More attention deficit commentary

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader was too busy celebrating Trafalgar Day yesterday to have time to post anything… Here is some ADD-style commentary for you all…

In a comment to an earlier post, minion Huck Foley indicated that he was not going to be voting for Mark Warner in the VA Senate race because he didn’t want to contribute to a fillibuster-proof Democrat majority in the US Senate after the election. Actually, your Maximum Leader has thought of that very point in considering his vote. Indeed, that very reason is the only one he can think of to pull the trigger for Jim Gilmore. Alas, the Warner/Gilmore race isn’t even close, so it doesn’t make much of a difference. Your Maximum Leader is still planning on voting for Warner - but he might yet change his mind.

All these polls showing Obama with wide leads over McCain tend to be polls of “registered voters.” Your Maximum Leader is no pollster but he has always been of the mind that “registered” is not as good as “likely.” Polls of “likely” voters are much closer. He thinks these polls will tighten up some. He believes that Obama probably is not doing as well in Pennsylvania and Ohio as many people think. But in the end, he believes that Obama is going to win in a few days.

Your Maximum Leader still can’t decide on which team in the World Series to root for. Would you like to buy your Maximum Leader’s powerful ju-ju as a fairweather fan? He’s open to solicitations for temporary fandom.

Lastly, your Maximum Leader is all excited because he is going to get a short visit at the Villainschloss from the Smallholder this weekend. Your Maximum Leader will have to stock up on beer and snacks. Perhaps we’ll have a Bruce Campbell film-fest!

Carry on.

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