Another Religious Type Quiz

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader saw this quiz over on Bill’s site. So he took it.

Apparently your Maximum Leader, were he a saint, is Saint Benedict.

Which Saint Would You Be?

Saint Benedict is praying for you! To learn more about this holy monk go to the Patron Saint Index at
Take this quiz!

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Your Maximum Leader was hoping for Saint Augustine… But he’ll take what he can get.

Carry on.

Cross Quiz

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader saw over a Mr & Mrs P’s place a link to a cross quiz. Since it had been a while since he’d posted a quiz he thought he’d take it.

It seems your Maximum Leader is a Corpus Christi Crucifix. Or so say the results.

What Kind of Cross are You?

You are the Corpus Christi Crucifix: The cross that bears the body of Christ is the most venerated of all the crosses. It hangs in the most sacred places in the world and inspires the faithful to contemplate the suffering of Christ.
Take this quiz!

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Your Maximum Leader is not terribly surprised by the result. He is a little surprised that he took the quiz… Apostate that he is…

Carry on.

Christmas Meme

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader, while not specifically “tagged” for this “meme” thingie has decided to participate nonetheless. Here are your Maximum Leader’s thoughts on many things Christmas.

Egg nog or hot chocolate?
Egg nog. With bourbon. Lots and lots of bourbon.
Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree?
Santa sets presents under the tree. Santa doesn’t have ready access to the myriad illegals needed to wrap every present for every girl and boy.
Colored lights on tree/house or white?
White on tree. None on house. Lights on house seem petty and bourgoise.
Do you hang mistletoe?
From your Maximum Leader’s enormous… Ahem… No. No mistletoe is hanged a the Villainschloss.
When do you put your decorations up?
If it was up to your Maximum Leader, they would not go up until about two weeks before Christmas and they would come down after the Epiphany. As it is, Mrs Villain is a much more festive person than is your Maximum Leader. So the decorations go up during the weekend of Thanksgiving and stay up until the Epiphany.
What is your favorite holiday dish (excluding dessert)?
Roast beef. Yorkshire pudding. You know, the traditional stuff.
Favorite holiday memory as a child?
Your Maximum Leader is embarassed to say that he doesn’t have many distinct holiday memories. At least nothing that stands out in a meaningful way.
When and how did you learn the truth about Santa?
Your Maximum Leader seems to remember that the might have stumbled upon some gifts in a parental hiding place. Then on Christmas the presents appeared “from Santa.” Your Maximum Leader started to think about how this could be and put two and two together. This might have been around age 7 or 8.
Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve?
NO! NO! And Hell No! It is wrong to open Christmas gifts earlier than Christmas. Your Maximum Leader has gotten more adamant about this point since he’s been a parent.
How do you decorate your Christmas tree?
Your Maximum Leader tries to avoid decorating the tree. Mrs Villain and the Villainettes do the decorating. The “style” is a hodgepodge of different ornaments collected over many years. The tasteful ones tend to be from Mrs Villain. The home-made ones (which are quite dear to your Maximum Leader) are from the Villainettes. The tacky ones (like the two Elvis ornaments) are your Maximum Leader’s.
Snow! Love it or dread it?
Your Maximum Leader loves it. He doesn’t particularly care to drive in it. But snow, and winter in general, are important. They balance out the heat of the summer and keep your Maximum Leader’s “wa” in balance.
Can you ice skate?
Not very well. At one point your Maximum Leader thought he wanted to be a hockey player. Then he learned he wasn’t a particularly adept skater. He also didn’t have the willpower to keep practicing. So he pretty much sucks at skating.
Do you remember your favorite gift?
It was the iPod he received last year.
What‚Äö?Ñ?¥s the most important thing about the holidays for you?
Aww… How mushy… It is being with family and seeing the joy in his children’s faces.
What is your favorite holiday dessert?
Humm… Pie. Your Maximum Leader is very partial to fruit pies.
What is your favorite holiday tradition?
Reading the Nativity story from Luke’s Gospel Christmas morning.
What tops your tree?
A large white star.
Which do you prefer, giving or receiving?
Your Maximum Leader will answer honestly and say receiving. Mainly because he has a large Amazon wish list and just refers gift givers there. So he generally gets things he’s interested in. People who don’t make “gifting” easy (by telling you what they would like or setting up a wish list somewhere) can be quite tiresome for your Maximum Leader. He is not of the school where trying to “match” the perfect gift to the right person is a fun activity. It is a taxing endeavour fraught with anxiety.
What is your favorite Christmas song?
That is a toughie. He likes Adeste Fideles (in Latin), It Came Upon a Midnight Clear, and Good King Wenceslas.
Candy canes?
Crushed and mixed into white chocolate. That is the only way to eat them.
Favorite Christmas movie?
The Lion In Winter.
What do you leave for Santa?
The Villainettes leave homemade toffee, homemade cookies, and egg nog. Your Maximum Leader leaves a glass of scotch. You know… To take the edge off the cold…

There you have it loyal minions. You now know all you ever wanted to know about your Maximum Leader and Christmas. (And your Maximum Leader has a post that is both topical and long…)

Carry on.

