Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader forgot to publish this post yesterday. So here is the post he’d written for yesterday:
Your Maximum Leader cries out at each and every one of you! He cries out “Rabbit!” (Since it is the first of the month.)
Now that we have this out of the way…
Your Maximum Leader is involved some in the activities of the Cal Ripken, Sr. Foundation here in the Fredericksburg, Virginia area. The Cal Ripken Foundation is building a ball field in our area to give poor and “at-risk” kids a nice safe place to play baseball. It is a very worthwhile cause. If you would like to do something to help this cause you might go to the Pepsi Refresh site and vote for the Foundation to get a grant from Pepsi. Here is the information:
Go and vote. It don’t cost nuthin’ and it could help out kids in your Maximum Leader’s fair city.
Carry on.