
Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is deep in prayer today for the souls of many departed. As readers probably already know, Robert’s (of the Llamabutchers) father passed last night after a long bout with cancer. Please keep Robert, his father and family in your thoughts.

Also, the father of one of Villainette #1’s friends died suddenly of a heart attack yesterday. I knew the man only casually, but can still say it is a tragic loss. He was 47. He leaves behind a loving wife and three children (one in high school, one in middle school, and one in 4th grade).

It is a very sad day.

Carry on.

Anna Nicole Smith - RIP

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is sure that by now you have heard of the passing of Anna Nicole Smith. Your Maximum Leader, humanitarian that he is, wondered immediately about Smith’s infant daughter and what would happen to her. Whatever it is, it is surely not going to be pleasant.

Although it might seem churlish, it would seem as though Smith’s story is at an end. You may recall that once while guest blogging over at Agent Bedhead’s site, your Maximum Leader wrote a cautionary tale about Smith and the dreamy Jennifer Love Hewitt. In that post your Maximum Leader wrote:

What does the future hold for Anna Nicole Smith? Well, it doesn‚Äö?Ñ?Â¥t appear to hold money from J. Howard Marshall. Our white trash heroine picked an idiot lawyer and seems to have lost all her cash. Anna’s weight is down and she has resumed respectable modeling. But we all know that the greased pole, disco lights, and overpriced watered-down drinks are just a fifth of Southern Comfort and a few pills away. She may yet return to her trailer park roots…

Apparently the trailer park is not in her future any more… Who’d have thought then that Anna Nicole would have appealed her court case to the Supreme Court of the United States - and won. Who could have predicted her son’s death at age 20? And now, her own death. Sad really…

All of this is just sad…

But before too long it will make a great TV movie.

Carry on.

RIP Bar, Hub and Stub

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader wants to note the passing of some important figures this week.

The first is champion race horse Barbaro. As you have no doubt heard, Kentucky Derby winner Barbaro was put down yesterday. Your Maximum Leader did not really bond with this horse. While he was intellectually disappointed that the horse lost his battle for survival after a brutal broken leg; he can’t say that he is emotionally torn up over this. It is, if anything, a testament to the improvements in veterinary medicine that Barbaro wasn’t put down 8 months ago when the leg was broken at the Preakness. It is sad to see such a beautiful animal’s life cut short, but your Maximum Leader isn’t going to shed tears over the horse’s passing.

After 16 years of faithful service to astronomers around the world, it appears as though the Hubble Space Telescope is dead. At least the primary optics and optical controls are dead. There are secondary systems that appear to function, but who knows how long that will last. Your Maximum Leader is a little dismayed by this. Again, intellectually he isn’t all torn up about it. Afterall, the Hubble is 16 years old. As your Maximum Leader understands it, the telescope was designed to operate for 5 years. By that standard the past 11 years have been gravy for scientists. Your Maximum Leader doubts that NASA will send the shuttle up for another repair mission. It is probably time for a new telescope. It will take some time to design, build, test, and launch. The benefits to human understanding that flow from a space telescope are worth the time and treasure.

And finally, au revoir to public smoking in France. Well actually, smoking in public places or on the property of public buildings is going to be banned on Thursday. The French will still be allowed to smoke outside, in their homes, or in places that approximate homes - like hotels. What will happen to our stereotypcal Frenchman sitting in a cafe, sipping his coffee and smoking a Gauloise? Well… If your mental picture of the Frenchman has that virtual Frenchman sitting outside smoking and drinking coffee; then that picture will not change. If your virtual Frenchman is sitting in a cafe or restaurant; then the Frenchman will be sipping coffee and nervously drumming his fingers and eyeing the door as he craves his niccotine fix.

If you are living in or visiting France, your Maximum Leader suggests you smoke ‘em while you’ve got ‘em.

Carry on.

