Flaming Pianos

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader just loves seeing things flying through the air. Especially if those things flying through the air are on fire.

In this vein, your Maximum Leader presents: Rich English Guy and his Trebuchet.

Your Maximum Leader wonders if the gun he used to “make a cable hole” in the car was a Purdey. He wouldn’t be surprised if it were.

Damn… Your Maximum Leader would love to have a Purdey side by side. Failing to get one of those, a Holland and Holland would do.

Carry on.

Violence of the Lambs

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader must thank Misspent for turning him on to this movie. When it comes out your Maximum Leader will definately go and see it…

Carry on.

Singing. Dancing. Buttocks.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader still wants for good material. He had thought about writing about Ann Coulter, but she tires your Maximum Leader now. There was a time (around 2001) when your Maximum Leader found her amusing - and even somewhat sexy. But as time dragged on, Ann became more tiresome. He cannot now motivate himself to type more than a few sentences about her.

So… He has a few ideas for a post ruminating about in his wee little brain. We’ll see if he has the time and talent required to flesh out his ideas…

Speaking of fleshing out… Thanks to your Maximum Leader’s dear friend the Air Marshall, we have a great little You Tube find…

Loyal readers, your Maximum Leader presents to you, Sir Mix A Lot’s magnum opus “Baby Got Back” in the style of Gilbert and Sullivan.

The lyrics are not exactly safe for work (depending on your workplace). So you may want to listen with headphones.

And, lest you forget, there is also a page with Sir Mix A Lot’s opus translated into Latin. For the real old-school amongst you all.

Your Maximum Leader continues to do what he can to expose his erudite and cultured readers to as much vile anti-culture as possible…

Carry on.

Shakespeare for Bloggers.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader realizes that his nearly four years old schtick here at Naked Villainy may have convinced some of you that he is a pompous illest who you wouldn’t want to spend much time with… He hopes that those of you who know your Maximum Leader might think differently…

As many long-time readers know, your Maximum Leader is a great lover of Shakespeare. Shakespeare’s plays, while a joy to read, are really meant to be experienced not only in your mind, but with all your senses. To get the full effect you need to see and hear them. (Excursus: Indeed, your Maximum Leader and Villainette #1 watched Olivier’s King Lear just this past weekend.) This is one of the reasons that your Maximum Leader has always been a fan of well-done film versions of Shakespeare’s plays. But more than seeing The Bard on celluloid, his works should be seen on a stage… And that is where your Maximum Leader is going with this…

The Shakepeare Theatre Company of Washington is currently performing one of your Maximum Leader’s favourite plays, Richard III. This production has been very well reviewed. (See here, here and here.) Your Maximum Leader was going to be picking up some tickets for himself and his lovely wife to see this play before it closes on March 18th. So he wondered… Would some among the blogging community like to see this play too? Could we get discounted group tickets? Would there be drinks beforehand (or afterwards - remember though, the play is long)? These questions and so many more can be answered by your Maximum Leader, if only he could gauge interest.

If you are interested in a night of Shakespeare let your Maximum Leader know. Shoot him an e-mail at “maximumleader” - the “at” symbol - “nakedvillainy” - “dot” - com. He will get a quick head-count and see what can be done about the tickets. Your Maximum Leader had hoped for a Saturday or Sunday Matinee (2:00pm) in late February. But that is not etched in stone. If you have a preference for days or times let your Maximum Leader know. Matinee tickets regularly run for $70. They say that groups of 10 or more can get discounts between 20 and 50%. Don’t be stingy! This is culture people!

If you are interested… Write your Maximum Leader and let him know…

Carry on.

Get well Blues Boy

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader reads on the news wires that B.B. King has been hospitalized in Texas.

Your Maximum Leader has seen B.B. King play twice and is something of a fan. He hopes that B.B. recovers quickly.

Carry on.

Auto Show

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader doesn’t have a lot of time today. He is going to the Washington DC Auto Show today. Then heading out to dinner. Then going to the University of Maryland v. Georgia Tech basketball game.

Not much time to opine on the State of the Union Address or the Democratic response. Perhaps tomorrow…

In the meanwhile… Melt your pennies and make a buck.

If you melt enough pennies you may be able to afford a 77 square foot flat in Knightsbridge for a meagre $335,000 (US).

Of course, if you move to Knightsbridge, there will be no reason for you to celebrate that John Kerry has decided not to run for President in 2008. One supposes the field was a little too crowded for his taste.

