Random Friday Thoughts

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader doesn’t have much to (intelligently) add to the converstation of the day… That said, he’ll opine anyway… Sort of like the President and the whole Henry Louis Gates, Jr. affair.

Speaking of which… Your Maximum Leader will admit to not knowing all the facts (more admitting that the facts seem to be in dispute). Having admitted that he doesn’t know (or isn’t sure of) the whole truth of the matter he feels that Professor Gates overreacted and acted poorly. He also feels that the police also acted poorly by arresting Professor Gates. Gates should have tried to be a bit more polite and civilized. The police should have been more calm and willing to walk away from an agitated man in his house. Your Maximum Leader thinks, from what he’s read, that Gates is the one who put race into the situation. The police, however, have to deal with these types of issues every day and should have handled it differently once the suspected break-in was no longer suspected. If you were to press your Maximum Leader and force him to try and lay blame on one side or the other he’d say (right now) that the preponderence of blame lays at the feet of the Cambridge MA police.

So your Maximum Leader will be joining his extended family for the Nationals/San Diego Padres contest tomorrow night at Nationals Park. Your Maximum Leader is hoping to see a win. In the back of his mind, however, is the dreaded “gremlin bogey” number of 54. Your Maximum Leader and his whole family have their red Nationals t-shirts ready for the game. We will root (root, root) for our beloved Nationals and hope for the best.

Your Maximum Leader got a political polling call on Tuesday night. It was odd. Normally your Maximum Leader doesn’t deign to answer the phone if he doesn’t recognize the number on the caller-id display. For some strange reason he went ahead and answered and chose to particpate in a 10 minute polling call. The topics covered in the questions were all political - and mostly local political questions. The opening salvo were demographic questions (which your Maximum Leader only answered if the choices were in his opinion sufficiently broad). Then came the name recognition for the various offices up for election this fall in Virginia. Your Maximum Leader was pleased to have identified all of the names except for the Democrat running for Virginia Attorney General, and an independent running for County Board of Supervisors. (Sadly, immediately after he indicated he had no idea who the independent was the young girl conducting the poll filled in the blanks and your Maximum Leader remembered that the fellow was a former member of the School Board - and an idiot. He wished for a re-do on that one.) The poll was remarkably comprehensive in scope. It sort of surprised your Maximum Leader by its length and detail. He can only imagine that it cost some serious money. At the end of the poll he learned that it was paid for by the campaign of Susan Stimpson, who is running for County Board of Supervisors. She wants to represent your Maximum Leader’s district on the Board. Frankly, she has his vote. He’s met her a few times and spoken with her. She is a good choice to be on the Board. She will be a great improvement over George Schwartz. Schwartz is a pompus ass. He’s done more to screw up the county than any other person in recent memory.

In case you care, your Maximum Leader will, this fall, vote thusly in the Virginia elections. Bob McDonnell for Governor. Bill Bolling for Lt Governor. Ken Cuccinelli for AG. Bill Howell for Delegate. Susan Stimpson for Board of Supervisors. There you go…

You know, if your Maximum Leader didn’t already have big plans for the whole weekend he’d be off to see the hardest working man in the blogosphere, Robert Stacy McCain at the Richmond Tea Party event this weekend in Richmond. Really. R.S. Mcain is the hardest working man in the blogosphere. He doesn’t just sit back and comment on crap (like your Maximum Leader) he actually goes out there and does the leg-work needed to DISCOVER THE STORY. Seriously. You need to go back and read some of his reporting on the case of fired I-G Gerald Walpin.

Your Maximum Leader recommends to you all FLG’s piece on Fair Trade. You should also very seriously consider the difference between “organic” and “regular” products. Mrs Villain was gobsmacked over the weekend when she actually did a serious comparison between an brand of organic peanut butter (8 oz for $4.00) and the regular Jif brand that your Maximum Leader prefers (16 oz for $2.99). Okay, that example didn’t really address Fair Trade products - but they are vaugely linked in your Maximum Leader’s brain.

Oh yeah… Thanks FLG for the link to Bacon Salt. Another product for which your Maximum Leader really has no need, but will buy anyway just to try… Smoked meat… Heh… (Click FLG’s link to get the joke.)

And in closing… With luck your Maximum Leader will be able to catch two episodes of “The Ascent of Money” tonight on the DVR. Yay!

