Dear FLG…

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader will subject you all to an open letter to our bloggy friend FLG…

Dear FLG:

Your Maximum Leader is concerned for you. He’s read in a recent post that you are contemplating throwing in the proverbial blogging towel after just one year. You cite the impending wee FLG, running out of things to say, and being an all or nothing guy as potential reasons for leaving the business…

Well, allow your Maximum Leader to pass on a little bloggy goodness if you will… First off, as you might know, your Maximum Leader has been punching away at the little keys for over five years. (Almost always in the third person too! The schtick practically writes itself now…) When he began he was a multiple posting per day type of guy. He was gung-ho. But then after a period he realized that the zeal was fading and it might be good to enlist friends. So he contacted some buddies and gave them keys to the proverbial kingdom and said go to it. That reinvigorated your Maximum Leader for a while. It also produced some good posts and little internal debates. Of course, even over time that fades… Have you seen a post here from someone other than your Maximum Leader recently? Nope. But your Maximum Leader keeps on plugging.

Your Maximum Leader isn’t a reliably daily poster any more. He is more streaky. But he still posts. He posts as much for himself as for all of you reading this. (And a quick review of site stats shows that over a given month there might be as many as 2000 unique visitors to this site.) It is a nice release. Your Maximum Leader has three kids, and they (rightfully) take up lots of time. No doubt the wee FLG will alter your schedule, but you will still need something to do “for yourself.” (If your Maximum Leader might add something… He and Mrs Villain will agree that our lives and lifestyle were more greatly changed by the arrival of Villainette #2 than Villainette #1. The first one isn’t as much of a change as you might think. The second one is a major change. We’ve also found that the Wee Villain (#3 child) wasn’t as much of a change as we thought he’d be. Mrs Villain’s aunt (the mother of four) said that she had to adjust more on child #2 and #4 than with #1 or #3.)

So FLG, don’t think that a wee little FLG will necessitate your departure from the world of blogging. If anything, you will need a some time to do something other than think about your family and whatever it is that you do. Blogging is a handy release in that respect. It allows you to think and express your thoughts on things you want to be thoughtful and expressive about. You say that you believe you are running out of things to say… Well… At some point every blogger will hit the old “publish” button and then realize that 1 month (or 1 year, or three years) ago you wrote pretty much the same post… (Or even worse, you wrote a completely contradictory post 1 month/year ago.) But for every post filled with a certain amount of deja vu, you have many more orginial posts to write. The world provides just too much material. After a while you will be crafting blog posts in your mind about just about everything you read, do, imagine or casually consider.

Don’t stop posting and forget your passwords just yet. Let things happen as they will. You will find a post baby groove. You will also find that you will need the release that blogging can bring you. Your Maximum Leader hopes that you (in the words of The Greatest Briton) K.B.O.. (Keep buggering on…)


Your Maximum Leader

Carry on.

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