
Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader has been reading the Daily Beast quite a bit lately. He has also been reading Culture 11 quite regularly.

Your Maximum Leader wonders if there isn’t some similarity between these two sites. There is some stylistic similarity. Style in terms of layout and presentation. The similarity isn’t the content. (Culture 11 as lots of great original content. There is a aggregator quality to the top of the Daily Beast.)

Is there something visually that is compelling about these sites? Your Maximum Leader can’t put his finger on it.

Sadly enough… This post seems to be petering out as your Maximum Leader is typing it…

Upon beginning the post your Maximum Leader thought that this post would wind up being some sort of erudite evaluation of the relative worth of the two sites. But as your Maximum Leader started to type he realized that if he went through with his writing he would be writing a trite miserable piece of shit that would cause him to have flashbacks.

Flashbacks to what you might ask yourself?

Flashbacks to his time as a graduate assistant having to grade 300 freshman World Civilization papers over a single weekend. The paper’s subject… “Compare and contrast the Beatitudes from the Gospel of Mark to the 8 Noble Truths of Buddha.” Great jeezey chreezey. Just typing that line caused your Maximum Leader to shake and shiver.

It might be time for a double scotch and a hockey game on tv…

Carry on.

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