Light blogging

I wanted to alert any family and friends that might read this space and haven’t heard yet from me that my dad was hospitalized last night after suffering heart-attack-like symptoms. Initial reports seem to show that he has not had a heart attack, but has been suffering from a severe cardiac fibrillation (or irregular heart-beat). There are yet many questions to answer. I’ll report back as I am able.

Many thanks to my bro Kevin for all his support. I can’t express how much it has meant to me.


Thinking of you, Mike.


Polymath said:

Best wishes to you and your family, and a speedy recovery for your dad.

Robbo said:

Prayers for you, your dad and all your family.

Charles said:

I’m coming to this belatedly, but I wanted to let you know that you and your father, and the rest of your family, are in my prayers.

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