News from Italy

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader seems to remember that once upon a time he read something about how to be a better blogger. Although the advice didn’t take, he does from time to time remember some admonitions of whomever the author was. One of the pieces of advice was that every post should have a single unifying theme and should jump all over the place.

Well… This is not going to be one of those posts.

The first bit of news from Italy is off the news wire. It seems as though thanks to a clandestinely made plaster cast of Dante’s skull (crafted by Professor Fabio Frassetto in 1921) scientists have made a 3D model of the great poet’s face. The reconstruction is very interesting and does have Dante’s famed “aquiline” nose. But the nose is not as pronounced as some renderings would have one believe it was. You can judge for yourself…

3D rendering circa 2007:

Dante by a renaissance artist:

Your Maximum Leader doesn’t have a problem with either… So he’ll probably start to think of Dante using the new model…

In other news from Italy…

Famed Italian Producer Carlo Ponti has passed away. Ponti was 94. Your Maximum Leader has loved many of the films Ponti produced (most of all Dr. Zhivago). He was great at what he did.

Of course, his passing also means that Sophia oren is now available. Perhaps it is wrong of your Maximum Leader to notice but Sophia Loren is still very very attractive (although she is old enough to be your Maximum Leader’s - youthful - grandmother). Honestly, your Maximum Leader feels empathy for Loren right now. After more than 50 years of marriage, Ms. Loren must be particularly desvastated. One hopes she finds solace in her family and friends.

Carry on.

Gerald R. Ford, RIP

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader sees on TV and print that former President Gerald R. Ford has died in California. He was 93 years old. Your Maximum Leader has generally favorable memories of President Ford. Of course, your Maximum Leader was pretty young during the 2 and a half years of the Ford Presidency (your Maximum Leader was born in 1969). He does remember seeing some of the Ford/Carter debates on TV. He also remembers seeing people around him wearing WIN (Whip Inflation Now) buttons during the same period. Your Maximum Leader also remembers people advising others not to vote for Carter in 1976 because “Carter, like all Democrats, will raise taxes.” At the time it seems as though your Maximum Leader started to make the association that high taxes were bad. Thus he started down the path towards being an economic conservative. He is unsure if he should thank Gerald Ford or Jimmy Carter for that…

As your Maximum Leader grew older, and came of age politically during the Reagan Years, he didn’t think very favorably of Gerald Ford. Ford wasn’t a “conservative” of course but was cut from the more “moderate” Republican mold. He seems to remember a litmus test for getting a job in the Reagan Administration was to answer three questions correctly. The three were “Is the person a Republican? Is the person a conservative? Did the person support Ford over Reagan in 76?” (You needed to answer yes, yes, no to get the nod.)

As your Maximum Leader grew even older, he started to reassess President Ford. While he wasn’t a “conservative” in the sense that your Maximum Leader was, Ford was a good and honorable man who was thrust into job he never sought (or even desired to have). In retrospect, as many, more able, commentators have already opined, Ford was the right man for the job after Richard Nixon lef the White House in disgrace. Ford’s convictions were evident in his actions as President. And the nation was made better for it.

Gerald Ford was a patriot and an honorable man. Your Maximum Leader hopes he is in peace with his maker.

If you haven’t read one already, the Washington Post Obituary is quite good. You should read it.

Carry on.

UPDATE: Of course, your Maximum Leader should have checked out Skippy’s site before posting this. Skippy’s post on Ford is much more eloquent than this one. If you are going to read a post on Ford, read Skippy’s.

Milton Friedman - RIP

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is sure that by now you have heard the news. Milton Friedman, a powerful advocate of liberty, has died. He was 94.

The Washington Post has a good obituary.

May he rest in peace. May his wife Rose also find solace in his memory and the knowledge that he changed the world for the better.

Carry on.

Last Meals, etc.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader wonders if you caught this little tidbit on the news wires last week. It seems one Mr. Michael Dewayne Johnson cheated the proverbial hangman by slitting his own wrists with a makeshift knife shortly before he was to be executed in Texas. According to the article, Mr. Johnson was despondent at the prospect of being exectued for his crimes. (His crime by the way, was the 1995 killing of gas-station owner Jeff Wetterman.)

