Lighten up bay-bee.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader got an e-mail from reader the jist of which was “I don’t live in Virginia. I don’t care about George Allen. I don’t care if he is a racist. Move on.” Now, one thing before your Maximum Leader moves on… While your Maximum Leader is not going to make any claims or represenations about anyone, he does think that one probably doesn’t want a true racist sitting in the US Senate. So perhaps people should care.

But hey… It is time to lighten up…

And what better to put one in a lighter mood than… the dreamy Jennifer Love Hewitt.

For all of you out there find this site looking for search terms like “jennifer love hewitt naked” and “jennifer love hewitt nude” and “jennifer love hewitt cow” and “jennifer love hewitt playboy” (and your Maximum Leader knows there are lots of you) he presents the dreamy Miss Hewitt in her “music video” entitled “Barenaked.” That means that this is the title track of the dreamy Jennifer Love Hewitt’s album “Barenaked.” In the song, the dreamy Jennifer Love Hewitt is “bare naked” and “just can’t take it.”

Your Maximum Leader can take it… Just not in Playboy.

Humm… Does this count as being “art?” Your Maximum Leader wonders if videos count as an art form? Perhaps he should consult the RCBA…

Carry on.

From the way back machine…

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader sees that so many of his favourite bloggers are putting music videos from You Tube up on their sites. Your Maximum Leader figures this is a trend he feels okay going with. If you read the same sites that your Maximum Leader does you’d have recently seen some a-Ha, Squeeze, and Everclear… But your Maximum Leader want to go both older and foreign on you. The year is 1983 - the early days of the golden age of rock videos. MTV was new, and there was still a Friday Night Videos on every week (for those of you who didn’t have cable…).

Your Maximum Leader remembers seeing this video for the very first time over at Jenny Rosenthal’s house. He remembers being told, “Oh Mike. Watch this. This is the saddest thing ever.”

For your viewing pleasure…

Carry on.

Nancy Grace Kills

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader sees on the news wire that one Melinda Duckett has killed herself after taping a segment on the CNN Nancy Grace show. Now let your Maximum Leader state, up front, that he is sure that Ms Duckett’s family is likely quite shaken and griefstricken due to the disappearance of Ms Duckett’s son and her subsequent suicide.

But Nancy Grace?

Great jeezey creezey! Your Maximum Leader has never appeared on Nancy Grace’s program. Your Maximum Leader will never appear on Nancy Grace’s program. Indeed, your Maximum Leader has not watched a complete episode of Nancy Grace’s program. After a few minutes of watching Nancy Grace, your Maximum Leader wanted to either kill her - or himself.

Frankly, whenever it comes down to killing himself or someone else; your Maximum Leader always chooses killing someone else. When the MWO comes, Nancy Grace will be dragged out and shot - for the good of humanity and the TV viewing audience. That woman is completely insane.

Now your Maximum Leader does get angry when victims are “forgotten” or “aren’t heard” (to the extent that those cliches mean anything). But he would prefer to channel his anger into socially constructive avenues. He likes voting for tough prosecutors. He likes spending his tax money on the police. He likes community watch programs and involvement. He does not like ranting like a mad woman on CNN and coming off as only slightly sane.

But, Nancy Grace doesn’t mind those things. Who really watches Nancy Grace? Really? I think that Jeff (of Beautiful Atrocities and Agent Bedhead fame) might have watched her once or twice. But he’s a smart, hip, fellow. He may mock her… But to mock does not require regularly tuning in…

One wonders if some overly ambitious lawyer will approach the Ducketts and convince them to sue Grace for some sort of trumped up civil wrongful death suit… Talk about irony…

Carry on.

Fun from the Left Coast

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader always relishs the e-mails he gets from his good friend the Minister of Propaganda. For those of you who might be new to this space, the Minister of Propaganda is a Left-Coast liberal, a ladies man, and an all around stand up fellow. Indeed, your Maximum Leader wishes that it was possible to spend more time with him.

Now… Your Maximum Leader likes to think of himself as a political conservative. This is not the same as a Republican - although your Maximum Leader generally aligns himself with the Republican Party on many issues. If your Maximum Leader is a solid right-wing type then his friend the Minister of Propaganda is a solid left-wing guy. If you played Dungeons and Dragons the Minister of Propaganda is a Paladin and your Maximum Leader is the Anti-Paladin. (Or vice versa - your choice.)

