Saint Marshall?

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader reads that the Episcopal Diocese of Washington is considering granting sainthood to the late Thurgood Marshall.

The paragraph of the article that most interested your Maximum Leader was this one:

When it comes to sainthood, Episcopalians follow a looser procedure than the Roman Catholic Church, which conducts a rigorous investigation into the life of any saint-to-be and requires proof that he or she performed at least two miracles. Candidates for Episcopal sainthood should be figures who displayed traits such as “heroic faith,” “joyousness” and “service to others for Christ’s sake,” according to church guidelines.

What? Your Maximum Leader is shocked - shocked! - that the Episcopal Church might follow a looser procedure than the Roman Catolic Church for bestowing sainthood. Episcopalians! Loose with anything?!? What the hell? The Episcopal Church is the “cake or death” church. That is nothing to be scoffed at.

Okay… Your Maximum Leader is scoffing…

Your Maximum Leader will fully admit that he is remarkably out of touch with the sainthood qualification requirements of the Episcopal Church. From what he’s learned from a few quick google searches, it appears as though the technical requirements for sainthood in the Episcopal Church are rather easy to meet. A saint, by their definition is just a heroic Christian or one who shares a life in Christ. (Excursus: Isn’t it interesting that the Episcopal Church even has two different, though similar, definitions of the word Saint on their website?) It would seem as though lots of good people could qualify. Indeed, your Maximum Leader might see if there is an application process for sainthood in the Episcopal Church. If there is he might consider filling one out and seeing where it goes…

Carry on.

A Safer Hajj?

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader sees that Saudi Arabia and the Islamic Fiqh Academy are working to make the hajj a safer experience for the millions of pilgrims who journey annually to Mecca.

If their efforts are successful (and your Maximum Leader is pretty confident that so long as Abdul-Aziz al-Sheik remains opposed to changes to the stoning ritual - and hotel structures remain unreconstructed - they will not be) it could mean that fewer pilgrims will die trying to fulfill their religious duties.

Of course, if the changes are successful it will also mean that our friend Jeff will have to retire the Hajj-o-meter.

Carry on.

Brian, Bill, and Kevin Are Right!

Smallholder is a heretic:

You scored as Pelagianism. You are a Pelagian. You reject ideas about man’s fallen human nature and believe that as a result we are able to fully obey God. You are the first Briton to contribute significantly to Christian thought, but you’re still excommunicated in 417.



Chalcedon compliant


























Are you a heretic?
created with

Abortion: No Easy Answer (Part I)

Conflicted On Abortion

I understand and respect both camps in the great abortion debate.

Pro-lifers really do believe life begins at conception. They aren’t, as the pro-choicers would have you believe, a bunch of misogynistic men plotting to subjugate women.

Pro-choicers believe that the fetus is not yet a person. They aren’t evil baby murderers as the pro-lifers would have us believe.

The crux of the issue is beyond compromise. If the fetus is an ensouled moral agent, abortion is murder. Period. If you believe that, you are bound to actively oppose murder, as it is the worst possible crime you can commit against another person - “you take away all that he has and all that he ever will have.”

If a fetus is not ensouled - or, for the many people on the pro-choice side who doubt the existence of any souls, if the fetus is not a moral agent, then a woman has as much right to an abortion as she does to remove a wart.

The problem with both positions is that there is no discoverable objective truth to be had. One can’t design a scientific test to measure the moment when a soul enters the body. Lacking any rational way to make a determination on the issue, one undertakes a grave risk.

If one, lacking any evidence comes down on the idea that a fetus has no personhood, and that belief is mistaken, one becomes complicit to murder.

If one, lacking any evidence, comes down on the side of personhood, and that belief is mistaken, one becomes complicit to a massive invasion of individual freedom and party to the creation of unwanted, unloved children.

Dangerous ground.

As our villainous minions know, your humble Smallholder likes to weigh evidence. My positions change as new information becomes available. The Maximum Leader, arrogating infallibility to himself, calls me squishy. I call willingness to correct course and accept new hypothesis the hallmark of adaptive intelligence. You say pa-tah-to, I say po-tay-toe.

Setting aside religion for a moment, Brian over at Memento Moron has posted an excellent essay assssing the difficulty of determining, sans scripture, when life begins.

There is no magic number and just about any position one takes - birth, viability, homunculousity, cell division, or conception has serious drawbacks. (By homunculousity I mean taking on human form a la Thomas Aquinas. I know it’s not a word. But as a German, my kultur compels me to create new words by mashing them together.)

