Hitler’s Citizenship

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader reads on the news wires that the Social Democrats of Germany are looking to strip (posthumously to be sure) Adolf Hitler of his German Citizenship.

According to the piece the leadership of the SDP in Brunswick is looking to undo that which was done in 1932. According to the piece:

The Austrian-born Hitler gave up his Austrian citizenship in 1925 and only obtained German nationality when Nazi officials in Braunschweig (Brunswick) secured a position for him as a civil servant in the local administration in late February 1932.

As a civil servant, Hitler was automatically granted German citizenship, which allowed him to stand for election as president of the German Reich the following month.

You know, your Maximum Leader seems to remember reading this in Joachim Fest’s biography of Hitler. (That book is, by the way, a fine biography of Hitler if you are looking for one. In all honesty however, it is the only biography your Maximum Leader has ever read about Hitler.)

Apprently the people of Brunswick are stigmatized by their actions, and feel this is an important step towards eliminating this stigma. Your Maximum Leader says if it makes the people of Brunswick feel better, well then by all means go ahead and strip Hitler of his German citizenship. Your Maximum Leader is sure that in the deepest, darkest pits of hell Satan will deliver the message to the evil man himself.

Frankly… Your Maximum Leader has never been sure why these sorts of moves are required. It is not like there is anyone who was involved in the decision to make Hitler a civil servant is alive today. Those people, it could be argued, might be reasonably asked for an apology. But in this case it is sort of like asking for an apology for something you didn’t do… Like asking your state legislature to apologize for slavery. Although no person alive in your state was a slave or slave owner. One shouldn’t feel guilt for something one didn’t do.

Carry on.

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