McCain - Palin

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader sees that John McCain has chosen Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his VP pick. Your Maximum Leader is pleased at this stage. She seems a bit light on experience, but John McCain is the top of the ticket. She seems to have the right credentials as far as your Maximum Leader is concerned. She is a fiscal conservative. She has been a reformer. She hunts and fishes. She has a big family. She is cute. (Cute is a plus - not a requirment.)

So far she seems like a good pick.

Of course, in the few minutes since the announcement was made we’ve heard a couple of complaints. There is the lack of experience. Of course, she is just as experienced as Obama himself (and her experience is executive). She doesn’t have a lot of foreign policy experience. Again… John McCain is at the top of this ticket, not Sarah Palin. Some talking head on CNN suggested that she isn’t a good pick because she wouldn’t be able to care for her newborn (April 08) son with Downs Syndrome. How about that for a double standard. Apparently Democratic women can do it all without men, but Republican women can’t.

You know something… Your Maximum Leader is impressed upon hearing that Governor Palin chose not to take the prenatal tests that would have indicated that her child had Downs Syndrome. She made the choice knowing that the outcome of the test would not change her mind about having the baby. Your Maximum Leader and Mrs Villain made the same choice. He remembers some of the sideways looks we received when we told people that Mrs Villain wasn’t getting the testing done. Your Maximum Leader remembers that he was worried for a moment contemplating being the parent of a Downs Syndrome child. But, you just set your mind to moving ahead and knowledge that the Lord presents us with tests.


Your Maximum Leader is pleasantly surprised by the pick at this point. It doesn’t change his mind, as he was going to vote McCain to begin with. But it does seem like a good and smart move.

Carry on.

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