Mourning over

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is done mourning for the Washington Capitals’ season. After bearing witness with his own eyes to the horrible debacle that was Game 7 of the Easter Conference Semi-finals he now believes he can blog again. Frankly, he now believes he can get back on living. If the Caps had lost a close game the net affect on your Maximum Leader would not have been as bad as the beating they took at the hands of the Penguins. The Penguins totally schooled (skool’d?) the Capitals last week. Your Maximum Leader was all ready to mentally purge all the demons surrounding the Penguins in the post-season…

Well… Those demons are still alive and camped out in the part of your Maximum Leader’s consciousness that relates to hockey…


Your Maximum Leader will do his best to comment on some of the goings-on in the world. He’s got lots of thoughts he feels the need to share. If you are still reading this site at all… You might have the need to read those thoughts…

Then again… You might just be here to stick pins in the body and see if you get a reaction. Well… Feel free to stick pins… Your Maximum Leader is back and will be more responsive to pins.

Carry on.

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