Carry on.

Fare thee well…

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader spent a little time last night watching the Home Run Derby. He was rooting for the National League players (because your Maximum Leader is a National League type of guy). Even though he rooted for the National League players, he sort of hoped that Ryan Howard didn’t win. Howard is on your Maximum Leader’s fantasy team and the winner of the Home Run Derby always seems to develop a hitch in their swing that takes a few weeks to work out after the All Star Break…

Ultimately, your Maximum Leader fell asleep and didn’t see the conclusion of the Home Run Derby… This could be due to consuming one of his takes on the “Cuba Libre” at the beginning of the Derby. (Your Maximum Leader’s take on the “Cuba Libre” is this: 1 part lime juice. 1 part rum. 1/2 part 151 rum. Add lime juice and rums to large Tiki mug and stir. Then add Diet Coke to just below rim of Tiki Mug. Stir again. Add ice. Then drink.

Did your Maximum Leader mention that the shot glass he uses to measure his liquor is not a standard sized one? Nope. It is much bigger. One day he vows to measure the actual capacity of his shotglass. But for now it remains a mystery…


Of course, the big baseball news for your Maximum Leader was the firing of Nationals manager Manny Acta. Your Maximum Leader agrees in part with Robbo. Acta is a talented young manager and will have a long and productive baseball career. With the right group of players Manny Acta will soar. Alas, the Washington Nationals are not the right bunch of players for Acta - or pretty much any manager.

The “Natinls” are a crappy team. Your Maximum Leader would “blow up” the team now, before the trade deadline, and try and build something better. The only position players he wouldn’t deal are Ryan Zimmerman, Nyjer Morgan and possibly Adam Dunn. The only pitchers he wouldn’t deal are Lannan and Zimmermann. Everyone else is on the table. Indeed he’d likely get rid of the whole bullpen again and try some call-ups and acquisitions of dudes who play ball that are out there. At this point they could hardly do worse with the bullpen than they are now.

Your Maximum Leader agrees with Thomas Boswell who has written time and time again that the Nationals cannot afford another season (by which we mean the 2010 season) being this atrocious. All but the most hardcore fans are staying away. Hell… Your Maximum Leader is guilty of this himself. He hasn’t been to ONE game yet this season. Last season by July he’d been to at least three games - and possibly 4 or 5. He watches nearly every night on TV. But it is hard to summon up the will to make the drive to town and shuck out the bucks to see a game when you know the outcome. (Your Maximum Leader just realized that he’s been to one Pittsburgh Pirates game this year, but no Nationals games. Sad. Very sad.) If the Nats remain bad they will curse themselves to being a sad footnote in the Washington area consciousness. They could rule the summer if they put a decent product on the field. That is a decent product… Not even contending… Just decent…

Did you chance to see the piece on ESPN Page 2 about the Nationals? The page entitled “Do the Nationals deserve your scorn?” Well… Of course they do right now. The hope is that they will not deserve the scorn next year.

If your Maximum Leader could make a suggestion to the Mayor of Natstown (aka: Stan Kasten) and the Rulers of Nationals Nation (aka: Ted and Mark Lerner). Make Mike Rizzo the GM of the team. That is a start. Take away the interim title and give him the room he needs to start being a leader. After that, start looking for a real manager. We need a strong skipper to give the team a kick in the nuts and get them motivated. (NB: Give everyone a kick in the nuts except Willie Harris. He’s already taken one to the nuts and doesn’t deserve a second. Willie can get a knock on the head.) Then start making deals to address the manifest needs of the team. Your Maximum Leader suggests some work on the bullpen again…

Damn. It is hard to be a Nats fan you know…

Oh yeah… One more thing… You finally got the road uniform right with the cursive script “Washington” on the front. Now ditch those mis-matched fonts and glittery abominations we wear at home (which sometimes read “Natinals”) in favor of the cursive script. We like the curly “W” so lets make it match…

The Nat’s curly “W”

Let’s go Nats!

Carry on.

Two great things that go great together…

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader directs you to America’s finest news source for this wonderful story: Baseball Fans Delighted by New Between Innings Fuck-Cams.

As you can probably tell from the link itself… The language is sort of saucy… So be aware if you have people reading over your shoulder…

Of course, one of the reasons for directing you to the link is that the ballpark used to roll-out the fuck-cam was your Maximum Leader’s own beloved National’s home field, Nationals Park.