So… The hangman was cheated… But so was Mr. Johnson. Mr. Johnson didn’t get to partake of his requested last meal. And that is too bad for him. Afterall… Last meals in the Texas deathhouse, while not haute cuisine, are pretty impressive.

Mr. Johnson could have had Two chili cheese dogs, two cheeseburgers, two orders of onion rings with French dressing, turkey salad with French fries, chocolate cake, apple pie, butter pecan ice cream, egg rolls, one peach, three Dr. Peppers, jalapeno peppers, ketchup, and mayonnaise. (Like Richard Williams - executed in Feb 2003.) Or he could have had Two 16 oz. ribeyes, one lb. turkey breast (sliced thin), twelve strips of bacon, two large hamburgers with mayo, onion, and lettuce, two large baked potatoes with butter, sour cream, cheese, and chives, four slices of cheese or one-half pound of grated cheddar cheese, chef salad with blue cheese dressing, two ears of corn on the cob, one pint of mint chocolate chip ice cream, and four vanilla Cokes or Mr. Pibb. (Like Stanley Baker Jr. - executed in May 2002.)

Your Maximum Leader remembers that Eric’s (proposed) last meal(s) are a little more upscale and to your Maximum Leader’s liking. Frankly, your Maximum Leader doesn’t know what he would want for a last meal. Your Maximum Leader can be very fickle in his moods concerning food. But, it is likely that he would try and get something particularly obscure that would take time to locate and prepare. Preferably something like fresh tiger-meat tartare (prepared from tigers killed in Bangladesh only). Or a blackened Coelacanth steaks stuffed with a mix of lobster and sperm whale meat…

Carry on.

Steve Irwin - RIP

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader wasn’t sure if he was going to comment on the recent tragic (freakish if your Maximum Leader can use that word) death of “The Crocodile Hunter” Steve Irwin.

Unless you’ve been living under a rock (in which case you aren’t reading this) you have, no doubt, heard that the world renown celebrity animal handler/preservationist/tv star was killed by a stingray while filming a special on ocean life.

Your Maximum Leader must admit he loved watchin Steve Irwin. It was television that he could settle in for with the Villainettes and enjoy without worrying too much about content and themes. Sure, as a parent you had to warn your kids that playing with crocodiles and snakes is hazardous and would very likely get you killed. But, the Villainettes don’t like creepy crawly things - except on the TV.

Well… When the news broke it happened that Villainette #1 was in the bedroom with her parents. And the Today show on the tv. She cried. Now sometimes Villainette #1 is prone to dramatics. But a parent can tell when the tears are real and when they are forced. They were real.

It was a sad day in the Villainschloss when we learnt that Steve Irwin had been killed. We are sure that it’s been hard for a number of children around the world. But most of all, we all know it is very hard on his family. Indeed, it was due to the morbid curiosity exhibited by most of the world that your Maximum Leader was pretty sure he wouldn’t comment upon the death. But then he saw some clips of Irwin’s father on Fox News. And something moved your Maximum Leader to write a little obituary.

Steve Irwin was many things to many people. But to our family he was an entertaining figure on the television who did cause the kids to become more curious about their world. And that is a pretty good legacy for someone on tv.

Carry on.

King Richard III - RIP

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader asks that you remember Richard III, King of England. He was killed in battle at Bosworth this day in 1485. He fought valiantly, if not triumphantly. He was the last Plantagenet to rule England. He was the last King of England to die in battle. And his death marks the generally accepted end of both the Wars of the Roses and the medieval period in England.

It is from Shakespeare’s play Richard III that the name of this site is taken. The important lines come in Act One, Scene III:

But then I sigh; and, with a piece of scripture,
Tell them that God bids us do good for evil:
And thus I clothe my naked villainy
With old odd ends stolen out of holy writ;
And seem a saint, when most I play the devil.