Anyhoo… Your Maximum Leader got two chuckles from links that the Minister of Propaganda sent him.

The first one is a cartoon entitled “Wrong.” you can see it here. Now… Your Maximum Leader doesn’t agree with many of the points the penguin is making in the cartoon - but he found it amusing anyway. Amusing mainly for the fact that he really doesn’t care for Sean Hannity. Hannity is a bit too fawning and obsequious to the Administration for your Maximum Leader’s taste. But he does know one or two people who could be the guy being lectured by the penguin. That makes the joke in his mind.

The second link was one that your Maximum Leader had seen before, and perhaps had linked to before. (He does remember it on the Big Hominid’s site as well as Annika’s site.) It was the wonderful cartoon at youtube about George Washington. Your Maximum Leader will not embed it here, but only provide you with the link. Here it is. You know, your Maximum Leader is glad that - even for the sake of a good laugh - someone out there is paying attention to George Washington. Our great founding father gets rather short shrift in our modern times. Your Maximum Leader isn’t sure why. But he does. Check it out. It might stretch the truth a little bit about George… Well… Not the part about George having 4 balls…

Carry on.

If you walk without rhythm…

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader, a few days ago, took Mr Atoz’s advice and sat himself down and watched Christopher Walken explore the studio space in the video for “Weapon of Choice” by Fatboy Slim. He had forgotten how much he enjoyed it.

Your Maximum Leader, through various compilations, has a few Fatboy Slim songs on his iPod. They include the full album version of “Weapon of Choice” as well as “Praise” and “Rockefeller Skank.” There is one other one that your Maximum Leader is too lazy to look up…


Your Maximum Leader trucked on over to iTunes and picked up the “Weapon of Choice” video. He’s now watched it about 3 times. More interestingly, the Wee Villain (aged 2 years) has watched the video about a dozen times. Every time he sees his father’s iPod he cries out “Daddy. Show me dancing man!” Your Maximum Leader almost always agrees. Your Maximum Leader holds the iPod and has one earbud. The Wee Villain gets the other earbud. Then the Wee Villain dances.

He’s no Christopher Walken.


Carry on.

More people undeserving of sympathy

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader, in the days before the dreamy Jennifer Love Hewitt, did have a thing for Christie Brinkley. Ah yes… Your Maximum Leader remembers those days well. The halcyon days of the Reagan years. The Gipper was our President. The Soviet Union was our enemy. Crockett and Tubbs were on TV. Members Only jackets were hip. Your Maximum Leader was wearing unpressed linen jackets (earth tones only - no pastels) and gurkha shorts from Banana Republic (before they were just an extension of The Gap).

And there was one uber-babe to rule them all…

Her name was Christie Brinkley.

Your Maximum Leader, who generally favors brunettes to blondes, thought that Christie Brinkley was quite hot. For the sake of full disclosure, your Maximum Leader was also a raging bundle of hormones at the time. If push came to shove he could find something attractive about just about any female of the species…

But… Eventually, Christie became entangled with that William Joel fellow. They went off and had babies together. And Christie faded into your Maximum Leader’s distant memory.

She re-emerged around that time she nearly died in that skiing accident. Then she faded away again.

Then she showed up recently on some commercial. And Mrs Villain commented, upon seeing the commerical, that she was really good looking for being 40 something. Around then we both figured out that Christie was more like 50 something… We both agreed that Christie is still a hot woman. (Your Maximum Leader is willing to overlook that whole Billy Joel thing…)

So… When your Maximum Leader read that Mr Christie Brinkley was exposed for having an affair with an 18 year old in his employ he was waiting for the apology. He’s issued it. It seems he was stupid and foolish.

Yeah. Your Maximum Leader would agree. He is stupid and foolish. He is undeserving of sympathy.

Of course, he is like what? Mr Christie Brinkley number 5? If he had just waited a little bit she would have moved on to Mr Christie Brinkley number 6…

Regardless… He is an idiot.

And Christie Brinkley was never esteemed by your Maximum Leader as much as he platonically loves the dreamy Jennifer Love Hewitt…

Carry on.


Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader reads on NRO that CBS will be touting Katie Couric’s installation as the new CBS Evening News Anchor by engraving the message on 35 million eggs.

35,000,000 eggs.

With Katie Couric’s name on them.

And probably the all-seeing CBS Eye…


What a crappy idea. Aren’t eggs really a breakfast food? Wouldn’t you want to advertise an evening news program on a dinner food? Like spelling Katie’s name in gravy a Swanson’s Hungry Man Meatloaf dinner?