While your Maximum Leader feels that the baseball product on the field in Washington ranges from “OMG they stink!” to “Nauseatingly incompetent” to “They just can’t catch a break can they?” he isn’t sure that pornography on the HD jumbo-tron is the answer…

It may be AN answer but it is not THE answer to the National’s woes…

THE answer would be a bullpen… And some better defensive players… And a one more guy with some speed… And…

Okay… Porn might be THE answer.

Carry on.


Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader has been spending time with Mrs Villain as she is picking new appliances and flooring for the Villainschloss. Last night your Maximum Leader spent his quality bloggy time at Sears trying to get that elusive extra 10% off of a front-loading washing machine.

Oh the thrills…

Your Maximum Leader doesn’t have much to say about the major stories of the day… But here are a few quick thoughts…

First off… Your Maximum Leader has grown weary of the Michael Jackson tributes. He doesn’t plan on watching any of the tribute today. Indeed, he’ll miss as much as he can and is able to given the huge amount of news coverage. Your Maximum Leader feels pity towards Michael Jackson. With the preponderance of news coverage given to the story his pity is turning to disgust. He doesn’t want to feel disgust towards Michael Jackson…

Secondly… Sarah Palin. Your Maximum Leader has never been a strong bandwagoneer for Governor Palin. He thought that with some time and more experience she could be the type of politician that he could support. She was not ready for the spotlight of a national campaign when John McCain selected her to be the VP choice. He had hoped that she would finish her term as Governor and move into getting different policy experience. (Job at a think-tank. Roving ambassador. Something.) Then she would be ready to more seriously campaign in 2012 or 2016.

That doesn’t appear to be plan now. Your Maximum Leader can’t get himself past one word now with Sarah Palin. That word is quitter. She is a quitter. Your Maximum Leader doesn’t care what the pressures are on her. She was elected to be the Governor of Alaska. She has a duty to serve out her term. If your Maximum Leader were an Alaskan citizen he’d be spitting mad. As it is, he is just done with Sarah Palin. (Not that he was ever with her in the way that so many are.) He can’t get past the quitting. Sure she’s been dealt a bad hand. The press loves to go after her and it would be hard to just “go back to being Governor.” But that is what she needed to do. Your Maximum Leader would be angry as hell if he were Palin given how her family is being mistreated in the press. But the solution is not to quit but to hunker down and do the best job you can as Governor and then move to the next stage of your career. If you can’t handle the horrible attacks on your person and family that comes with national politics, just finish your term and quietly fade away. Someone with half a brain should have told her that if she has any aspirations to higher office then she do the right thing - which she didn’t. Sorry Sarah, but your Maximum Leader doesn’t approve.

Thirdly… Your Maximum Leader’s beloved Washington Nationals Baseball Club are showing some signs of life and improvement. He thinks that they are better now than they were a few weeks ago. They still suffer from a crappy bullpen. But even there some minor improvements can be seen. He hopes that his predicition that the Nats will lose fewer than 90 games will come true… But it is likely that the Nats will be in the 95-105 loss category this year. That is an improvement over losing more than 120 and becoming (officially) the worst team in history…

Carry on.

Last weekend.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader has been meaning to write a little bit about his wonderful weekend with Mrs Villain. Alas, the minor flooding in the Villainschloss caused your Maximum Leader to write less than he wanted while taking care of the situation.


Last weekend your Maximum Leader and his loving wife, Mrs Villain, had a great visit to the Nemacolin Woodlands Resort and Spa. This visit was to celebrate your Maximum Leader’s 40th birthday and our anniversary. Let your Maximum Leader tell you that Nemacolin is one of his favorite places. The accomodations are great. The food is great. The people who work there are superlative. There are so many things to do there that you’ll never be bored. He cannot commend it to you all enough. If you can, you should visit.

So, your Maximum Leader and Mrs Villain arrived last Friday (mid-day). We settled into our room in the Chateau which was wonderful. (Mrs Villain booked rooms in the Lodge but thanks to a little Maximum Leaderly charm we got moved over to the Chateau.) Then we meandered over to the Shooting Academy.

