
Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader reads on the news wire that heroin users are being warned by public health authorities that a significant amount of the US heroin supply has been tainted. Yes… Tainted. Tainted with fentanyl, a powerful narcotic, which according to the article is 40 to 100 times stronger than morphine.

What? We’re warning heroin users that their drug of choice, a drug that could kill them through a number of side effects, has been tampered with and could kill them…


Wouldn’t it be better if we just let them use the tainted stuff and die? Wouldn’t the long-term health-care/law enforcement costs to society be lowered as a result of a few hundred (or a few thousand?) heroin users just killing themselves with bad stuff? Doesn’t it seem weird that “the government” is warning people who consume an ilicit substance that the substance in question isn’t safe for consumption? Is it all just a conspiracy to have heroin addicts move to a domestic product like crystal meth?

Your Maximum Leader doesn’t know the answers to those questions he poses (hetorically). But he does know he wouldn’t be putting out any warnings.

Carry on.

Decline and fall of Western Civilization, Pt CLXV

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader sees that there is a photo circulating around Albert Gore’s internets that purportedly shows a duck x-ray with a strange anomaly. The photo, sure enough, looks like a duck’s x-ray. But in the area of the duck’s stomach there is a strange image that appears to be the face of a space alien.

At least this is what is being purported… Yes… The story is that a duck (an injured duck by the way - broken wing you know) ate a space alien…

For your viewing pleasure, here is the photo (courtesy of Yahoo).

Your Maximum Leader doesn’t know what to think about this image and story. But he will share a few stream-of-conciousness ideas on this subject anyho… 1) The duck probably ate some weird seed that caused the image. 2) People are stupid. 3) If the duck really did eat the space alien what should we care - afterall if the alien couldn’t defend itself from a (wounded) duck we humans have nothing to fear.

Carry on.

Titan Arum

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader advises you to go and visit the Berlin Botanical Gardens to witness the multiple blooming of their Titan Arum specimen. Well… Go if you are in the Berlin area at least.

As long-time readers know, the Titan Arum is the offical flower of Naked Villainy, your Maximum Leader, and the Mike World Order (MWO). Know for the stench of rotting flesh it emits when blooming, this tropical flower is also pretty phallic.


Carry on.

Laser Directed Fire

This is pretty cool… in a hawkish kind of way. Laser directed fire on insurgents(?) in Mosul.

ooooohhhhhh look at the pretty green lights! (its about 3.6 MBs)


Back to the trenches

Science Question

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader has a science question for you. (No Googling!)

Chocolate milk. Suspension or solution?

You Maximum Leader says suspension. Mrs Villain says solution with very low saturation point.

Discuss and comment please.

Carry on.

Ted & The Cutting Edge

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader wonders sometimes how Ted finds some of the stuff he does.

Case in point: teledildonics.

(Or if you like you can read the article that prompted Ted’s comments here.)

Humm… Sex toys one attaches to oneself but that are controlled by someone else over the internet… One supposes that a dial-up connection could cause serious physical harm…

Carry on.

Capsaicin Causes Cell Suicide

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader wonders about the construction of the first sentence in this Reuters article. Here goes:

Capsaicin, which makes peppers hot, can cause prostate cancer cells to kill themselves, U.S. and Japanese researchers said on Wednesday.
Capsaicin led 80 percent of human prostate cancer cells growing in mice to commit suicide in a process known as apoptosis, the researchers said.

Okay… Your Maximum Leader gave you the first two sentences. Cell suicide? Your Maximum Leader doesn’t remember cell suicide from biology? According to the (very authoritative - ahem) Wikipedia apoptosis is sort of like a cell suicide. According to this NIH site apoptosis is more like normal “cell death.”

So, Capsaicin appears to cause prostate cancer cells to want to die… They really can’t manage the hot foods one supposes. Of course, one might also wonder if there is a lower rate of rostate cancer among populations that eat more hot peppers (or food prepared with hot peppers) than in those countries with bland food. Your Maximum Leader suggests a study of Mexicans and Norweigians… It would be a veritable smackdown pitting tamales against lutefisk

Carry on.

