what ails us socially.

Of course, it would make your Maximum Leader’s day to see Harry Reid actually driven from the Senate entirely. But that isn’t going to happen…

You know something. Off the top of his head your Maximum Leader can likely name more US Senators than the average bear. And right now he can’t think of one that deserves the job he/she has. Not one. Your Maximum Leader has had a soft spot for (Democrat) Mark Warner of Virginia for a while. Your Maximum Leader liked Mark Warner the few times he’s met him. He didn’t think that Warner did a bad job as Governor of Virginia. Indeed, Warner did a pretty good job as Governor all things considered. Sadly, Warner seems to be becoming just another Democrat among 60 in the Senate. At this point your Maximum Leader would be hard-pressed to vote for Warner again for the Senate (it would really depend on the competition he supposes).

But getting back to that book… What is it called “Game Change?” Your Maximum Leader would like to know the scuttlebutt on Bill Clinton. That man. Great jeezey chreezey. He gives hours of salacious pleasure doesn’t he? Your Maximum Leader would actually like to know just how much “thanks” he’s received from “grateful admirers” since leaving office. Hundreds? Thousands? It is a big number no matter how you look at it…

Anyhoo… Your Maximum Leader might read that book…

Or better yet, borrow it from someone who has already read it…

Carry on.

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