Once we arrived at the Shooting Academy, we picked up our shotguns (Berretta 12 ga for your Maximum Leader and Berretta 20 ga for Mrs Villain) and went out and destroyed some clays. During a previous visit your Maximum Leader went after 100 clays and got 85 of them. He was hot that day. Alas, during this visit he was not as sharp. He did 50 clays this time and probably only got about 30. He had some real trouble at some of the stations. He didn’t hit one of the “mini” clays. (Which are, as the name suggests, about half the size of a regular clay and faster.) He also had trouble at the station with the “rabbits.” In case you do not know, when you shoot clays they are often released in a way that resembles the flight of an animal. Sometimes a pheasant, or pigeon, or even a rabbit. Your Maximum Leader had trouble picking up the rabbit as it skipped across his field of vision. It was disappointing. Perhaps it is a sign of age. Perhaps a sign of needing to check his eyeglass prescription.

After shooting clays we returned to the room and freshened up and dressed for dinner. We went to dinner at the one restaurant at the resort where we hadn’t eaten in our previous visits. We went to Aqueous. It is a steak and seafood place. We split a bowl of soup (a creamy mushroom soup that was a special that day) and some of their smoked salmon apetizer to get started. Then Mrs Villain had the Seasame Ahi Tuna (with shitake lo-mein, some tempura veggies, and yuzu). Your Maximum Leader had the New York Strip with a broiled lobster tail, with bearnase, aparagus, and their special Mac & Cheese.

Okay… Your Maximum Leader can absolutely hear Basil rolling his eyes from the midwest and declaring “Dear God! Mac & Cheese with dinner. What is Maxy now a four year old?” In his defence, your Maximum Leader wasn’t thinking of Mac & Cheese at first. But he remembered that during a previous visit he was told by a friend that the Mac & Cheese was fantastic and that if given the chance it should be gotten. Well… Your Maximum Leader can say for sure that this is the third best Mac & Cheese he’s ever had. The best is (of course) his own that he makes at the Villainschloss for the Villainettes upon request. The next best is the Mac & Cheese he’s had at both Nob Hill restaurants (the one in San Francisco and Las Vegas) The one at Aqueous was quite good. The chef used a mix of smoked cheeses that was very appetizing. So if you are dining at Aqueous, try the Mac & Cheese.

Oh yes… The view from our table across the golf course…
Clicken to embiggen in all cases…

The next day Mrs Villain awoke and got a spa treatment. Your Maximum Leader, not being much for spa treatments, went out for a little walk. He spoke to the tennis pro for a bit (about baseball actually) while passing by the lovely grass courts. Then your Maximum Leader went back to the room and waited for Mrs Villain to return. Upon her return we both went for a walk. We walked up to the menagerie and saw lions, elk, mountain goats, hyenas, and bison among others. In fact while we were walking by two of the bears decided to “get jiggy with it.” Photographic evidence:

The most interesting animal on the trip was the white Bison known as “Snowball.”

After our walk we got an early lunch and then spent a little time by the pool. Then we took a little trip. Mrs Villain, knowing your Maximum Leader’s love of baseball took him away to Pittsburgh for the Pirates/Royals game at PNC park. Your Maximum Leader hadn’t seen a baseball game at PNC (although he had seen games at the old Three Rivers). We had great seats.
And not only that! The Pirates won the game. (Woo hoo! Way to stick it to the American League!) It was a great experience. Your Maximum Leader was reminded of how great the Pirates fans are. They know their team. They know the game. They were a great group of people to mingle with.

Since you might be thinking it… Your Maximum Leader has visited a number of ballparks. In his mind the ranking of the best ballparks goes something like this: 1) Wrigley; 2) Fenway; (both of these are highly ranked due to their history and atmosphere - if not the amenities of the park itself) 3) PNC Park; 4) Camden Yards; and finally 5) Nationals Park. (Okay… Your Maximum Leader admits that Nats Park only makes the top five because he is a fan and loves his team. If push came to shove he’d say that AT&T park is probably nicer… But Nationals Park is right up there.)

After the game there were fireworks fired off barges in the Ohio river. That was great. Then we drove back to the resort.

On Sunday after a wonderful breakfast we checked out and went to visit some of the local historical sites. This was your Maximum Leader’s fourth or fifth visit to Nemacolin; and he’d never stopped to see some of the very historical sites that are within 5 miles of the resort.

