News from the world o’blog…

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader took yesterday off from blogging. As it was Richard Wagner’s birthday he broke out his Brigit Nilssen recordings of Die Walkure and enjoyed a little bit of the Ho-ya-ta-ho on the iPod.

Your Maximum Leader has noticed, as he’s sure many of you have as well, two important changes in the sphere o’blog in the past few days… The first is that the very lovely Annika of Annika’s Journal has retired her blogging keyboard in favor of studying for the California Bar. Your Maximum Leader can understand that a young woman would want to put her life and career before the needs of her readers. Afterall… We all want Annika to be a successful lawyer in the Golden State, fighting to put sense back into our crazy legal system. Who knows, Annika might wind up as a judge some day (and the 9th Circuit could use a little dose of Annika)… Of course, in the Mike World Order, Annika will be Commissioner of Baseball.

Annika, fare thee well in your studies. Your Maximum Leader wishes you the best (even if you are leaving him high and dry from the perspective of blogging). He looks forward to seeing your occasional posts over on Six Meat Buffet.

The second bit of news from the world o’blogs is over at our friends the Peperium’s. One day you go to bed after reading about the exploits of Mrs. P… The next day you wake up and find that Patum Peperium is a group blog! A group blog with a line up that is a veritable “murderers row” of your Maximum Leader’s favorite bloggers (and commenters). Let’s make sure he gets this right… Blogging now at Patum Peperium are: Mrs. P., Mr. P., Sir Basil Seal, Fr. M., Old Dominion Tory, Christine, and “Crackie.”

Your Maximum Leader might guess that “Crackie” might also be known as “Chip,” but your Maximum Leader could be wrong…

Big news, loyal readers. Very big news…

Of course, here at Naked Villainy, it is pretty much your Maximum Leader and Smallholder just plodding along… A pseudo-benevolent autocrat and his manure besmattered farmer friend. What a combo.

Carry on.

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