Damn my eyes!

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader has completely forgotten to note a few things that he normally would note on his blog…

First off, he realized by looking at the draft post folder that he started to write a 4th of July post… But he didn’t finish it. So he didn’t mention anything on the Fourth of July… Damnation! Happy Birthday America. Depending on your outlook on things there might not be too much to be happy about right now in America. But the 4th of July remains the greatest holiday on the calendar for all Americans.

NB: In a patriotic fit, your Maximum Leader decided over the Fourth of July holiday to only consume alcohol produced in the United States (or our dependencies) for the balance of the year. Yes loyal minions… Your Maximum Leader has foresworn his favorite liquor (Scotch) for the rest of 2009. He moved his various bottles of Scotch to the back of the liquor closet and moved the bourbon and rum up towards the front… To be perfectly honest he did exempt the 4 bottles of Guinness he has in the beer fridge from this pledge. He doesn’t want them to go bad you know. (Although, if you happen to be passing near the Villainschloss and like Guinness, let your Maximum Leader know and he’ll save them for you…)

Secondly, your Maximum Leader forgot to mention the passing of Bastille Day yesterday. He had plans for some french cheese and perhaps beef burgundy for dinner last night… But he got shanghai’ed into going to a movie…

Your Maximum Leader was (somehow) convinced (against his better judgement) to join “the boyz” and go and see “Bruno.”

Dead Gawd! Let the burning in my eyes and ears stop now! Please!

Your Maximum Leader moderately enjoyed Sacha Baron Cohen’s last movie “Borat.” During “Borat” your Maximum Leader laughed for about a third of the movie, felt very uncomfortable with what he was seeing for about a third of the movie, and was bored for about a third of the movie.

Well… For pretty much all of “Bruno” your Maximum Leader squirmed and thought “okay, this is just too much.” On about three occasions he thought he’d just up and leave the cinema and go home. Alas, he didn’t. After the film “the boyz” all agreed that if any of us had mentioned during the film that we should get up and leave we all would have. Alas, we all sat and watched… And watched… Well… That is $9.75 and 90 minutes that your Maximum Leader will never get back.

Your Maximum Leader will now make certain that if he ever sees another Sacha Baron Cohen vehicle it will be on cable and by accident during channel surfing…

Ugh… Does a bad movie resonate for longer in your memory than a good movie? By this your Maximum Leader wonders if he’ll be thinking of “Bruno” for longer than he thought of “The Hangover?” The latter was great, the former was shit. But he thinks he might mentally come back to how bad “Bruno” was more over the next few days than he did mentally go back to “The Hangover” after seeing it…

Carry on.

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