Nats sweep Reds

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader took his lovely daughters to the Washington Nationals v. Cincinnati Reds ballgame last night. The Nats beat the Reds 7-3 completing a three game sweep at RFK Stadium. It was Walter Johnson Night at the ballpark, and while the Nats’ Mike Bacsik didn’t look like Walter Johnson on the mound — Bacsik got the job done with the help of some good offense. Bacsik also helped his own cause with a nice double in the 4th that put him in a position to score later on a Belliard double later in the inning.

All in all it was a nice night at the ballpark. The worst part of the night was the drive home. Two (of three) lanes on 395 heading southbound to VA were closed for road work. Thus, your Maximum Leader took nearly an hour to just leave the District — a trip that might normally take 3-5 minutes in clear conditions.

Carry on.

Big Train plus 100

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader’s last post talked about Walter Johnson’s major league debut. In it he mentioned that he would like to see some footage of the Big Train pitching… Well… Thanks to the glories of You Tube he has this clip from “Baseball” by Ken Burns.

Sadly, your Maximum Leader must admit that he hasn’t seen all of the Burns film…

Your Maximum Leader is tipping his bejeweled floppy cap in memory of Walter Johnson.

Carry on.

Big Train.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is a baseball fan. He is a National League man, and now a fan of the Washington Nationals. (After many years of being an Atlanta Braves fan… You can only really be a fan for one team you know.) Your Maximum Leader also likes his history. He has, only in the past 5-10 years, become a fan of baseball history. He has always had a great admiration for Ty Cobb as a ball player. He’s also admired famed Senator’s pitcher Walter Johnson.

Your Maximum Leader was glad to see in today’s Washington Post a piece about the impending 100th anniversary of Johnson’s debut for the Senators. (That day was August 2, 1907.) Your Maximum Leader will share an excerpt from the Post piece that he particularly liked:

Ty Cobb later recounted the moment in his autobiography. “On Aug. 2, 1907, I encountered the most threatening sight I ever saw on a ballfield.”

Yet early that day, Cobb and the rest of the Detroit Tigers didn’t think much of Johnson as he warmed up for the second half of a doubleheader. The kid from Kansas was 19, had been pitching in a place called Weiser, Idaho, and was being rushed into the rotation of a last-place club by Manager Joe Cantillon. He had an unorthodox, slinging motion in which the ball seemed to come from behind his body. Cobb recalled that “we licked our lips” at the prospect of facing him.

“One of the Tigers imitated a cow mooing and we hollered at Cantillon: ‘Get the pitchfork ready, Joe — your hayseed’s on his way back to the barn,’ ” Cobb wrote.

They were wrong. Johnson didn’t win that day, leaving after eight innings in which he allowed six hits — three of them infield scratches — and two runs. When he was lifted for a pinch hitter in the eighth, he was headed for the first of his 279 losses. But he had left his mark.

J. Ed Grillo, covering the game for The Post, wrote: “Walter Johnson, the Idaho phenom, who made his debut in fast company yesterday, showed conclusively that he is perhaps the most promising young pitcher who has broken into a major league in recent years. . . . He had terrific speed, and the hard-hitting Detroit batsmen found him about as troublesome as any pitcher they have gone against on this present trip.”

Indeed, the Tigers were wowed. They were on their way to the American League pennant and had a fearsome lineup. But after they swept the doubleheader by beating Johnson in that second game, they knew they had seen a man who would be a rival for years.

“I watched him take that easy windup — and then something went past me that made me flinch,” Cobb said. “I hardly saw the pitch, but I heard it. The thing just hissed with danger. Every one of us knew we’d met the most powerful arm ever turned loose in a ballpark.”

That is a powerful endorsement from Cobb. “The most powerful arm ever turned loose in a ballpark.” Your Maximum Leader would love to find some film (if any exists) of Johnson pitching. He’d love to look over it and see the most powerful arm to throw a ball…

Your Maximum Leader might try and make it down to RFK to see the Nats play on “Walter Johnson Night.” The team will wear replica 1927 Senators caps in tribute to the man they called the Big Train.

Carry on.

Weaponized Bunny

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader was wasting time on You Tube and found this…

Okay… Perhaps the title of “Weaponizing a Big-Arsed Bunny” was the best part. But it did make your Maximum Leader laugh.

Carry on.

Flaming Pianos

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader just loves seeing things flying through the air. Especially if those things flying through the air are on fire.

In this vein, your Maximum Leader presents: Rich English Guy and his Trebuchet.

Your Maximum Leader wonders if the gun he used to “make a cable hole” in the car was a Purdey. He wouldn’t be surprised if it were.

Damn… Your Maximum Leader would love to have a Purdey side by side. Failing to get one of those, a Holland and Holland would do.

Carry on.

