
The Maximum Leader’s last post was eerily similar to a post that wordpress ate this morning. I was going to use a flamethrower as my example of NRA absolutism.

I’m not much for slippery slope arguments because they deny the reality that polities can and do find middle ground positions.

My free speech, for example, isn’t absolute. I can’t yell “fire” in a crowded theatre, incite violence, use fighting words, or give unlimited amounts of cash to the candidate of my choice.

The real story here is that both Alito and Roberts signed on to the Casey “reasonableness” standard, explicitly recognizing the “right” of abortion.

They are both precedent monkeys, as anyone who actually look at their records during the nomination process can attest. I remember many of my colleagues being concerned that Bush’s appointees would overturn Roe. I was confident that they wouldn’t, and they didn’t.

Yesterday I expressed frustration at the laziness of reporters who did not read the opinion or did not understand the constitutional underpinnings of that decision. This morning I was disappointed by politicians. Democrats trotted out and condemned the banning of an incredibly rare procedure that no one really likes.

Then it hit me - the pro-choicers won a victory, but don’t want to talk about it - because they want to get people all stirred up about a Bushian assault on women’s control over their own bodies. The sky is falling! The sky is falling! (Send money!)

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