Quick Quiz

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader wonders if you have wondered where he has been this week? Off doing villainous stuff? Sitting on his arse doing nothing? The victim of a zombie attack?

Well, it is none of those things. Your Maximum Leader has a pinched nerve in, of all places, his elbow. He’s been advised to keep his typing to a minimum for a while and let it recover some. Thus, he’s not been posting.

He has been reading blogs (and watching lots and lots of hockey on TV - surprisingly). From Phoenix we have a little candidate calculator. It is fun and interesting tool to pick a candidate (or now-non-candidate) to root for - if you happen to be undecided. According to this quiz your Maximum Leader should have supported Sam Brownback for President. Other candidates who were good matches were: Fred Thompson and Tom Tancredo.

Humm… Your Maximum Leader has said he liked Thompson - which he does. He has never thought (ever) of supporting Sam Brownback (even if he was still in the race). Your Maximum Leader stands by his assertion earlier that Thompson is toasted in this election. He will admit that if Thompson pulls off an upset in South Carolina, or even finishes second in SC, then Thompson will perservere for a while - perhaps through March. But he doesn’t see Thompson catching on. In a way your Maximum Leader hopes he is wrong. But that is unlikely.

You know who else is toasted in this election? Rudy. Your Maximum Leader thinks you can already stick a fork in him - so done is he. Your Maximum Leader doesn’t see, with the news cycle being what it is, how Rudy can win in Florida and then pick up momentum on Super Tuesday and wrap up the nomination. It is just too implausible.

Your Maximum Leader thinks that this race is really going to boil down to McCain and Romney.

Carry on.

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