Hitler’s Citizenship… Again…

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader has been a lot busier than he expected over the past few days. Lots busier. It is not looking any better for him the rest of the week. No telling what you might find next time you check this space…

In the meanwhile…

You might recall that your Maximum Leader blogged a little about the people of Brunswick moving to posthumously revoke the grant of citizenship they gave Adolf Hitler back in 1932. In that post your Maximum Leader mentioned that he didn’t see why the people of Brunswick should today, feel guilty about actions taken by their fathers and grandfathers. But, if it makes them feel better… Well then just do it.

Now it seems as though that the people of the German Baltic sea resort of Heiligendamm have stripped Hitler of the honorary citizenship they granted him in 1932. The town council of Heiligendamm have taken their vote in preparation for the coming G8 summit in their fair city. No doubt they hope their fair city is made more fair by the removal of this “stain” from their little polis.

Your Maximum Leader’s favourite line of the piece? The one where the town mayor said that the official view of the town was that Hitler’s honorary citizenship “lapsed” when he killed himself in 1945.

Your Maximum Leader will suggest that the local councils, provincial legislatures, national legislatures, and executives of any politi that might have granted Adolf Hitler an actual or honorary citizenship or other title just go ahead and revoke it now. Let’s just all clear the air with this matter once and for all. Satan has Hitler right where we all want him. So there should be no problems with making sure he has no legal (or honorary) status left here on Earth.

Carry on.

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