Nothing Says Comfort…

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader knows a thing or two about comfort. Indeed, he has been known to indulge himself in a little comfortable soaking in a hot tub once and a while.

Perhaps that will change.

A recent study says that hot tubs or whirlpool baths are just rife with gagillions of deadly bacteria. And you know nothing says comfort quite like aerosol transmission of fecal derived bacteria… Let that thought sink in for a second. Those warm vapors rising out of the bubbly surface of your hot tub and being breathed deep into your lungs are likely laced with some schmoe’s shit. (Hey! You might be that schmoe yourself…) Beauty, eh?

It is stuff like this that makes your Maximum Leader thankful for Clorox.

Carry on.

Science Question

Why do things hurt more when it is cold?

Calm Down

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader reads off the wire that having full sexual intercourse before giving a public speech will calm one’s nerves.

Since blogging is a type of public speaking he will resolve to have full sexual intercourse before typing every post.

It can’t hurt…

Carry on.

The Fertile Irish

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader, contrary to the sometimes exhortations of the Smallholder, is quite facinated with studies of genetics. He remembers a number of scientific papers which came out over the past few years on the tracing of the “Cohen” gene among jews - and how that gene found its way into a remote primative tribe in southern Africa. Very interesting stuff. And one should mention the genetic studies that link Thomas Jefferson with Sally Hemmings. Also very interesting.

Well… This article is very interesting as well. Niall of the Nine Hostages (which by the way is one hell of a cool moniker - it may not be quite as cool as Abdul the Damned - but it is quite cool) appears to be the biological father of his country. One in twelve Irishmen could be related to Niall of the Nine Hostages. 1 in 12!

According to the piece the decendants of Niall of the Nine Hostages are part of the “Ui Neill” dynasty. The family names included in the dynasty appear to be Gallagher, Boyle, O’Donnell and O’Doherty. One wonders if O’Neills” might also be part of this group.

Hummm… Could Stotch (McStotch?) also be part of the “Ui Neill” dynasty? The world wonders.

Carry on.

Harnessing Private Enterprise

The X-Prize was an awesome way to encourage private companies’ exploration of techonoligies for low-cost space exploration.

Environmentalists like to promote solar power, but solar power’s expense, unreliability, and low output have made it a loser in the marketplace.

If ever elected to the Senate, I will introduce the Smallholder Solar Prize Bill to my colleagues. It will simply establish a billion dollar prize for the first company to develop a reliable cheap, powerful solar technology. The standard would be something like producing an average of x watts per day over a year of variable weather at a cost of lower than $y per watt.

For The Maximum Leader

Loyal Minions of Naked Villainy know that one of our favorite topics is artificial insemination. Okay, it is one of my favorite topics:

Bonnie Lass Bonnie
Norweigen Red genetics
Grass fed dairyin’

So much cow data
Focus: fertility, long teats
Excellent love match

Bonnie is pregnant
Frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!
Smallholder’s herd grows

Today we have a story involving artificial pollination.

Plus, the story involves the Maximum Leader’s stinky favorit plant, the Titan Arum. (I’m too lazy to provide a link to his paeons to the smelly flower. He can feel free to add a link if he is so moved)

The Vatican Rag

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader, using his keen spider sense, notices that we’ve gone a few days without an Intelligent Design/Evolution/Science Curriculum frackas.

So, here is a little gas for the embers:

Vatican Official Refutes Intelligent Design.

Debate away.

Carry on.

Pandas and People

At the heart of the Dover controversy is the statement’s referral of the students to the library’s “reference” books “Of Pandas and People” (the book donated to the school after a creationist, school board member solicited his Baptist congregation, collected the money, and then tried to obscure it’s orgins, lying in a deposition).

Pandas was written by a creationist too.

Intelligent design people argue that respected scientists disagree. Wrong. No respected scientist accepts ID because it is not science.

Intelligent design people argue that a spirit of free inquiry requires that students be exposed to ID. The spirit of free inquiry requires intellectual honesty and actual examination of facts. Pandas and People fails on both counts. Educators ought not to refer students to erroneous and misleading sources.

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