Hail Bill!

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader would like to take a moment to thank loyal minions Bill Keezer of Bill’s Comments for taking some time out of his tremendously busy schedule to visit his (and your) Maximum Leader at the Villainschloss last night.

Your Maximum Leader (and the Smallholder) met Bill a number of years ago when Bill was on a previous trip to the area for business. It was great to see Bill again. We were able to go to out for a bite to eat for dinner and then return to the Villainschloss for a little more conversation. (NB to Bill: Thanks again for dinner. You shouldn’t have. It was greatly appreciated by all of us.)

Bill is as thoughtful, entertaining and engaging in person as he is on his blog. An evening with Bill is a real treat. Conversation will range from technology, science, religion, railroads, woodworking and politics. Conversation will also never lag. Your Maximum Leader’s only hope from the evening is that his “nickel driving tour of Fredericksburg” wasn’t too boring.

Thanks again Bill. Your Maximum Leader doffs his bejeweled floppy cap to you.

Carry on.

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