Be wary of any man who keeps a pig farm

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader realizes that in this very space he (and his good buddy Smallholder) has joked about feeding his (our?) enemies (or others who have done him (us) wrong) to Smallholder’s pigs. We, of course, do this in good humour and for a laugh. Your Maximum Leader does know that pigs are greedy little buggers who would just as soon devour you in an instant as oink for a cob of corn. Your Maximum Leader love pigs (and thinks that they are the most perfect non-pet domesticated animal in all God’s creation), but knows that they have a nasty streak…

Apparently others know this too… To wit, the case of Robert “Willie” Pickton of Port Coquitlam British Columbia. Mr Pickton was just convicted of the murder of six women from the Vancouver area. He may also be responsible for the deaths of up to 70 women. According to the Reuters article:

Pickton is accused of killing 26 Vancouver prostitutes, and prosecutors say they are preparing for a second trial to deal with the remaining 20 murder charges.

Pickton, 58, lured the women to his farm in the Vancouver suburb of Port Coquitlam with money and drugs, killed them, and cut up the bodies and disposed of the remains using the pigs and a rendering plant.

Investigators found human remains on the farm, including severed skulls and feet. A woman who lived briefly in Pickton’s trailer testified she saw him cutting up a body in the middle of the night.

Jurors also viewed a taped jailhouse conversation in which Pickton told an undercover officer after his February 2002 arrest that he had killed 49 women and planned to make it 50.

Pickton’s legal defense team argued the human remains did not prove he was the killer and that police ignored other suspects. Pickton did not testify during the trial and rarely showed emotion.

The jury’s failure to convict Pickton of first degree murder meant it did not agree with prosecutors that he planned the murders in advance.

To your Maximum Leader this sounds as though the prosecutors weren’t doing their job very well, or that this Pickton fellow had a brilliant defence team. Since this article comprises the whole of what your Maximum Leader knows of this case, he will leave it to more learned fellows (and he’s thinking Skippy here) to fill in that which he doesn’t know.

It is really too bad that Canada is so civilized that they can’t execute people… Or give out non-concurrent life sentances for mulitple murders…

Carry on.

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