
Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader has been having a rough week. He hopes yours is going better…

In the spirit of the intellectual FLG, your Maximum Leader is listening to…


You know the lyrics of The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald are pretty moving. Your Maximum Leader can’t recall ever hearing this song until about 1 year ago. (Not being a Gordon Lightfoot fan he supposes.) It happened to be on his iPod and it was dished out randomly. (NB: He gets treats that way. He’s got nearly 9,000 songs on the iPod and he doubts he’s actually listened to more than 3,000 of them.) It is a pretty powerful song all in all.



Given how his week is going… He wishes he were driving Route 66… And he doesn’t mean the new I-66 in Northern Virginia. (That would likely drive him over the edge.) He means the “real” Route 66 from Chicago to LA…

Carry on.

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