Richard is, in your Maximum Leader’s opinion, one of the most maligned kings in all history. Shakespeare’s play, while vastly entertaining, is far from an accurate portrayal of history and the man as we now know him.

Your Maximum Leader, out of habit, will republish the famous Rex Stout New York Times obituary for King Richard:

“PLANTAGENET — Richard, great king and true friend of the rights of man, died at Bosworth Field on August 22, 1485. Murdered by traitors and, dead, maligned by knaves and ignored by Laodiceans, he merits our devoted remembrance.”

For those of you interested in learning more about Richard you might try the following links: Battle of Bosworth from the Richard III foundation, The Richard III Society of the UK, another Bosworth site from the US Richard III Society and finally Wiki article on Richard III.

Carry on.

Bruno Kirby

Joel Achenbach has a very sweet obituary of actor Bruno Kirby in today’s Washington Post. Beyond being an amusing actor, he sounds like he was a good man.

Ken Lay - RIP

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader reads on the news wires that Ken Lay, the convicted former head of Enron, has died in Aspen, Colorado. Apparently it was a heart attack.

Your Maximum Leader wonders if this isn’t a case of “just giving up.” It could well be. Your Maximum Leader imagines that the Lay family has lots of insurance money coming its way. At least he hopes so, if the stories of Lay bankrupting himself for his defence are true. Your Maximum Leader wishes no ill upon Lay’s family; but thinks that Lay’s conviction was deserved.

Rest in peace Ken Lay. 
Carry on.

A Eulogy for Rob Smith

Greetings, loyal minions. I will drop some of the blogging shtick I normally engage in while writing for this post. As this entry is posted a memorial service is occurring in Savannah for Rob Smith.

As many other bloggers have written, many more eloquently, I am more than a little surprised at the sense of grief I feel. There is a void that I hadn’t expected would be there. The void is complicated by a number of factors. Why should I have such a range of emotion for a person whom I never met - and corresponded with via e-mail very infrequently?

As other have mentioned, to read Rob’s writing was to start to know the man. Perhaps he is one of the few who you could really say you know through his writings. Rob didn’t write from behind a mask. He wrote and let every raw emotion, impulsive thought, humorous contemplation, or serious reflection just flow out through his keyboard.

Unlike other blogs where the primary author has problems, I never felt like an unwelcome voyeur when reading Rob’s work. Other blogs have share the quality of a diary. A diary where the author writes and doesn’t really think there is anyone else out there reading. There is something discomforting about reading someone’s most intimate thoughts and thinking to yourself that you are somehow intruding into their life. I never got that feeling from Rob’s writings. In fact, Rob’s writing was welcoming and engaging to the reader. He wrote about his experiences knowing that he had an audience. Rob wrote desiring an audience. He didn’t want us to throw him a big pity party when things were hard. He just wanted you to know what was going on in his life and what he thought about it.

Rob was unafraid in writing. Unafraid in a way I know I could never be. I compartmentalize. I have compartments forvarious elements of my life. Blogging is one compartment. I carefully segregate the compartments of my life and don’t generally blog (at least in a meaningful way) about compartments I don’t want to share. Rob, as best I could tell, didn’t have internal barriers similar to those I’ve erected. His life was one open book. A book he freely made available to all. If you were lucky, and I wasn’t, you might have gotten to meet Rob and become more a part of that life story than you bargained.

I felt connected to him in a way I don’t feel connected to other writers I read regularly. I don’t imagine other writers want me to connect to them, quite frankly. Most bloggers, myself included, are content to know that there is an audience out there who cares - at some level - to read what we put out. As long as someone reads, we’re happy. At some level Rob wanted people to connect to him. Rob’s title graphic said that he was on a ceaseless quest for adoration from people who didn’t know him. The only way people can adore you is if they know you. And Rob let you know him through his writing. If you liked it, you adored him. If you didn’t, well he didn’t give a rat’s ass about you anyway.