The first trimester standard created by Roe is an arbitrary attempt to navigate these perilous waters. As such, it is unsatisfactory. Any arbitrary standard will be unsatisfactory, so perhaps one must realize that in public life an arbitrary standard has to be drawn.

If reason and science can’t draw a clear line, society is in the lurch. Some of my co-religionists would like to find a way out by imposing their biblical interpretation on others. I’m willing to grant that imposition is okay in this narrow case. Imposing your prayer in public schools is wrong and a violation of our social compact. But in this case, preventing what you perceive to be murder trumps societally-mandated respect for differing opinions. As an analogy, consider a person whose religion that requires virgin sacrifice. I’ll defend your right to believe in virgin sacrifice, oppose the use of government to promote your faith, and oppose you ever acting on that faith. Believe what you want, but society has claims on your actions.

That said, my co-religionists who believe the Bible clearly and unequivocally condemns abortion are wrong.

The Bible does not take a clear stand on abortion. Biblically based assaults on abortion are selective, based on unsupported judgment calls, and occasionally deceptive.

As our loyal minions know, your humble Smallholder is not a literalist. I have a healthy skepticism about how primary sources can be influenced by the cultural outlook of the author and, in the Bible’s case, by the motives of translators. I will, however, attempt to analyze the Bible literally, if only because most pro-lifers are literalists, holding that every word, jot, and tittle of the Bible is the absolutely true revealed word of God. On that basis, the concept that life begins at conception is untenable.

Wow. That last paragraph is quite inflammatory. I’ll defend it in my next abortion post. Hold off flaming me until then.

To summarize the problem:

Reason can’t be applied until the moral status of the fetus is ascertained.
Science is no definitive guide.
The Bible is no definitive guide.

What we have left is what the transcendentalists would call “inner light.” The internal sense of right and wrong that we have independently of reason.

My inner light recoils at the notion of abortion. I look at my children and realize that I could legally have prevented their existence and am repulsed. Abortion feels wrong in my gut.

Conflicted (or squishy, take your pick) child that I am, I have a hard time trusting this innate disgust. Sometimes the inner light’s moral sense can be applauded, as it ought to be for leading the transcendentalists to oppose slavery. But our internal feelings are so conditioned by the society in which we live that it is entirely possible for our moral sense to be overwhelmed by our learned mores. Many southerners were repulsed by black claims for legitimacy. I have yet to read a logical basis for discrimination against gays. All anti-gay activism ultimately boils down to the activists “inner light” screaming that fags are icky.

Operating solely by inner light is perilous.

Who Does His Advance Work?

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader sees (thanks to Dr. Rusty Shackelford) that New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg spent the afternoon assuring Muslims in America that we love them and will not discriminate against them in a mosque who’s Imam spends his free time denying the Holocaust. Sheik Fadhel al Sahlani says that reports of 6,000,000 dead jews are “exaggerated.”

Isn’t this a fine how-do-you-do? One wonders who did Mayor Bloomberg’s advance work on this. One hopes that the Mayor will soon have himself a new advance team. Indeed, your Maximum Leader knows some people who might be able to help him… Mr. Mayor, give your Maximum Leader a call. He’ll give you some advice. (Psst- That advice is “More vetting.”)

Carry on.

Inappropriate Questions Part One

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader would like to pose this question to his loyal minons.

If you are stampeded to death on your way to a symbolic stoning in Mecca during the Haj do you go right to heaven? If you are a man, and reach heaven, are you greeted by 72 doe-eyed (horny) virgins?

Your Maximum Leader is trying to find the up-side to this story.

Carry on.


Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader has been busy reading all of the great links that many of you have forwarded him concerning the FISA wiretap story. Please know that your Maximum Leader is reviewing and thinking about all of your thoughtful comments. He hopes to write something further on that subject later.

Until then…

Your Maximum Leader has, from time to time, done things that may not please The Almighty. He received a pretty normal middle-class church-going Catholic religious education. He further studied subjects sacred and profane all through his life. So he has a pretty good idea of the strictures that The Almighty has set down over time - at least the strictures according to the Judeo-Christian tradition. Knowing what your Maximum Leader does; he is aware that some activities and decisions he’s taken would not please The Almighty.

All that said one might expect that if The Almighty was greatly displeased with your Maximum Leader; he (your Maximum Leader that is) would be struck by a bolt from the blue and vaporized. Barring the use of a bolt from the blue, your Maximum Leader has also figured that being turned into a pillar of salt or having brimstone rain down from the heavens upon him are other tried and true methods The Almighty might employ on those in need of smiting. But we all know that the Lord smites in mysterious ways.

