
Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader remembers when he first thought about getting a web site. It was probably 1997 or so. He wasn’t sure what he’d do with a web site, but it seemed like the thing to have. He didn’t get off his lazy duff and register a cool name while the registering was good. Back in 1999 he remembers reading an article on CNet or something that stated that almost every single word in the Webster’s American Dictionary had been registered as a .com domain. The article provided a short list of some of the available single words still out there. One leapt to your Maximum Leader’s eye: perfidy. Your Maximum Leader read that word and immediately set off to and tried to register Sadly, it was taken by the time he got there. But he saw that and were still available. Your Maximum Leader decided that the “gold standard” of domains were the .com domains and he passed on those two.

Then he went and got which is cool and all, but he’d not thought through some of the porn-y implications of the domain. (NB to porn people: if you would like to buy this domain - reasonable offers will be accepted.)

So… Imagine your Maximum Leader’s glee when he discovered that was a cool blog. Guess what else? The writers over at the Ministry of Minor Perfidy are pretty cool. He’s met a number of them. They are good guys.

Well… Buckethead over at the Ministry of Minor Perfidy informed your Maximum Leader that he’d (Buckethead that is) written some “crazy shit” over on the blog. So your Maximum Leader had to check it out. Your Maximum Leader figured out that neither this post nor this post were the “crazy shit” he’d been expecting.

It must be this post that is the crazy shit post.

Now… Your Maximum Leader hasn’t poured through the archives of Unqualified Reservations as has Buckethead; but what he’s read is very thought provoking. Of course, your Maximum Leader styles himself a pseudo-benevolent autocrat; so let’s say he might have some anti-democratic tendencies. There are definately times when all this democracy stuff isn’t what its cracked up to be. As Thomas Friedman noted recently on Meet the Press, there are times you wish the US were run like Communist China so that authority could just dictate something that was in the greater interest of the nation and be done with it. Your Maximum Leader would never throw a statement like that out. Of course your Maximum Leader isn’t interested in a Communist Autocracy either. He is more for the Roman Principate model himself.

Anyhoo… Check out Buckethead’s post and then go on over to Unqualified Reservations and see what you think.

Carry on.

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