Carry on.

Grizzly Man Thoughts

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader can’t recall if he ever blogged about watching the film ‘Grizzly Man.’ The film was commended to your Maximum Leader by his esteemed brother-in-law. It was recommended without comment. Just a “You should watch this.”

And your Maximum Leader did. You should see “Grizzly Man” for the absolutely stunning images of bears.

Your Maximum Leader will commend the film to you if you haven’t seen it. He will also commend to you Big Stupid Tommy’s prayer of thankfulness to Jeebus after watching the film. Your Maximum Leader agrees with Big Stupid Tommy completely. So much so that Big Stupid Tommy is now blogrolled…

Carry on.


Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is coming to you from a rain besotted Villainschloss. Damn! Has it been raining. By your Maximum Leader’s unscientific reckoning (by way of an inflatable kiddie pool in the back yard) he’s received about 8 inches of rain since Saturday. More is coming down as he types these words.

For those of you commuting in the DC area, your Maximum Leader weeps for you. Parts of the Beltway closed due to flooding, roads washed away by flooding, and just plain ole flooding… It is not yet approaching Biblical proportions - but give it a few days more.

Since there was much rain and no need or cause to do much else over the weekend, your Maximum Leader partook of watching DVDs he’d been given for his birthday.

Your Maximum Leader has now watched 3 of the 4 disks containing all the episodes of Firefly. He’s really enjoying it. When your Maximum Leader finishes the Firefly TV episodes, he’ll watch Serenity. For this viewing experience your Maximum Leader must thank his fantastic in-laws (who bought Firefly) and his friend the Big Hominid (who bought Serenity).

The show is really well written and put together. It is a shame that (according to various web sites) there will be no more episodes or films. Apparently Serenity only grossed about $38 million while it was in the theatres. That didn’t cover the $40 million cost of the film. But DVD sales have been strong and that is worth something. Although your Maximum Leader also reads that Joss Whedon has no intention of working for the FOX network again. And FOX still owns broadcast/film rights to the characters and stories. The combination of not making enough money and broadcaster/writer feuding means we are not likely to get any more stories of the Malcolm Reynolds and his merry band.

Of the episodes your Maximum Leader has seen (which is now nearly all of thm) he likes Jaynestown, Our Mrs Reynolds, and Trash the best. Although Inara is dead sexy (but not as dead sexy as Dead Sexy Sadie) he finds Saphron very alluring. It must be the bad-for-you vibe that is attractive. That and the boobs…

Anyhoo… That is what your Maximum Leader did over the weekend…

Carry on.

Lost Blogging

As our readers may or may not know, I am part of a mixed marriage.

My wife likes television. I’m a Luddite and would happily “kill the tube.”

I’m not taking some morally elitist position here. I just find that, if the television is on, I’ll become a couch potato and watch it. After all, I’ll say to myself, the book I’m reading will still be here in thirty minutes. That Seventies Show is on now!

And then, thirty minutes of my life later, I realize that I have wasted thirty minutes of my life.

BUT there are a few shows that I really like. Buffy was awesome. The Simpsons make me chortle. I wish that I had watched Firefly when it was on, but at Brian B.’s urging I netflixed and loved the show. Early West Wing stuff was great. Law and Order is an old standby in reruns. But there is only one show currently in production that interests me at all: Lost.

I swear to God, there better be a friggin’ coherant story arc that will explain all the weird stuff. If the writers have no idea where they are going and are just putting pseudo-mysterious crap out there, I will be pissed.

But as for now, I’m fascinated by all the twists and turns (and was sorry that holding AP movie nights for my students made me miss three of this season’s episodes so I have even less of a clue about what is going on).

I have one gripe, however.

Jack is the “man of reason” and Locke is the “man of faith.” Ought Locke be an Enlightened man of reason?

And shouldn’t the mysterious, bitter, and cyncial Rousseau have a more optimistic view about the nature of man?

Just sayin’.

P.S. Kudos to the Minister of Propaganda for introducing me to Buffy and West Wing. I only started watching them beause he was working on those shows and was being supportive of my bud. But then the story lines suckered me in. If only he would get a job on “Lost” or “My Name is Earl,” I could brag that I know someone working on the show. And he might introduce me to Evangeline Lilly. Of course, My Name is Earl is unwatchable crap, but for some reason, I’d like to visit the set…

Roy Zimmerman and Falwell’s God

Vie the Volokh Conspiracy, I found Roy Zimmerman’s site. Being a squishy centrist, I don’t agree with most of his political-oriented rants, but I found his song “Falwell’s God” to be amusing:

Jerry Falwell’s God
words and music by Roy Zimmerman
© 2004
(From “Homeland”)

Jerry Falwell’s god was standing by the elevator while we were talking about the party, so we had to invite him.

