In Honour Of Potter…

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader saw a neat Sorting Hat quiz over on Galley Slaves and decided to see which of the Hogwarts Houses he’d be sorted into.

Much to his surprise… Well… Sort of to his surprise he got:

Want to Get Sorted?

a Ravenclaw!

He wasn’t expecting Ravenclaw… But that’s not too bad.

Carry on.

Not For The Thin-Skinned.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader must make a confession. He didn’t watch any of the Live 8 show(s). Well, that is not entirely true. He watched about 2 minutes of Annie Lennox performing “Why.” Your Maximum Leader has a soft spot in his heart for Ms. Lennox’s singing. He caught her singing while surfing; and watched until a commercial break. So, for the sake of full disclosure, he did actually watch 2 minutes of Live 8.

Why did he not view this great outpouring of compassion for suffering Africans? Well frankly it is because he feels that much of Africa’s suffering is self-inflicted. Until serious systemic and cultural problems are addressed by Africans there isn’t much hope of improving their dismal situation.

And the second reason was that your Maximum Leader can’t stand pontificating rock stars. He is happy to have bloggers, politicians, writers, commentators, news readers, reporters, and even Al Roker bloviate about “current affairs this” or “topical subject that.” But when movie stars and rock stars start telling your Maximum Leader that he ought to feel guilty about his living in wealth, freedom, and security in America, he wants to jump up and kick their soft teeth down their whiney throats. (If your Maximum Leader may borrow a phrase from the junior Senator of his fine Commonwealth.)

It seems as though some of the staff of The Hatemonger’s Quarterly have a similar idea.

Excursus: What would your Maximum Leader do with some of the Hatemonger’s Staff? Well, he would likely instruct them to ghost a few columns a week. He would also make sure they could work the words: plinth, contumelious, and feculent into at least one post a week. He imagines that Naked Villainy would also become much more funny…

When Barbara Streisand entreats your Maximum Leader to keep the Villainschloss at 78 or 85 degrees during the summer while her homes are “cold as meat lockers.” It offends your Maximum Leader’s tender sensibilities. (Okay, Babs isn’t a “rock star” per se. She is more a 21st century female non-slave-owning Thomas Jefferson…)

Bruce Springsteen being preachy isn’t pretty. Listen Boss, stick to “Jungleland” and “Thunder Road” and you’ll be okay. (”Reason to Believe” is okay too.) But all this political stuff has got to go.

Now surely your Maximum Leader recognizes that these people are citizens too and entitled to an opinion. But the fact that their celebrity gives credibility to their opinions is nauseating.

And don’t get your Maximum Leader started on Tom Cruise…

Carry on.

Even More On Rove.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader was made happy this morning. It has turned into a positively shitty week for him, so it was with great anticipation and relish that he went on the internet to surf some of his favorite blogs.

And while surfing he discovered that he made Skippy feel pretty. You know, your Maximum Leader is all about making minions feel pretty. Provided they swear fealty and unquestioning loyalty to him… But that is another matter.

(NB to Skippy: Thanks much for that link you sent me.)


This whole Rove/Wilson/Plame thing just keeps going doesn’t it? Now it seems that the source behind the source was Robert Novak. Plus Joe Wilson has said that his wife wasn’t a clandestine agent when she was “outed” by Novak.

So lets get this straight. Novak does investigating on his own. During the investigating, Novak discovers that Joe Wilson is a lying bastard who’s wife was a CIA person who may have pulled strings to get him sent to Africa to follow-up on the Yellowcake Uranium intel from the Brits. Novak tells Rove this tidbit. Rove passes this on to Cooper. And somehow Miller remains in jail for talkin about something to someone.

So from a legal perspective, it still seems as though Rove has nothing to fear. But the calculations are different from the political perspective.

Like Skippy your Maximum Leader still feels that Rove must go. As your Maximum Leader has said before, this is a matter of the Administration setting a high standard for behaviour. Now they have to follow through on it. Your Maximum Leader agrees with Skippy that political advisors (Rove in this case) who become political issues need to go. They can’t help you when they are the news.

Now once again, your Maximum Leader doesn’t think Rove did anything illegal. And frankly the more we are learning about this whole mess the less sure he is that Rove did anything that was even wrong. But the President said what the President said. He doesn’t need the political mess this whole matter is causing. Neither does your Maximum Leader think that he (Bush) really wants to start being viewed as a Clinton-esque parser of his own words.

That pretty much leaves one option. Ask (tell?) Rove to leave. Who knows? In a year or two he might come back. Or he might just link up with some Republican Presidential aspirant and decide to work his way back to the White House for another four years.

Carry on.

More On Teddy and Ricky

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader sees that Brian, at Memento Moron, has picked up the banner that your Maximum Leader so carelessly left on the field and has charged the enemy position.