Reader Quiz

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader disagrees with the the outcome of this quiz he saw over on the Llama Butchers site.

What Kind of Reader Are You?
Your Result: Book Snob

You like to think you’re one of the literati, but actually you’re just a snob who can read. You read mostly for the social credit you can get out of it.

Obsessive-Compulsive Bookworm
Literate Good Citizen
Dedicated Reader
Fad Reader
What Kind of Reader Are You?
Create Your Own Quiz

Upon reflection he can see the small kernel of truth in his results… But he still generally disagrees with them…

Carry on.

Accent Quiz

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader found this quiz via Rachel.

What American accent do you have?
Your Result: The Midland

“You have a Midland accent” is just another way of saying “you don’t have an accent.” You probably are from the Midland (Pennsylvania, southern Ohio, southern Indiana, southern Illinois, and Missouri) but then for all we know you could be from Florida or Charleston or one of those big southern cities like Atlanta or Dallas. You have a good voice for TV and radio.

The Inland North
The South
The Northeast
The West
North Central
What American accent do you have?
Take More Quizzes

No surprise to him in the results.

Right now your Maximum Leader would say his voice isn’t suitable for radio… He’s got a little congestion going on. Sniffles and all…

Carry on.

2-1, St. Louis & a neat quiz

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is sure that by now you have all heard that the St. Louis Cardinals have taken a 2 games to 1 lead over the Detroit Tigers in the World Series. Your Maximum Leader can’t say as he’s displeased by this, being a National League man and all. With Jeff Suppan going on the mound for the Cardinals tonight, the Tigers are going to have to start pulling out some offense if they want to “get back” in the series.

It is interesting how a few short days ago everyone (and by everyone your Maximum Leader means sportswriters and those guys who always talk sports) was sure that the Tigers were going to quickly vanquish the Cards. Your Maximum Leader happened to mention to his lovely wife how he thought that the Cards might (just might) be a little less beat up and more motivated than people thought. Your Maximum Leader also believed that the Tigers were not well served by quickly winning the American League. The long layoff may have turned out to hurt the Tigers. Momentum they had built up by defeating the (hated) Yankees and the A’s would likely have dissipated (nay - disappeared) in the week they waited for the NL Champion to be crowned.

If the Cardinals do wind up winning the World Series; your Maximum Leader suspects that the long layoff can be blamed for silencing the Tigers’ bats. Your Maximum Leader is looking forward to Game 4 tonight. It should be a good one.

Just before this post wraps up…

Do you think you know baseball?

Do you think you could do a better job calling plays than the umpire behind the plate?

Do you think you have what it takes to call the balls and strikes and fouls?

Well… Try out this quiz and test your knowledge of baseball rules. It is an on-line (multiple choice) version of “You Make The Call.”

The best your Maximum Leader has done on a randomly generated 10 question quiz is 7 of 10. (In case you were wondering.)

Carry on.

Baby. You got real ugly.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader presents you with quiz results.

The Zombie Movie Survival Quiz

Like Ash from the Evil Dead trilogy, you are the hero. Congratulations. As the chainsaw toting king of witty one-liners, you certainly know how to handle any of those undead nasties heading your way, don’t you?
Take this quiz!

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Your Maximum Leader doffs his bejeweled floppy cap to GeekLethal of the Ministry of Minor Perfidy.

Carry on.

Another Political Persuasion Quiz

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader saw a political persuasion quiz over on CalTechGirl’s site and figured he’d take it.

You Are a “Don’t Tread On Me” Libertarian

You distrust the government, are fiercely independent, and don’t belong in either party.
Religion and politics should never mix, in your opinion… and you feel opressed by both.
You don’t want the government to cramp your self made style. Or anyone else’s for that matter.
You’re proud to say that you’re pro-choice on absolutely everything!

Your Maximum Leader does have a libertarian streak. But he doesn’t consider himself a libertarian. He certainly isn’t pro-choice in everything - although he is probably more in favor of letting people do as they will within reasonable limits than you might think. That is to say that his is in favor of letting people do as they will until the Mike World Order. Then all bets are off.

Carry on.

Smallholder: An American Too
You scored as United States. Your army is the American army. You want your home front to support the G.I.’s in their pursuit to liberate world from more or less evil tyrants.

United States






British and the Commonwealth




France, Free French and the Resistance






Soviet Union


In which World War 2 army you should have fought?
created with

I have so many things to post but work has been overwhelming. I just took this short quiz so that I could make fun of the Maximum Leader for scoring as the Italians. But then it turns out I’m a rifle-dropper too. Rats.

A happy three-day weekend to all.

WW2 Army Quiz

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader found a quiz that he didn’t think was crap. So his results are reproduced here.

