Voting today

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader realizes that very few of his readers actually live in Fredericksburg, VA (as does your Maximum Leader). But for those of you who do, please realize that today is Election Day for city government. You have the opportunity to elect a Mayor and two memebers of the city council.

Your Maximum Leader encourages you to vote for Debby Girvan for Mayor and Mary Katherine Greenlaw and BJ Huff for council. Your Maximum Leader has been volunteering for Mrs. Girvan over the past few months and hopes she can pull out the upset victory over the exceedingly well-financed and incumbent mayor.

For those of his readers in North Carolina and Indiana, your Maximum Leader advises you to get out and vote as well. Frankly, he’d like to see you vote in the Democratic Primaries - where your votes actually will count for something. He would like to see the Obama/Clinton race continue through the Democratic Convention. That would be way cool fun. On the one hand, your Maximum Leader thinks that if Clinton looses both primaries today she will come under tremendous pressure to withdraw. He doesn’t believe she will, but he chorus will be deafening.

We’ll see what happens.

Carry on.

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