Read his post about the “Tippler” v. Santorum kerfluffle. It is: I’ve Heard of Slow Burns, But This is Ridiculous

Your Maximum Leader agrees with the overarching point of people living in a permissive society (that is civil society) wind up having more permissive attitudes and that can taint their own behaviour. Your Maximum Leader doesn’t want to see a return to Puritanical dress and witch burning (nor he imagines does Brian), but having standards in society is important. We constantly see the erosion of general standard of behaviour and should wonder if by allowing people to do what they will we aren’t harming ourselves a bit too much.

Carry on.

Pauline Nicholson. RIP

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader doesn’t know how he missed this story. As you know, your Maximum Leader is a huge Elvis fan. So imagine his surprise and sadness when he read that Woman Who Made Elvis’ Favorite Dishes Dies.

Your Maximum Leader met Pauline Nicholson once in 1998. She was signing a book at Graceland. Your Maximum Leader happened to have business in Memphis and was making a little side excursion to the Shrine of Elvis. She was also interviewed extensively for a documentary done in the mid 1990s on Elvis’ diet and the “cuisine of Elvis.” Your Maximum Leader might still have the show on video somewhere. If he can find the title he will update this post.

Your Maximum Leader might have to make some fried peanut butter and ‘nanner sandwiches tonight in celebration of her life.

Your Maximum Leader doffs his bejeweled floppy hat in tribute to Pauline Nicholson (and Jonathan at Galley Slaves for the tip).

Carry on.

Stadium Funding

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader read about Deutche Bank agreeing to help finance the new stadium for the Washington Nationals baseball club. When he read that he knew there had to be a joke in that story.

Well, it seems Victor at Galley Slaves beat your Maximum Leader to the punch.

Calling Albert Speer. Herr Speer, your services are needed for a new stadium design…

Carry on.

Two Good Posts

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader just re-read and is thinking about two good posts from the Demosophist. He posted them on Dr. Rusty’s site.

The first on is about Sources of Homicidal Angst: The “Sodatic Zone”. This is an interesting thesis that the repression of women coupled with the unnatural regard for women being “special” (aka: mothers). The point is interesting and deserving of more serious thought.

The second one is Demosophist’s take on the whole Rove situation. It can be found here. Your Maximum Leader agrees that not nearly enough attention has been paid to Wilson and Plame in this matter. As for the political penalty to be paid for firing Rove now, your Maximum Leader believes that one would diminish the political fallout by removing Rove sooner rather than later. To wit: you should read Skippy’s comment on Annika’s site. It is down the list a ways. But scroll.

Carry on.

Smallholder, He’s The Epitome Of…

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader, knowing that the Smallholder is without reliable internet access, decided to take the White Trash Test on his behalf.

I am 76% White Trash.
Total White Trash!

Born in a trailer, live in a trailer, die in a trailer. I am the epitome of white trashiness. Unfortunately, I have no clue what epitome means.

Results unsurprising.

Carry on.

Effete Snob

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader was over on the LlamaButchers site where he saw that Cooter advises true fans to not go and see the upcoming Dukes of Hazzard movie. There was also a quiz. So your Maximum Leader took it.

I am 17% White Trash.
Not at all White Trashy!

I, my friend, have class. I am so not white trash. . I am more than likely Democrat, and my place is neat, and there is a good chance I may never drink wine from a box.

It seems your Maximum Leader is an effete snob and not white trash. And except for that Democrat thing it is fairly accurate. Of course your Maximum Leader wonders what questions caused Robbo the Llamabutcher to score 25% on the quiz. Your Maximum Leader suspects that he had a mullet… And liked it…

Carry on.

Do Somthing Good For A Change.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader realizes that while he might be snarky, whimsical, and vapid in his social commentary fro time to time, there are serious problems in the world that need our attention and energy.

Kathy has done well to focus our attention on the problem with diabetes in our nation by discussing her nephew’s condition. Go and read her post and do what you can: The Walk To Cure Diabetes

Your Maximum Leader has lost a number of relations to diabetes. So he knows a little something about the condition. Give what you are able to and help thosse who need your help.

Carry on.

Le Club des Hommes: Rejection

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is both posting and collaborating on this week’s Men’s Club/Divas subject. You see originally the Air Marshal was going to do the whole post; but due to a communication breakdown on the part of your Maximum Leader his friend didn’t get the topic listing until he had left town on a business trip. The Air Marshal, being a good and thoughtful friend, didn’t want to fall down on the job and not post anything, so he sent your Maximum Leader this to post:

How To Avoid Rejection or Deal with Rejection.

First of all, don’t avoid rejection. Rejection is proof that you are trying. The only way to avoid rejection is to live a monastic life. Think about it in baseball terms. If you get rejected 2 out of 3 times, you’re batting .333 and in the All Star Game. 3 out of 4 times, and you’re still above the Mendoza line, and probably not in danger of getting sent to the minors.

Of course, one way to avoid rejection is to be the rejector. We all know people like that. People who freak out when something gets too good for them.