Carry on.

O.S. and Bruce Campbell Pt 2

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader didn’t know that AdWeek had reviews of TV commercials that take longer to read than the commercial does to view.

Well… AdWeek lets loose on Bruce Campbell’s Old Spice ad.

Clicky here to linky…

To paraphrase Sally Field… They like him. They really like him.

Carry on.

Izzard on Empire

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader, after finding the Bruce Campbell ad below, was just browsing around on You Tube. While there he found a small bit from Eddie Izzard’s comedy routine “Dress To Kill.”

Izzard is one of your Maximum Leader’s favorites. Give a listen. But use headphones or something because (as with all comedy it seems nowadays) the routine is rife with the ole F-*** word.

Carry on.

New spokesman

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is a big Bruce Campbell fan. Indeed, careful readers of this site might even have noticed that Mr. Campbell’s own web site is permanently linked on this site (over on the right side).

Your Maximum Leader always likes to see that Bruce is working. He wants Bruce Campbell to be in front of the people. Making money. Cashing in.

It seems as though the people over at Old Spice have decided to harness the cash machine that is Bruce Campbell. Here is their latest ad:

Love it.

You should go out and buy some Old Spice. Your Maximum Leader doesn’t recommend that you wear it… It may have some disinfectant or anti-zombie qualities of which you may be unaware… But buy it so that we may see more Bruce Campbell ads…

Carry on.

Sellers performs…

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader was sent a link to a You Tube video by the Air Marshal today. It was just what your Maximum Leader needed to bring a smile to his face.

Peter Sellers performs…

The Beatles “Hard Days Night” in the style of Olivier doing Richard III.

Carry on.

i-Tunes Playlist

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader was making himself up a new playlist in i-Tunes for downloading to his i-Pod.

He realized that the first three songs he added to this particular playlist were “Making Love out of Nothing at All” by Air Supply, “Candyman” by Christina Agulera, and “I’m Still Standing” by Elton John.

Your Maxmium Leader likely should have his “man card” reviewed…

But since he’s already admitted this much… Here is Sir Elton’s video…

Of course, If you were looking for the anti-Elton; it might be Christina Aguilera… Here is Christina performing “Candyman”…

Hell… While he’s at it… Here is Air Supply…

Enough damage to your Maximum Leader’s reputation for one day…

Carry on.

Holiday Movies

Merry Christmas and happy new year to all.

Your humble Smallholder doesn’t get to the movies much.


You know how it is.

But Mrs. Smallholder and I have managed to catch two over the holidays - The Good Shepherd and Casino Royale.

I have to tell you, some of the action sequences in Casino Royale were just awesome. Woo and hoo. Go spend eight bucks for the action alone. The plot? Not so good. Stupid, actually. Whatever happened to good action flicks that actually have a plot that makes sense? Perhaps one day historians will look back on this and label it the Swordfish era.

The Good Shepherd had some good parts as well, but once again, elements of the plot were lacking. What I found most intriguing was the portrayal of Skull and Bones, a secret society at Yale University. The Good Shepherd, ostensibly a movie about the founding of the CIA, takes on an umistakable homoeroticism when the Bonesmen are on the stage. Who knew that an organization that counts Presidents among its ranks could be so thoroughly, thoroughly queer.

Dang, it almost makes me wish I knew someone who had been in the organization so that I could give him crap.


Puella Bondus for the RCBA

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader has decided that he isn’t finished talking about James Bond.

More specifically, he is almost finished talking (writing?) about James Bond, but has not yet begun to discuss that equisite sub-species of humanity known as the “Bond Girl” (latin: Puella Bondus - NB: your Maximum Leader’s Latin is very sketchy at this point so he will welcome any helpful hints on the whole genus/species naming conventions.)

As for the discussion of Commander Bond himself, your Maximum Leader was going to point out one little problem with Casino Royale that did have to do with James Bond’s pedigree. That issue has been taken up by our good friend Wing Commander Seal. So, go visit Mr. Seal and read up on the biography of Commander Bond.

Then, there was Mr. Elk, who linked a site which asked “Who is your favourite Bond Girl?” It was that post that was the inspiration for this little missive by your Maximum Leader.

You see, your Maximum Leader is partial to a great many Bond Girls. Something he’s learned about himself by thinking of this post is that he likes a great many Bond Girls who hail (by birth at least) from France. The again confirms your Maximum Leader’s belief that he loves a great many things French, but is not at all partial to France’s Government.*


Allow us to move along here and go over your Maximum Leader’s favourite “Bond Girls.”