Secretly, we were all wishing that he wouldn’t come, because he’s vengeful and jealous and he tends to smite people.

And, of course, he knew we were thinking that, so it made him all the more determined to show up and punish us.

And I wanted to invite my god, but I couldn’t find him.

But, Jerry Falwell’s god is hard to miss… the gossamer robe and the beard down to here, and the button that says, “What would Jesus do?”

And sure enough, day of the party, there he was at the door.

And he spoke, spaketh he, saying, “I AM COME.”

And I knew there was a joke there… but Jerry Falwell’s god will not be mocked.

So I said, “Come in.”

Jerry Falwell’s god
Jerry Falwell’s god

Now, I’m no heavenly host, but I throw a decent party, and there were people of all kinds there ‚Äö?Ñ?Æ black, white, Swedish, Norwegian, the whole human spectrum.

And right away, Jerry Falwell’s god found the two people who would listen to him and began spaking in a voice so loud, it made the Beastie Boys sound like the Vienna Boys Choir.

And he made the lame to walk.

And these were my friends, so they were still lame, but they could walk.

And he turned the loaves to fishes, and the Oreos to Hydrox.

And he divided up the room, divided he, saying “Gays here, lesbians here, pagans here, abortionists, feminists, civil libertarians, People for the American Way,” and frankly, some of us did not know where to stand.

I went with the lesbians.

Jerry Falwell’s god
Jerry Falwell’s god

And he pointed his huge finger at each group in turn, saying, “I blame you, and you, and you, who have secularized society and cast me out of the town square,” and I thought, “Man you are the town square.”

He said, “Lo, I have lifted the Veil of Protection, for the end days are here, and the judgment is nigh, where I will draw the faithful to heaven and will leave the unrepentant to walk a desolate earth.” And I thought, “More polyester for the rest of us.”

And he spat fire, and he rained toads, and he brought forth seven bowls of seven plagues, and finally I just said, “Look, I’ll tell you one thing Jesus would not do.

Jesus would not wreck a guy’s party.

And Jesus would not preach hate.

And Jesus would not stand in the rubble and say, ‘I told you so.’

And Jesus would not use an international catastrophe to score points for some misogynistic, narrow, homophobic, anti-Semitic interpretation of his life and teaching.

And if people are jealous and judgmental and vengeful and violent, maybe it’s because you made them in your image.

And if people have cast you out of the town square, maybe it’s because you are a finger-pointing, moralizing, rageaholic, stone drag who gives deities a bad name!

And if people have turned away from your word, maybe it’s because you have spinach in your teeth!”

And he smote me.

Jerry Falwell’s god
Jerry Falwell’s god

Little known Constitution

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader expects that President Bush’s approval ratings will soon skyrocket. As soon as he starts flying and shooting plasma out of his fingertips he’ll be more popular than Superman. After all, invoking Presidential Superpowers worked wonders for Teddy Roosevelt.

Carry on.

Happy Birthday Richard Wagner

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader wished the departed Richard Wagner a happy 195th birthday today. As long-time readers of this site know, your Maximum Leader is a great Wagnerian. The score of the day will take liberally from various Wagner operas. (Your Maximum Leader made a special Wagner playlist for the iPod this morning.)

For those of you inclinded to learn more, you can check out this (rather balanced) bio on the composer on Wikipedia.

You might also want to check out the “official” Wagner website. Namely the site for the Bayreuth Festival.

Carry on.

Beer… Commercial…

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader just wanted to post his agreement with Dr. Leopold (Mc) Stotch.

Great beer commercial.

Just great.

Carry on.

Celebrity breakup

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader sees that Sir Paul McCartney is separating from Heather Mills, his wife of 4 years. According to the article there is no prenup… But before they were married Paul judged that Heather wasn’t a gold-digger…

We’ll see on that point won’t we?

Perhaps now Paul can get back to dating super-hot Brazilian supermodels… That is, if he ever dated super-hot Brazilian supermodels… Perhaps your Maximum Leader was just projecting there.

Carry on.

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