JFK and the death of liberalism

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader might not have much time today for posting. But he did want to point out an interesting piece over on Irish Elk. It is entitled “Liberalism’s post-Oswald crack up”. Mark writes:

[James] Piereson maintains [in his new book] that, after President Kennedy was killed, a meme developed that JFK had fallen in right-wing Dallas to a sort-of amorphous Hatred at loose in American society, which fit the agenda of the Sixties Left more than the truth, that JFK had been assassinated by a Communist. As a result, he argues, liberalism took its eye off the ball as far as winning the Cold War and defending the Free World was concerned, and allowed itself to become the province of prune-faced kiljoys who see America an oppressor and the source of the world’s ills. (Or something like that.) I don’t know that I’m 100-percent convinced, but he makes a very interesting case. Certainly, the paranoid style, once considered the trademark of John Birchers and anti-fluoride crusaders on the right, now seems entrenched among grassy knollers on the left.

Very interesting. A theory that your Maximum Leader had never given any thought to. A casual examination of the premise leads your Maximum Leader to believe that the book might be worth a read and more thought. Perhaps your Maximum Leader will wait for the paperback…

Carry on.

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