Robbo… Are you paying attention to this? Your Maximum Leader was thinking of you during these visits.

We first went to the grave of Maj-Gen Edward Braddock. We walked down the remains of Braddock’s road to the site were Braddock was buried by George Washington.
Seen here with Mrs Villain’s gams:
Then we walked up the hill to the current gravesite.
Some details of the plaques on the monument:

Here is a view from a distance away. You can see the current monument to the left of the photo. Your Maximum Leader is standing in the remains of Braddock’s road looking down the hill towards the site where Braddock was first buried. If you look carefully you can see the ruts of the road in the grass. Look to the bottom of the photo and you’ll see two wooden beams. These beams mark where the ruts were before they paved the path. If you follow them into the darkness you can pick up the roadway.

(NB to all embiggening clickers: Sorry for the crappy quality of photos. We forgot the good camera and were reduced to using your Maximum Leader’s cell phone camera.)

After the Braddock grave site visit we drove on down the road to Fort Necessity. We looked through the visitor’s center and then walked out to the reconstruction of the fort itself.



Your Maximum Leader was surprised during his visit. The fort was about as big as he’d always pictured it in his mind. He also remembers reading a letter of Washington’s describing the construction and size of the fort. What surprised him was the size of the meadow in which the fort was located. The US Park Service is has been kind enough to mark where the tree line was in 1754. In many cases the trees were a lot closer to the fort than he’d imagined. Thus, the meadow didn’t seem all that big. The Wiki article linked above says that the tree line was within 100 yards of the fort. This is a little tidbit that your Maximum Leader never remembers reading. He visualized that the tree line was well further than 100 yards from the fort. While the trees are now more than 100 yards from the fort, they weren’t in 1754. Now seeing the site your Maximum Leader has a better understanding of why Washington’s physical position in the fort was untenable (especially considering the rain and lack of supplies). Your Maximum Leader wouldn’t want to try and defend that position from attack…


After visiting Ft Necessity your Maximum Leader and Mrs Villain returned home. It was a wonderful trip. Again, if you happen to be looking for a great place to spend a nice weekend, you should give Nemacolin and the Laurel Highlands of Pennsylvania a try.

Carry on.

Nats/Sawx contests

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader (while not working on restoring his iPod last night) watched the Washington Nationals/Boston Red Sox baseball game last night.


In what is becoming typical “Natinals” performance, the boys played close until they went to the bullpen.

Your Maximum Leader nearly placed a bet with his brother-in-law (a transplanted Bostoner and die-hard Sawx fan) that the “Natinals” would take one out of three games. Today, after seeing our bullpen performance, he isn’t sure he’d try to get a bet on a split of the final two games.

Also… Your Maximum Leader should say how distressed he was (yet unsurprised) at the crowds in Nationals Park last night. He was overjoyed to see 41,000 people in the park to watch the game. He was not so happy in the knowledge that probably 30,000 of them were rooting for the Sawx.

Indeed, your Maximum Leader believes that (once again) Tom Boswell summarizes his feelings about this series (and much of what goes on with the “Natinals” club) in his column in the WaPo today.

In hopes it will bring some better ju-ju to the team…
The Nat’s curly “W”
Go Nats!

Carry on.

Bad ju-ju coming this way.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader did a very bad thing yesterday. While talking baseball with a friend he was asked if Randy Johnson would gain his 300th win yesterday versus the Washington Nationals. Your Maximum Leader said that he felt Johnson would become a 300 game winner yesterday. The friend believed that the Nats would hold off the Giants, or at least force a no-decision for Johnson (as the Nats often play you close then lose when they go to the bullpen). We went back and forth on this for a little while.

Then it happened.

The “wanna lay a wager on that” was thrown down.

Your Maximum Leader, in a moment of pique, bet against his team. It was his standard bet, $1.

Every since your Maximum Leader has felt guilty. His guilt is now extended as the game was rained out last night and rescheduled for today.

This can only mean bad karma will come your Maximum Leader’s way.

Carry on.

We’re Number 29! Woo Hoo!

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader sees that his beloved Washington Nationals are no longer dead last in TV viewing numbers… They have moved from 30th to 29th and doubled the number of viewers in their market.

Woo hoo bay-bee! Watch out we’re gunning for 28th!