1) Carole Bouquet (For Your Eyes Only)

Carole Bouquet
Your Maximum Leader will give his number one vote to Carole Bouquet. Ms. Bouquet is now Mrs. Gerard Depardieu (if what your Maximum Leader reads is correct.) That saddens your Maximum Leader greatly. For your Maximum Leader, while no Sean Connery - or frankly even Sean Astin, is a better looking man than Gerard Depardieu. Of course, your Maximum Leader is not as good an actor as M. Depardieu. Indeed, your Maximum Leader’s only film/stage role worth noting was as Prince Geoffrey in “The Lion in Winter.” But if Ms. Bouquet was looking for someone she could have, at least, rung up your Maximum Leader to see if he was available.

Now, your Maximum Leader will completely agree with Mrs P that if Ms. Bouquet had spent more time working on acting and less time working on how to stare, she might be a more memorable Bond Girl. Your Maximum Leader chalks up Ms. Bouquet’s lack of acting ability to the fact that she is really just a model. In fact, at the time she was selected for the role she was, if your Maximum Leader remembers, the “face” of Clinique Cosmetics. Now, you are probably wondering why, if she wasn’t all that good an actress why on earth would your Maximum Leader choose her as his all time favourite Bond Girl? Why for looks of course.

Allow your Maximum Leader to write plainly here. These ranking are, solely, a beauty contest. He’s not making any judgements about which Bond Girl is a better actress, or delivered her lines better, or any other such thing. This is purely a list of how good-looking a particular actress was at the time they starred in a Bond flick. Your Maximum Leader’s personal taste being the only judging criteria.

2) Halle Berry (Die Another Day)

Halle Berry
Frankly, Halle Berry is one of the most stunningly beautiful women on the face of the Earth. As it turns out, she can - more or less - act as well. Witness her winning an Oscar for that film she did will Billy Bob Thornton. Of course, some might go so far as to say that she won the Oscar because she filmed a sex scene with the aforementioned Mr. Thornton and acted as though she enjoyed it. No small feat that was. So, Halle Berry makes the list. For the sake of full disclosure, your Maximum Leader must once again admit that he has not even watched “Die Another Day.” So he cannot comment on he character portrayal in the movie at all.

3) Daniela Bianchi (From Russia With Love)

Daniela Bianchi
As your Maximum Leader has already noted, “From Russia With Love” is his favourite Bond movie. For a while your Maximum Leader’s adolecent days were filled visions of Daniela Bianchi which he lustfully memorized from a Betamax copy of the film he watched repeatedly. While your Maximum Leader has not really favoured blondes, he will make a noteworthy exception for Ms. Bianchi.

4) Sophie Marceau (The World is Not Enough)

Sophie Marceau
Another French woman, the second of this list, Sophie Marceau comes in at number four on your Maximum Leader’s list of Bond Girls. Of course, your Maximum Leader also liked her in “Braveheart” and “A Midsummer’s Night Dream.” (NB: That film was particularly poorly done in your Maximum Leader’s opinion, but Ms. Marceau was good as Hyppolita. Mrs. Villain liked her in a version of “Anna Karenina” we watched on PBS once. Your Maximum Leader didn’t like the production much, but now can visualize Sophie Marceau as Anna…)

5) Claudine Auger (Thunderball)

Claudine Auger
Yet another French woman on the list. Claudine Auger played Domino in Thunderball. Her portrayal of the character was far better than that of Kim Basinger in “Never Say Never Again.” You will recall that “Never Say Never Again” was the not-Bond-film. Due to that dispute over who owned the rights to “Thunderball” some schmoe was allowed partial ownership of the story and promptly took advantage of the ruling to get Sean Connery out of retirement for one more stab at the role of 007. All in all it is a fine film, but in the end, your Maximum Leader prefers the original. And prefers Claudine to the “other” Domino.

6) Ursula Andress (Dr No)

Ursula Andress
Your Maximum Leader was, like so many countless men out there, titilated the moment Ursula Andress came out of the ocean in that white bikini in “Dr No.” The fact that she also was wearing a knife made he seem just a little dangerous on top of being sexy. (NB to female readers: Sexy + Dangerous = Irresistable) Ms Andress is Swiss, from Bern, which makes her a Francophone - in as much as most Swiss are tri-lingual - and she lived for a time in Paris. Your Maximum Leader wonders if this makes her at least partially French?