Carry on.

Haj Troubles

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader reads that at least 15 are dead (and possibly as many as 40 dead) in a hotel collaspe in Mecca. The hotel was full of pilgrims gathered in the Muslim holy city in anticipation of the beginning of the Haj.

Hardly a year goes by when there isn’t some disaster occuring in Mecca around the time of the Haj. One would think that the Saudi government would do its best to inspect buildings and insure civil order during this time. Isn’t the Saudi Royal Family personally responsible for the safety and security of pilgrims to Mecca? Hummm….

If your Maximum Leader were Muslim (which he is not) and going to Mecca (which he doesn’t ever plan on doing) he would be wary about his lodgings. He might even opt for a tent in the desert. At least that wouldn’t collapse on him.

Carry on.

“Honor” Murders

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader seems to be reading a lot about goings-on in Asia today. First it was Burma moving its capital. Now it is Pakistanis killing their children to protect their honor. According to press reports, Nazir Ahmed has killed his three daughters and his stepdaughter to preserve his family honor. It is alleged, by Ahmed, that his stepdaughter (aged 25) committed adultery. Although the woman’s alleged lover has not been found, Ahmed slit her throat to preserve his family honor. Then Ahmed went and killed his three daughters (aged 8, 7, and 4) so that they wouldn’t grow up and follow their stepsister’s bad example.

When the police investigation is completed Ahmed may be sentanced to die by hanging. Then again, he might get 10 years in prison. One can only hope that he is hanged.

The most startling portion of the article, in an article that is pretty horrifying to begin with, is the information on how many honor killings there may be in Pakistan each year. There may have been 267 this year (2005). There were over 500 reported last year. Some may claim, as the article does, that this is due to increased penalties, more policing, and a stricter stand against such horrible crimes. What the article doesn’t claim, and your Maximum Leader is sure it would claim if the article were written about crime in the US, is that perhaps some honor killings aren’t being reported as such and are hidden. One wants to be optimistic, but it is hard to when a nation (and in some cases a religion) has a bad track record.

Carry on.

The Vatican Rag

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader, using his keen spider sense, notices that we’ve gone a few days without an Intelligent Design/Evolution/Science Curriculum frackas.

So, here is a little gas for the embers:

Vatican Official Refutes Intelligent Design.

Debate away.

Carry on.

For Bill and Brian

Here is a thoughtful application of theology to current events as discussed over at the Volokh conspiracy.

Would Martin Luther advocate turning the other cheek?


Would Martin Luther cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war?

Before You Comment on Smallholder’s Religious Ruminations

Please note carefully that I’m not bashing all Christians.

As a Christian myself, I’m trying to advance the spread of Christianity by denying the validity of errant thought. The Christian God is not a vengeful, intolerant, hate-filled, anti-science God.

He is a loving, forgiving God who gave us out brains for a reason.

Perhaps he intended us to learn about his creation instead of shivering in caves and breeding better cattle through the proper placement of carved sticks.

Query: Why is it that the most hateful Christians wrap themselves in the cloak of literal translation? And why does their literal, inerrant translation ignore the words of the Bible that aren’t congruent with their hatred?

Query: Why aren’t Christians condemning Robertson’s idiocy? Why do so many Christians tune in to CBN every day for their daily does of narrowminded bigotry?

‘Ware the Flying Pigs!

Ally agrees with me!

Okay, Small Holder, enjoy the moment because I’ll probably take this part of the post down tomorrow. YOU ARE RIGHT.

Click through and read the rest of her post. In the area of religion, Ally and I seem to be on the same page. We are both Christians who think the “public” Christians do the religion a great disservice. The Pat Robertson quote is maddening and reveals a lack of critical thinking.

If God materially punishes those who displease him with natural disasters (Florida, New Orleans, America 9/11, and now Dover), and rewards those with whom he is pleased, let us determine who pleases God the most in terms of material wealth.

America seperates church and state. America is tolerant of diversity. America promotes sex equality (remember Robertson’s Republican Convention diatribe against working women?).

America is the richest, most materially wealthy nation in the world.

Ergo, God loves non-theocratic, tolerant, feminists.

Roberston better look out - who knows what God has in store for theocratic, intolerant chauvinists.

Side Note: If Intelligent Design is NOT creationism in a snappy outfit, why is Roberston so overwrought about it’s rejection? Would he be as overwrought if the people of Dover had rejected FSM ID?

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