If you recall last year your Maximum Leader was amazed that the Nats were only garnering about 6,000 viewers per game. Between your Maximum Leader’s family and Robbo’s family that accounted for a fair number of those 6,000 viewers. Now it looks like the Nats are getting about 12,000 viewers per game.

Of course, if you gave everyone watching on TV a free ticket to the game (and still kept the crowd in the stadium) the Nats ballpark would still not sell out.

That is not too encouraging.

What is encouraging is that everyone seems to like Rob Dibble. Your Maximum Leader certainly does like Dibs in the booth giving the color commentary on the games. He is great.

Your Maximum Leader will likely hit his first Nats game of the year later this month. After school is out his schedule is much more flexible…

Carry on.

Mourning over

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is done mourning for the Washington Capitals’ season. After bearing witness with his own eyes to the horrible debacle that was Game 7 of the Easter Conference Semi-finals he now believes he can blog again. Frankly, he now believes he can get back on living. If the Caps had lost a close game the net affect on your Maximum Leader would not have been as bad as the beating they took at the hands of the Penguins. The Penguins totally schooled (skool’d?) the Capitals last week. Your Maximum Leader was all ready to mentally purge all the demons surrounding the Penguins in the post-season…

Well… Those demons are still alive and camped out in the part of your Maximum Leader’s consciousness that relates to hockey…


Your Maximum Leader will do his best to comment on some of the goings-on in the world. He’s got lots of thoughts he feels the need to share. If you are still reading this site at all… You might have the need to read those thoughts…

Then again… You might just be here to stick pins in the body and see if you get a reaction. Well… Feel free to stick pins… Your Maximum Leader is back and will be more responsive to pins.

Carry on.

Lets Go Caps…

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader gives you all that old refrain… Were it not for the playoff hockey and family responsibilities he’d be blogging more… Blah… Blah… Blah… Yadda… Yadda… Yadda…

(NB: Would your Maximum Leader yadda… yadda… sex? Or thievery? Heh. For him to know and all that business…)


As you can tell from the subject line of this post, your Maximum Leader’s beloved Washington Capitals are still alive in the Eastern Conference Semi-finals. Its been a damned close-run thing however. Your Maximum Leader and his whole family (minus the Wee Villain who was asleep) were watching the game last night. When the Pens tied it up and sent the game to OT your Maximum Leader felt a lump in his gut. He kept a brave face up and tried to cheer up his girls who had the same feeling apparently; but were not nearly so good at keeping it in. They immediately thought the worst. Their dear ole dad reminded them that they play the games for a reason and that the Caps were due. And due they were. OT goal sending the series back to DC for the decisive game 7.

Your Maximum Leader will be there tomorrow night. It is yet undetermined which of his two lovely daughters will be coming with him. That is likely to be hashed (hatched?) out tonight at dinner. He might have to restrain them both lest it come to blows.


Your Maximum Leader is hoping the Caps can put away the Pens tomorrow night and advance to the Eastern Conference finals.

Lets go Caps!

Carry on.

Lost my hat

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader has been spending his free time fixing up the Villainschloss, being a dad to his offspring and watching hockey playoffs.

Last night he was at Game 2 of the Capitals/Penguins contest.

All he can say is “wow.” What a game. Sure he got quite aggrevated because it seemed as though the refs were determined not to call the Penguins for anything… But that aside your Maximum Leader saw something he’d never seen (in person) in nearly 30 years of watching hockey.

He’d never seen a playoff hat trick in person. Now he has seen two. Alex Ovechkin scored three. So did Sidney Crosby. To be perfectly honest your Maximum Leader didn’t realize that Crosby had scored a hat trick until he was in the Villainmobile heading back home. He was (wrongly) under the impression that another Pens player scored their second goal. At the time he couldn’t seen the action clearly on the ice and he couldn’t hear the announcement over the crowd noise.

The Caps, although up 2-0 in the series, haven’t looked like the better team on the ice. They allow too many turnovers and too many unscreened shots on goal. The Caps have been getting the lucky breaks as well as benefiting from a rookie goalie who has been playing way above expectations.

Your Maximum Leader, like the players, needs a day off from hockey to recouperate his voice and get ready for the next game.

Carry on.