7) Famke Janssen (Goldeneye)

Famke Janssen
Famke Janssen is the second of two Bond Girl villains on the list (the first being Sophie Marceau). Xenia Onatopp is a parody of the sexy villain - really now screwing your targets to death? - in Bond films. But she pulled it off well. Ms Janssen is quite sexy in fact. Her turns in the X-Men movies have, no doubt, endeared her to millions of young men. (Humm… She and Halle Berry both in X-Men movies? Bond Girl as stepping stone to comic book adaptation blockbuster?) Your Maximum Leader will admit that his favourite Janssen role happens to be her portrayal of Kamala in the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode entitled “The Perfect Mate.”
8) Eva Green (Casino Royale)

Eva Green
Another French woman. Your Maximum Leader will admit that he thought Eva Green was English or American affecting a British accent. As it turns out her last name is “Green” pronounced “Gren.” Miss. Green’s turn as Vesper Lynd is quite good. She has an actual dramatic range that is evident in the film. Your Maximum Leader didn’t recognize her from the only other role he’s seen her play, that of the Princess in “Kingdom of Heaven” - which was a very disappointing film all in all. He’s read that Miss Green’s role in Bertolucci’s “The Dreamers” drew oohs and aahs from hormonally normal men for her full frontal nude scenes. Perhaps that will be a rental someday…

9) Michelle Yeoh (Tomorrow Never Dies)

michelle yeoh
Your Maximum Leader has always thought of Michelle Yeoh as a particularly sexy woman. He can’t recall the first time he saw her in a film, but he thinks it was some martial arts movie recommended to him by his best friend Kevin, the Big Hominid. Most people recall her from “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” - which itself is a fine film and worthy of a recommendation.

10) Corrine Clery (Moonraker)

Corinne Clery
The fifth and final French woman on the list. Corinne Clery was one of those minor Bond women who end badly. If you recall her role at all (and frankly there is no reason you should), she played a helicopter pilot who was torn apart by dogs in “Moonraker.” As your Maximum Leader has already gone on the record stating that “Moonraker” is the absolute nadir of the whole Bond franchise, it is rather ironic that even one thing about the film should be included in a “best of Bond” list. Corinne Clery is good looking enough to make the list.

So there you have it. Your Maximum Leader’s list of his top ten favourite Bond Girls… Oh… The title of this post mentions the RCBA… As we all know your Maximum Leader (a nominal Catholic at best - although he’s found himself going to Mass recently) is fond of the study of beauty. Film-making is an “art.” You do the math…

Oh yes… There if your Maximum Leader could make one request of the producers of the next Bond film… It would be to consider the dreamy Jennifer Love Hewitt as a Bond Girl. It would do your Maximum Leader’s heart good…

Carry on.

Uschi Digard, for Cranky.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader has seen that neat Jerry Zucker “ad” that has been circulating around the blogosphere. On Six Meat Buffet, our friend Gordon the Cranky Neocon, posted the ad from YouTube and noted how he loved Zucker’s “Kentucky Fried Movie.” In response to a comment your Maximum Leader posted, Gordon admitted that he did not know the name Ushci Digard.

Well… Some of you might know that your Maximum Leader has a blogger site he doesn’t update much called “Got Villainy?” Originally it was supposed to be a back up site to this one - in case of technical problems. Well, on that site he posted an entry a looooooonnnngggg time about about Uschi Digard.

Since Cranky didn’t know who she was, your Maximum Leader figured he’d make it easier for him to find out about her. (The post is also reprinted after the fold. The post also has some NSFW links…)

Carry on.

Miller’s 300

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader has always thought that the Spartans have gotten the shaft in our study of Greek history. There is much to be learned and studied in Sparta’s contribution to Greek history. About all most people know about Sparta is that it was a military state where men trained their whole lives to fight.

If people know more, it is likely that they have heard of Thermopylae. The famous battle where 300 Spartans (and their allies - most notably the Thespians) held off the whole Persian army for days. (Check out the link to read about the battle, and to see the great painting “Leonidas and the Spartans” by David.)

Recently, comic book artist Frank Miller wrote a wonderful graphic novel (if there really is such a thing) called “300.” Your Maximum Leader owns “300″. Now your Maximum Leader has learnt that Miller’s work has been turned into a movie. He admits he is pretty excited to see it… Here is the trailer:

Thanks to Ragnar at the Jawa Report for directing your Maximum Leader to the trailer.

Carry on.

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