Dealing with Rejection? For guys, I recommend beer. Beer and pornos. For women, I guess it’s Haagen Daaz, French Fries, and Chocolate Chip cookie dough. (But that stuff goes right to your thighs and leads to more rejection.) The best way to deal with rejection is with friends. I can’t speak to how women deal, but for guys I suggest you get drunk with a bunch of guys and complain about how women suck. Or don’t suck enough. Whatever. Just don’t whine too much. Complaining is ok. Don’t be sniveling about it. And, yes, your friends will make fun of you behind your back. (Or sometimes to your face.) Remember, what goes around comes around.

Your Maximum Leader will agree with the main points here. You’ve gotta get back on the horse once you’ve been rejected. This is hard for some. Indeed, your Maximum Leader never dealt with rejection as well or as healthily as did the Smallholder (for example). But the only way to avoid rejection is to never put yourself in a position to date.

As for dealing with rejection… Beer and friends (for guys) is a great therapy. This therapy generally starts with your buddies trying to be sympathetic. Then as the beer flows and time passes the sympathy stage moves into the “women suck” stage. This is when men share their rejection stories and collectively decide to bash the fairer sex. This second stage quickly moves into the third stage of rejection recovery, which is merciless teasing by your buddies. This is when your friends proceed to tell you what a puz you’ve been for dating whatever her name was. They make jokes out of all the times you ditched them to spend time with her. They mock your displays of tenderness and concern for whoever she was that you were sleeping with (or trying to sleep with). The might even go so far as to act out little vingettes of your (now former) dating life. One of your pals will play you as the obsequious sap and another will play a domineering demanding version of whozit that just dumped you. And the mockery stage is not followed nearly quickly enough by the “We need to get you laid stage.” Inevitably this stage ends with a bunch of drunk guys in a stip club exhorting “Missy Mounds” to come and smother you with her 50GG breasts and put you out of your misery…

When you sober up, you’re not cured; but the smarting of your spirit is diminished. And after a day or two you start to come around and realize that you aren’t all that bad a guy. Once you hit that stage, it is all uphill for you.

For other takes on this subject… Surf on over to the other members of the Men’s Club. There are The Wizard, Phin, and Stiggy.

Curious as to what the ladies think? Check out the Divas. There is Sadie, Chrissy, Silk, Kathy, and guest diva, Phoenix.

Carry on.

Is Teddy That Far Behind In His Reading?

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader sees on the politics news wire that Sen Edward Kennedy (D-Mass) is demanding that Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Penn) apologize for an opinion piece the latter wrote for Catholic Online.

Of course, the column was written in July 2002.

And Teddy is just getting around to condeming Santorum and demanding an apology. Humm… Your Maximum Leader wouldn’t be surprised if the latest magazine in the senior Senator from Massachusetts’ office waiting room was from 1988. One wonders if Teddy’s nightstand doesn’t have a new copy of 1982’s bestselling book, ET.

Come on Teddy. Stay current. Your Maximum Leader is sure that there is something that Santorum has said more recently that you could be outraged over.

Carry on.

Okay… Biting…

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader was intrigued by the headline: AMC theater chain doesn’t get dirty joke. So he read the article.

It seems the AMC theatre chain will not show a movie called “The Aristocrats.” The movie features many well-known comedians retelling and dissecting “the worlds dirtiest joke.” It is supposedly vulgar, obscene, and unrated.

So, you are asking yourself, what is “the dirtiest joke?” Well, your Maximum Leader isn’t sure. If you know, feel free to clue him in. He’s officially hooked for the joke.

Carry on.

Don’t You Just Hate It When…

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader’s earlier story about a prematurely sold Harry Potter book, while perhaps amusing to you all, was not enterly accurate. It seems as though the original story to which your Maximum Leader linked was miraculously updated by the AP. According to the updated story on the AP, the book was sold to one Mandy Muldoon who was shopping for her 9 year old son.

But all that other stuff about the Writ from SCOTUS and bleeding eyes and 10 point tests… All that is true.

Carry on.

NHL Has A Deal *Yawn*

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader was a great hockey fan from 1976 until 2004. He loved hockey. He went to games. Watched on TV. He was just the person the NHL relied upon to keep themselves going.

Then came the lockout. The cancelled season. The time. Now it seems that the League and the Players have an agreement in principle.

And your Maximum Leader doesn’t care. He doubts he will watch any hockey. He doubts he will go to a game. He knows he will not buy any hockey stuff. He’s gone a year with no product. His DTs were over months ago.

He might watch a game of the week on TV during that period from the conclusion of the Super Bowl to the beginning of Spring Training. But that is it. Oh! He’ll watch Olympic hockey too. But that really is it.

Commissioner Bettman, Owners, Players, your Maximum Leader bids you all a fond adieu. It was good while it lasted. But you all suck.

Carry on.

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