Opening Day - in Washadelphia

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader needs to get cracking on ham blogging. Yup. He cooked up his Smithfield ham from Darden’s Country Store over the weekend. He doesn’t want to give away too many details… But it was really really good. You’ll all get some photos and commentary coming up…

Well… Today is baseball’s opening day in Washington DC. Your Maximum Leader’s beloved Nats are opening against the Philadelphia Phillies today in a few hours. He is expecting the ballpark to be filled with Phillies Phans. Especially since the “Mayor of Natstown” - Stan Kasten - encouraged Philly Phans to come to DC to catch the game. Did your Maximum Leader mention that Kasten did this on the radio in Philly? Oh yeah. That was a smart move.

Well… Your Maximum Leader shouldn’t complain too much he supposes. After all, as of today the Nats are on pace to drop 162 games this season. Your Maximum Leader is already beginning to second-guess his prediction that the Nats will not lose 100 or more games this season…

Well… Although he will not be in the stands… Your Maximum Leader wishes the Nationals a victory today.

Go Nats.
The Nat’s curly “W”

Carry on.

Nats tied with Philly in standings!

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader wasn’t one of the 6 to 10 thousand people watching the Nats season opener on TV. He was listening on the radio while attending Villainette #2’s soccer game. (NB to the Nationals Media people: Could you please find a partner to broadcast your games in Fredericksburg? It is nearly impossible to get any of the DC sports stations on AM or FM down here. Your Maximum Leader doesn’t want to have to buy XM/Sirius just to get a few games a year…)

So… That was painful. The game that is… In case you aren’t tracking this (and it is likely that only Robbo and I are) the Nats lost 6-12 to the Florida Marlins.

What is the good news in this drubbing? Here it is: there are 161 games left in the season; the Nats are tied with Philly at the bottom of the NL East.

There might also be one more bit of good news… According to the great Thomas Boswell, the one significant veteran player on the team looks like he might try and provide a leadership focus for the team.

It can only get better from here.

The Nat’s curly “W”

Carry on.

Opening Day.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader supposes that today is really opening “day” and the Phillies/Braves game was opening “night.” Of course, opening day here in the Washington DC area isn’t until April 13th…

Let the baseball begin!

Predictions from your Maximum Leader… (Baseball predictions that is…)

The Washington Nationals will finish in last place in the NL East. The Washington Nationals will not lose 100 or more games. The Washington Nationals will split their interleague series (phah! interleague play is an abomination, but appears to be here to stay) against the Baltimore Orioles. New Nat Adam Dunn will hit 38 home runs this year and have 98 RBI.

Other baseball predictions…
NL East Winner - Philadelphia Phillies
NL Central Winner - Chicago Cubs
NL West Winner - LA Dodgers
AL East Winner - Boston Red Sox
AL Central Winner - Cleveland Indians
AL West Winner - LA Angels
NL Winner - Chicago Cubs
AL Winner - Boston Red Sox
World Series Winner - Chicago Cubs

Go to Vegas. Place your bets. Be assured to lose most of your money because that is how Vegas stays in business. But while you are there gamble some more, have a few nice meals, take in a show…

Here are some Washington baseball memories for your viewing pleasure:

The Big Train pitching:

Opening Day in 1957 & 1959 (see Vice President Nixon!):

George W. Bush throws out first pitch last year:

Enjoy yourselves…

Carry on.

UPDATE FROM YOUR MAXIMUM LEADER: You should go and check out Robbo’s Washington Nats predictions. Your Maximum Leader particuarly likes the prediction about Teddy winning a president’s race. Your Maximum Leader doesn’t think it will happen this year. Teddy winning will occur during the first home playoff game…

Also, you can tell that Robbo is a true fan. He is looking through his rose-colored glasses and predicting a third place finish for the Nats in the NL East. Your Maximum Leader, who lost his rose-colored glasses years ago, can’t see that. He can see a possible strong fourth place finish - with the Marlins in the basement; but can’t see how the Nats will surpass the Braves or the Phillies. No need to worry about the Mets who will cruise through the summer in first place in the NL East and self-destruct by September and have to settle for second or third…

Carry on.

Nasty Boy to DC.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader sees that Nasty Boy Rob Dibble has joined the MASN Sports Net team broadcasting the Washington Nationals on TV.

Your Maximum Leader has always liked Rob Dibble. One wonders what brought him to DC? You know only a few thousand people watch the Nats on TV… One hopes Dibs will change all that…

Carry on.

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