Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader has seen that the National Weather Service has increased the forecast of snow in this are to 16-24 inches of accumulation. That is a lot.
All this weather talk has been making your Maximum Leader think of sunnier weather… and art… He always thinks of art you know. If only there were a way to combine sunny weather and art in one visual medium?
Perhaps the late great Alberto Vargas could help us with that…
Indeed he can…
Depending on your workplace, that image might be NSFW.
Your Maximum Leader loves the caption on that piece. BTW, Your Maximum Leader should point out that suntan lotion should be applied every 15-20 minutes while outdoors in the sun.
NB to Sir Basil: Please note how sun reflects realistically off the fruit and there is no sweat on the bubbly.
Carry on.