A man named Bear.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader has made it a habit of reading the sports blog “Kissing Suzy Kolber” every day. A recent post by Big Daddy Drew concerning the Minnesota Vikings coaching job made your Maximum Leader laugh so hard he nearly had to go to the bathroom. Drew’s choice for the job, Discovery Channel’s Bear Gryllis, star of Man vs Wild.

Your Maximum Leader caught one episode of Man vs Wild a little while ago. He will likely try to see more. In addition to all the cool things Drew says about Bear Gryllis, your Maximum Leader will add one item… Gryllis has a son named Marmaduke. Very cool.

Carry on.

Ask and ye shall recieve…

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader isn’t sure if he should take credit, or give credit for this story.

Yesterday, your Maximum Leader agreed with the Irish Elk that there needed to be more fighting in hockey…

Last night is the Sabres v. Senators game… 163 penalty minutes doled out for fighting

Beauty, eh?

Okay… Okay… This isn’t exactly the type of fight your Maximum Leader or the Irish Elk (if your Maximum Leader may presume to speak for him) were talking about. Your Maximum Leader is all for have some “enforcers” out on the ice from time to time to “clear the ice” for your star players to be star players. In one of the linked articles (in the previous post) Rob Simpson (of the Netminders blog) provides some good thoughts and a good anecdote on the subect. It goes:

Instigator rule when Gretzky ruled the ice!? Ahhh no. When Gretzky was piling up points at an unheard of rate, he had a Mr. Dave Semenko on his wing, and later a Mr. Marty McSorley on his wing, to “create some room on the ice” for Mr. Gretzky. Cheap shot Wayner… hello Mr. Semenko. Think that was a deterrent. Yes, yes, yes. Mr. Semenko could dish out justice whenever necessary because there was no instigator penalty. A fight was a fight… and usually justified. If the heavyweights wanted to “go” for some entertainment or to get the team going, no instigator. Wayner doesn’t break the records, Wayner’s possibly not the “Great One”, if Wayner doesn’t have protection. Anyone who thinks he would have skated around unscathed without protection is living in a absolute fantasy world. He wasn’t Howe, a guy who provided his own protection. Toughest guy/leading scorer combo’s (as the same guy) are extremely rare. If every leading scorer was also the most intimidating guy on the ice, then I guess the instigator rule wouldn’t matter.

Kevin Paul Dupont recently told a story in one of his columns about former NHLer Tom Laidlaw (I think it was Laidlaw) who told a good Semenko story. (paraphrasing) Laidlaw hit Gretzky. Gretzky went down. Semenko came off the bench moments later and said to Tom “you’re not planning on doing that again are you Tom?”. Laidlaw, said, “umm, no, I think that’s it.” A story which shows an example of “creating room on the ice”; a dormant, formerly common, term in hockey.

For those of you not familiar with the “instigator” rule, it is essentially a recent rule added to hockey that calls for increasing penalty time followed by game suspensions for players who “instigate” fights.

Insofar as your Maximum Leader is concerned, there is a place for fighting in hockey. Unfortunately, the Commissioner and NHL Board of Governor don’t seem to agree.

Carry on.

Sickness, Olde Tyme Hockey, & Stuff

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is under all sorts of pressure right now. The Wee Villain is not well. He has a nasty illness and we’ve now discovered that he is likely allergic to the medicine he’s been given. Not lots of fun. As you can imagine, your Maximum Leader has little time to blog today.

But before he goes…

Let him commend to you this post over at Irish Elk. Your Maximum Leader agrees with the sentiment. Sometimes a good fight is what you need in hockey to show that you can’t be pushed around. It is part of the game and should be. Your Maximum Leader happens to like the old “Canadian” style game a little better than the “International” game. Plus, your Maximum Leader would like to see more clips of Don Cherry narrating fights saying “Look here. Two guys mixing it up a little. Nothing wrong with that.”

Did you see the squid gigante that those fishermen caught the other day? Did ya? It is cool. Here is a linky link.

Also… Have you been following the breakdown of the Italian government? Your Maximum Leader has. You know, he ought to try and learn italian so that he can read the papers over there and find out more about what is going on. Until then, he’ll have to settle for the news wires. Frankly, your Maximum Leader hopes for the most unlikely outcome - which is new elections. It is more likely that Romano Prodi will form a new coalition government with mostly left-center parties. He might jettison some of his hard-left supports and tryand woo some right-center groups to join the coalition.

But elections would be cooler…

Your Maximum Leader will report, sadly, that the dreamy Jennifer Love Hewitt did not accept your Maximum Leader’s invitation to dinner yesterday to celebrate her birthday. It is probably just as well since the Wee Villain wasn’t up to snuff… But she was kind enough to do an interview with CNN in which she said she’d like to be a dork… Jennifer, Love, be sure your Maximum Leader likes you just the way you are.

