Bummer & Gone

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader had a wonderful day yesterday with Villainette #1 and her fellow 4th Graders on a class field trip to Jamestown, VA. If you’ve not ever been and are in the area, your Maximum Leader heartilly recommends a visit.

Your Maximum Leader, as he alluded earlier in the week, has lots on his plate. He may (or more likely) may not post again until next week. In the mean while…

A belated Happy Blogoversary to the Crack Young Staff of The Hatemonger’s Quarterly. As you know, your Maximum Leader sometimes guest-weblogs over on THQ. It is the best gig in all the interwebs frankly. Many happy returns. (NB to “Chip:” if you happen to make a video of the “Ethical Sluthood” seminar, please forward a copy to your Maximum Leader. He needs it for “reference” purposes.

An undisturbed Roman-era tomb in Greece was just discovered. Your Maximum Leader can’t wait for pictures of the gold, adornments, and other sundries the archeologists have unearthed.

Remains found at Rouen, France are not those of Saint Joan of Arc. They were in fact those of a mummified human and cat from Egypt.

And lastly… A veteran was really harmed by the Veterans Administration. Headline says it all. VA patient has wrong testicle removed.

May you all have a safe and peaceful remainder of Holy Week and Easter.

Carry on.

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