Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is commemorating the 202nd anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar today. It is his habit to do so. He needs to get back in the habit of throwing a big party every year to celebrate this glorious event. It was his habit (until children arrived in his life) to buy a keg of Bass Ale, cook a huge roast with all the trimmings, and drink to Lord Nelson’s victory on this day. Perhaps he’ll do it next year…

Rather than just post a synopsis (which you can read here or here) of the battle, here are some images for your viewing pleasure:

Admiral Lord Nelson

England expects every man to do his duty
Clicky here to embiggen.

Ship positions at the onset of the Battle of Trafalgar
Clicky here to see a bigger, nicer, image.

HMS Victory breaks the line

HMS Temeraire breaks the line

A pell mell battle ensues

HMS Victory during the battle

Lord Nelson falls during the battle

The most glorious and decisive victory

Carry on.

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