And finally… One last call for bloggers/people in the greater DC area who might want to see the play Richard III with your Maximum Leader… Contact your Maximum Leader if you’re interested…

Carry on.

Auto Show

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader doesn’t have a lot of time today. He is going to the Washington DC Auto Show today. Then heading out to dinner. Then going to the University of Maryland v. Georgia Tech basketball game.

Not much time to opine on the State of the Union Address or the Democratic response. Perhaps tomorrow…

In the meanwhile… Melt your pennies and make a buck.

If you melt enough pennies you may be able to afford a 77 square foot flat in Knightsbridge for a meagre $335,000 (US).

Of course, if you move to Knightsbridge, there will be no reason for you to celebrate that John Kerry has decided not to run for President in 2008. One supposes the field was a little too crowded for his taste.

Carry on.


Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader’s alma mater doesn’t field a football team. Among the very few regrets your Maximum Leader has about college (and he doesn’t have many in fact) is that the only experienced the fun of college football as a second-hand observer.

As an observer, as it were, he’s rooted consistently for Virginia Tech in football. Mrs. Villain attended VT, so did her sister, so did one of your Maximum Leader’s best friends (and sometimes author here - the Air Marshal). And of course there is your Maximum Leader’s sainted father, also a Tech alum. Hokie football is a constant fall pursuit at the Villainschloss.

Although a poor start and many off-field antics hampered Tech’s start, they did finish strong. Indeed, your Maximum Leader thinks that Tech probably should have been playing for the ACC championship… But those are the breaks… Regardless of their overall standing in the ACC, they have been invited to the Chick-fil-A Bowl. There th Hokies will be combating the Dawgs of Georgia for the Chick-fil-A Bowl championship - such as it is.

Your Maximum Leader and Mrs Villain will not be attending the bowl game - although we have both indicated that we would like to attend some future bowl game. (Your Maximum Leader and the Air Marshal did attend one Bowl game years ago… The Outback Steakhouse Gator Bowl. The Hokies were defeated by the Tennessee Volunteers in a game that was Peyton Manning’s “comming out” party. Ever since then your Maximum Leader has disliked the Vols and Peyton Manning…

In other bowl game news… It seems as though the Florida Gators will get a shot at defeating Ohio State for the National Championship. Your Maximum Leader thinks that Ohio State will trounce the Gators… In fact, your Maximum Leader generally dislikes Florida schools so he will likely be rooting for the Buckeyes against the Gators. Your Maximum Leader is pleased that the Wolverines of Michigan will not be playing the Buckeyes again for the National Championship. Given the way the current system works (or doesn’t work) he didn’t think that the Wolverines should be given another shot.

And while he’s speaking of college football… Ladies and Gentlemen… Although they will not be playing in any bowl game… The Harvard Fight Song:

Fight fiercely, Harvard, fight, fight, fight!
Demonstrate to them our skill.
Albeit they possess the might,
Nonetheless we have the will.

How we will celebrate our victory,
We shall invite the whole team up for tea. (How jolly!)
Hurl that spheroid down the field,
And fight, fight, fight!

Fight fiercely, Harvard, fight, fight, fight!
Impress them with our prowess, do!
Oh, fellas, do not let the crimson down,
Be of stout heart and true.

Come on, chaps, fight for Harvard’s glorious name!
Won’t it be peachy if we win the game? (Oh, goody!)
Let’s try not to injure them,
But fight, fight, fight!
Let’s not be rough, though!
Fight, fight, fight!
And do fight fiercely!
Fight, fight, fight!

Your Maximum Leader tried to find an mp3/4 of the song, but a quick search didn’t turn one up… Sorry…

Carry on.

St Louis. Congrats times two…

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader was standing up in that little cramped “bar” area of Sardi’s in New York last friday night watching the St. Louis Cardinals win the World Series. It made him feel good. As a National League man he was happy to see the real league pull one out against those poseurs in the American League (with their emphasis on the long ball and that silly designated hitter thingie).

So congratulations St. Louis… You’ve won the World Series. Now presumably many of the players are going to Disneyland… If only to escape the rampant crime in St. Louis.

Okay… Sad joke… Made sadder in that it’s been told before by a much more clever writer.

Your Maximum Leader will wager you something… St. Louis will not be at the top of that list next year… Because the way they report crime statistics will change dramatically…

Carry on.

2-1, St. Louis & a neat quiz

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is sure that by now you have all heard that the St. Louis Cardinals have taken a 2 games to 1 lead over the Detroit Tigers in the World Series. Your Maximum Leader can’t say as he’s displeased by this, being a National League man and all. With Jeff Suppan going on the mound for the Cardinals tonight, the Tigers are going to have to start pulling out some offense if they want to “get back” in the series.

