Duty done.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader, as he promised to do last week, did vote for Hillary Clinton today in the “Potomac Primary.” Or did he vote in the “Cheasapeake Primary?” The most confusing thing about this week is trying to figure out which moniker any particular news outlet will use in describing this day.

Your Maximum Leader was a little hard pressed to vote for Hillary. Even the thought of voting for her in a primary caused a touch of nausea in your Maximum Leader. The task was made harder when your Maximum Leader happened to run into two friends earlier. These friends are well connected Republicans who inquired of your Maximum Leader if he would be casting his primary vote for Mike Huckabee. (These friends sided for Huckabee very early on, and have been organizing for him constantly.) Since this little encounter took place in the local coffee house your Maximum Leader was going to see if he could parley his primary vote into a big Chai Tea… But in the end his promise to you, his loyal readers, kept him on his task. He let his friends know that he was not going to vote for Huckabee. They asked if he was voting for McCain, again he said no. They let the matter drop. They probably thought that your Maximum Leader was going to vote for Ron Paul. Or perhaps write in Steve Forbes. (Ah… How 1996 is that? Steve Forbes…)

So he went to the polling place and declared (only in front of the Election Board people - since he was the only voter at that point) that he would vote in the Democratic primary. One woman, whom your Maximum Leader thinks was a Republican observer on-site and may have recognized him, gave him a glance. If he didn’t know better, your Maximum Leader thinks she might have known that there was a very conservative snake in the Democratic hen-house.


Your Maximum Leader voted for Hillary. This is the only time in his life that he has pulled the proverbial switch for a Clinton. He never voted for Bill. He never thought he’d vote for Hillary. But there you have it. Tis done. Your Maximum Leader has done his part here in the Old Dominion to revive Hillary’s flagging campaign.

Now your Maximum Leader will revert back to his typical conservative self.

Carry on.

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