Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader finds himself with a lot to blog about but little time or inclination to blog. As the school year is ending for his offspring (and wife - a teacher) there is a lot of stuff going on. Additionally, he has been rather emotional about the condition of his best buddy Kevin’s mom. Kevin’s family is just like my own and all that has happened since April has been difficult.
If you want great content day after day, check out our friend Fear and Loathing in Georgetown. FLG has the goods and is much more interesting than anything that I’ve been producing recently.
Of course you should also check out Robbo (and Robbo and LMC), Skippy, Ellison, Sir Basil, all those at Patum Peperium, Eric, Joan, R.S. McCain (I should note that Stacy McCain does appear to be the hardest working man in the blog business. As he himself notes, you can’t out-work the son of an Alabama dirt farmer. I sure couldn’t), the great V-man and of course Dead Sexy Sadie (aka Agent Bedhead).
Your Maximum Leader isn’t sure what will be in store in this spot…
Carry on.