It is interesting how a few short days ago everyone (and by everyone your Maximum Leader means sportswriters and those guys who always talk sports) was sure that the Tigers were going to quickly vanquish the Cards. Your Maximum Leader happened to mention to his lovely wife how he thought that the Cards might (just might) be a little less beat up and more motivated than people thought. Your Maximum Leader also believed that the Tigers were not well served by quickly winning the American League. The long layoff may have turned out to hurt the Tigers. Momentum they had built up by defeating the (hated) Yankees and the A’s would likely have dissipated (nay - disappeared) in the week they waited for the NL Champion to be crowned.

If the Cardinals do wind up winning the World Series; your Maximum Leader suspects that the long layoff can be blamed for silencing the Tigers’ bats. Your Maximum Leader is looking forward to Game 4 tonight. It should be a good one.

Just before this post wraps up…

Do you think you know baseball?

Do you think you could do a better job calling plays than the umpire behind the plate?

Do you think you have what it takes to call the balls and strikes and fouls?

Well… Try out this quiz and test your knowledge of baseball rules. It is an on-line (multiple choice) version of “You Make The Call.”

The best your Maximum Leader has done on a randomly generated 10 question quiz is 7 of 10. (In case you were wondering.)

Carry on.

World Series & one football comment

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is preparing to watch game tree of the 2006 World Series. As you may recall, your Maximum Leader is a huge baseball fan. It is with some anticipation and sadness that he anxiously watches the World Series. He is anticipating the result and knowing which team will reach the top of the proverbial greasy pole. But, some sadness is within him as he knows that he’ll now have to wait for next year.


Your Maximum Leader is, and always has been, a National League man. He loves the National League game. And, traditionalist that he is, he likes the fact that if you play in the field you have to bat; and if you bat you have to play in the field.

As a fan of the National League, he is rooting for the Cardinals. He has seen games in St. Louis (at the old stadium). The Cards are an old and storied franchise who deserve a win.

But, he is drawn to the appeal of the Detroit Tigers. A team that a few years ago (okay, last year) was so miserable that to have suggested then that they would now be competing (and favored) for the title of World Champions would have gotten you laughed at. (Or mugged if you were actually in Detroit.)

Of course, one of your Maximum Leader’s favorite players (Ty Cobb) was a Tiger. So that is draws him towards Detroit. Your Maximum Leader also wonders if the Tigers could be made a metaphor for their city. Could people rally around the Tigers and work to make a better Detroit?

Okay… Your Maximum Leader was caught up there in a moment of complete delusion…

Regardless of which team wins, he hopes for a long and hard faught series.

Hard won series - without cheating (yes, your Maximum Leader means you Kenny Rogers).

And one more thing… Tony Romo isn’t all that good.

Carry on.

Housekeeping 10/23/06 Edition

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader returns to his blog. If any of you are out there and still reading - well thanks… You remain near and dear to your Maximum Leader’s heart. (For you know that he blogs for you…) If you know of minions who stopped reading for some mad reason - well… Tell them that they need to start again…

For those of you who care… Your Maximum Leader had a great time last week at his formal ball. It allowed your Maximum Leader to dress up in his tuxedo and look all dapper. Mrs. Villain was all bedecked in cocktail dress, pearls, and designer handbag. We were quite a site. The pre-ball party was a hit. (Your Maximum Leader had some guests over for dinner before the ball.) As you always should at a function like this, your Maximum Leader prepared enough food for about twice as many people as actually attended. Which was good as he lived off the leftovers all weekend. (Nothing quite like nibbling on prime rib and pork tenderloin for three days.)


Your Maximum Leader should inform you all that he will be gone for while this week as well. Depending on how things shake out he will be going to New York City on Thursday or Friday of this week. He’ll be staying for the weekend. Returning to the Villainschloss late on Sunday. Mrs Villain will join him for Friday through Sunday. It will be your Maximum Leader’s first trip to NYC since 2000. It will be Mrs. Villain’s first trip ever to the Big Apple.

It goes without saying that there will be no blogging during the trip… At this point our schedule on Saturday is somewhat flexible. We will likely go to the Met for a while. Mrs. Villain would like to go downtown and see the World Trade Center site. On some level your Maximum Leader does too. We’ll have to see how things work out.

Meals are planned. Lunch at Barney’s. Breakfast at Norma’s. Dinner at Felidia’s. Broadway play (Martin Short’s play - only one we could agree upon) followed by trip to a deli…

If you have any suggestions on things your Maximum Leader should take in while there - feel free to shoot him an e-mail.

In other news…

How about that Pittsburgh v. Atlanta game yesterday? Wow! What a contest. It was riveting football. Your Maximum Leader, who didn’t really care who won really, hardly left the sofa the game was so good. Frankly, the Philly v. Tampa Bay game was also excellent. It was hard to choose which to watch…

Anyhoo… Monday Night Football tonight… More baseball tomorrow…

Carry on.

Football Weekend

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