You scored as United States. Your army is the American army. You want your home front to support the G.I.’s in their pursuit to liberate world from more or less evil tyrants.

United States


British and the Commonwealth






France, Free French and the Resistance




Soviet Union






In which World War 2 army you should have fought?
created with

Your Maximum Leader was a little surprised that he came up so strong in Italy. But he supposes it is because he likes uniforms and the Italians had among the coolest uniforms of the war.

Doffing bejeweled (floppy) myllan cap to Rachel for the quiz.

Carry on.

Random Friday Stuff & Quiz

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is having a lazy Friday afternoon. In the spirit of such an afternoon, here are some items for your reading pleasure.

First off… Could the North Korean missile test be a front for the Chinese gauging US missile defence capability? Your Maximum Leader doesn’t want to engage in rumour mongering as much as Dan Riehl would want to. But it does seem to be an interesting theory. One that your Maximum Leader wouldn’t put past the Chinese.

Next up… Your Maximum Leader is not a Cristal man himself. But if the hip-hoppers are boycotting it sounds like a good reason to buy some. Although at $300/bottle, your Maximum Leader will stick to his Pol Roger. (Pol Roger is the preferred champagne of your Maximum Leader, the Villainschloss, and the Mike World Order.)

Like Buckethead… Your Maximum Leader is…

Your results:
You are Batman

Green Lantern
Wonder Woman
Iron Man
The Flash
You are dark, love gadgets
and have vowed to help the innocent
not suffer the pain you have endured.

Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz

Speaking of Batman… Thanks to overgenerous grandparents, your Maximum Leader’s villainous male offspring now has a Batman comforter, Batman sheets, Batman pillow-cases, and a Batman throw pillow. Your Maximum Leader wishes his ‘hood was so cool when he was that young. Alas, it was not.

And finally, speaking (again of Batman)… Batman and Robin was on HBO. Being a fan of the “Batman” franchise, your Maximum Leader watched until “Batman Begins” came on a different HBO. Frankly, Batman and Robin is an awful movie. It is right nigh impossible to watch in fact. Even with Uma Thurman. (Who is easy on the eye you know.) Well… It does have George Clooney in it too. As the Caped Crusader. Mrs Villain finds Mr Clooney very easy on the eye. Your Maximum Leader has tried to convince her that Mr Clooney’spolitics would likely be a turn off, but Mrs Villain will hear none of it.

After a few scenes of Clooney as Batman Mrs Villain blurted out that if Mr George Clooney propositioned her; she would have wild tawdry monkey sex with him. Well, this revalation shocked your Maximum Leader something horrible. But he was able to gather his wits about him and start to work… There is now an “understanding” between your Maximum Leader and his lovely spouse Mrs Villain. If she is propositioned by George Clooney she is free to lay aside for a moment her vows. If your Maximum Leader is propositioned by the dreamy Jennifer Love Hewitt, he is free to lay aside his vows. After one encounter the matter would be spoken of no more… Not a bad deal. Improbably that it will ever be activiated… But isn’t that Bismarck said about all his secret treaties?

Carry on.

Civics Quiz

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader just took a civics quiz he saw on MSNBC (via Phoenix). Take the quiz yourself and see how you score.

For the record, your Maximum Leader scored 95% - he missed one question. Also for the record, he missed the same question as did Phoenix. That would be question 19 - the one about the form the INS needs. He guessed close, but didn’t get the prize. (In fact, he imagines he picked the same answer as did Phoenix.)

The hardest question (for the record - since your Maximum Leader is doing lots of recording in this short post) was the one about which Amendment to the Constitution does not address or guarantee vting rights. Your Maximum Leader resisted the urge to google and sat in his chair trying to recite the words of each of the Amendments listed as possible answers. That was really tough.

Carry on.

Gentlemen? Here? Heh.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader, following Robbo’s example, decided to take a quiz to see how much of a gentleman he is.

You Are 68% Gentleman

You are definitely a gentleman. You’re very considerate and you have excellent manners.
Occasionally, you slip and do something foolish… but usually no one notices!

Apparently you ought to invite Robbo out over your Maximum Leader.

Carry on.

Ditto Robbo

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader took a quiz yesterday. Eric made a good comment about the whole “reading romance novel” bit of the answer.

In response your Maximum Leader will just have to ditto Robbo the Llamabutcher’s comments about romance novels.

Carry on.

Quiz Time!

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader saw a quiz he’s never taken before over on Tinkery Tonk… His results:

Which country should you REALLY be living in?

The United Kingdom

You have pride in yourself and pride in your country. You believe that history and culture is an important factor to the future of your country, and that traditions and values should be upheld. You love your scones and tea, and reading soppy romance novels. The UK is where you should be…

Personality Test Results

Click Here to Take This Quiz
Brought to you by quizzes and personality tests.

No surprise here for your Anglophile Maximum Leader.

Carry on.

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