When I read that Rob’s service was going to be today, I started making calls. I was nearly done booking a flight, rental car, and hotel for a journey I felt I needed to make. It was only when I called my wife and remembered the date that I cancelled my plans.

If it weren’t my son’s second birthday I would have left DC early this morning and made my way to Savannah. I would have been traveling by plane and car to attend the memorial service of a man I never met. Instead, I will be at home. I will spend time with a son I love deeply.

By spending time with my son today, I’ll remember Rob Smith. I’ll be grateful for doing so. I’ll be more grateful than normal because I’ll be doing something that Rob longed to do, but couldn’t; and now will not have the chance to do. When I put my son to bed tonight I’ll go downstairs, pour myself a drink, and put on a John Prine album. For Rob.

Rob, if I can butcher Robbie Burns for you: If there’s another world, you live in bliss; If there is none, you made the best of this.

Fare thee well Rob Smith. Fare thee well.

Carry on.

Rob Smith - RIP

Gretings, loyal minions. I just read that blogger Rob Smith of Gut Grumbles has died.

My very deepest sympathy go out to his family and his many friends.

God Bless you Rob. I hope you’ve found peace.

Carry on.

Reagan-auts Dying

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader regrets that he hasn’t had more time to blog over the past few days. But C’est la vie.

Sadly two great figures of the Reagan years have passed in the past two days. Word of Cap Weinberger’s passing is just making the news wires. And yesterday news of Lyn Nofziger’s passing made the news.

Both of these men played significant roles for Ronald Reagan. Although very different roles.

Your Maximum Leader has one Lyn Nofziger story to share. Waaaaaay back when, your Maximum Leader was an intern on Capitol Hill. He worked for a wonderful woman “M.D.” M.D. was from Oregon but had come to Washington DC as an aide to Lyn Nofziger when Reagan was elected in 1980. When Nofziger left the White House, M.D. moved into another political job. It was in this capacity that your Maximum Leader knew her. M.D. remained very close to Lyn through all his trials and tribulations after leaving the White House.

So… The story… On the day of the funeral of the Ayatollah Khomeini (June, 1989) your Maximum Leader and others wee standing in M.D.’s office. She had a tv on and it was tuned to CNN. (Back then tvs on Capitol Hill got three channels only C-Span, C-Span 2, and CNN.) We were all watching the live feed of the teeming masses of Iranians jumping up and down, hitting themselves, and generally wailing for the dead Khomeini. We were watching with mouths agape - as at that point one hadn’t become desensitized to mass demonstrations in the Muslim world. In the middle of watching the footage the phone rang. It was Lyn Nofziger calling to speak with M.D.. She picked up the line and listened. She started laughing. She asked Lyn if she could put him on the speaker and repeat what he just said. So, your Maximum Leader was watching the tv. He was watching images of young Iranians chanting something in Persian and beating their heads with rocks. Then came Nofziger’s voice over the speaker. “Are you guys watching CNN?” We responded that we were. Then Nofziger said, “You know what those guys are chanting?” We responded that we didn’t. Nofziger said, “They’re saying, ‘I should’a had a V-8.”

Heh. It was very funny at the time…

Anyho… Read some of the obits for Nofziger. They are here, here and here.

There are many more obits for Cap Weinberger (deservedly so for his much higher profile position). Read some here and here.

Carry on.

Kriby Puckett, RIP

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is saddened by the death of Kirby Puckett. As much as your Maximum Leader would have liked for Puckett to disappear from the face of the earth back in 1991 as he single-handedly turned the tide of the World Series against the Atlanta Braves and pretty much won the pennant for the Minnesota Twins, Kirby Puckett was too young. (Just like Dana Reeve in the last entry.)

Kirby Puckett always seemed like a good and decent man. In many ways the type of guy you want to see playing baseball. He always looked like he was having fun. He always seemed to be good with the fans. And he was inspirational through his on and off-field actions with his fellow players. He deserved his Hall of Fame election and baseball was made better by his presence in the game.

Carry on.

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