Loathing, Leaking, and Loafing

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader will start this post by thanking the many of you who have expressed concern for him after his last post.

To fill you all in a little bit… Your Maximum Leader’s life was even less fun after his post. His work situation isn’t ideal and he is looking. His best friend’s dad has had heart surgery. Two toilets in the Villainschloss are not functioning properly. And your Maximum Leader and Mrs Villain spent all day yesterday in the hospital with the Wee Villain. He was diagnosed with a double ear infection last week. Somehow that condition has transmogrified into dehydration (although he was eating and drinking). So the Wee Villain was poked, prodded, and IV’ed for about 8 hours yesterday. He is doing much better at home today, but will likely see his pediatrician every day this week until his condition abates. Please keep the Wee Villain, and the BigHominid’s dad in your prayers.

In what might be the only update of this site today… Here are other stories….

Your Maximum Leader is sorry that he missed the DC area bloggers gathering on Saturday night. He hopes everyone understands and will invite him next time.

You should check out the latest from the Hatemongers. This is Third Annual Week of Loathing. The object of this week’s loathing is Sarah Vowell. She is on your Maximum Leader’s “list.” While he will not go so far as to say that she’d be “up against the wall” in the Mike World Order, she might be chained in a dungeon and forced to listen to Rush Limbaugh constantly. (Which frankly would be torture for just about anyone…)

It is sort of funny that the Hatemongers should pick the Christian observance of Holy Week to be their Week of Loathing. It is almost like we can loath this week while trying to repent our sins at the same time. Get all that bad juju out of our systems and then be resurrected on Sunday with a new clean (yet still appropriately misanthropic) world view.

Your Maximum Leader would like to comment a little bit on the Bush as Leaker-in-Chief post directly below this entry. The good Minister of Propaganda would, your Maximum Leader is sure, acknowledge that some of those quotations are taken a bit out of context. The President spoke those words in the context of who disclosed Valerie Plame’s name; not the leaking of information contained in the National Intelligence Estimate (NIE). So we are talking about two different things here. The first issue is who leaked Plame’s name. On that count it appears as though Scooter Libby is still on the hook for that - although it might not be a crime (since no one has been indicted for it). The second, related, item concerns the NIE. Not a single commentator or pundit has challenged that the President can declassify documents at his discretion. Indeed it seems as though every President in the modern era has done so. And when they have it has almost always been to do exactly what Bush has one - namely to address critics and defend policy.

Now where your Maximum Leader will admit to there being problems are these: 1)The Administration is still under investigation. Give a Special Prosecutor unlimited time and money (which they have) and they will get someone convicted of something. 2) The Administration’s claim to be a good steward of intelligence information and against leaking - in general - is greatly diminished. 3) The Wilson/Plame claims of being attacked by the Administration (or should one say counter-attacked) are obviously true.

Problems two and three are mostly image problems. In time they will wane and people will become disinterested. Problem one is the real tricky one - and the one that can’t be ignored. So long as Patrick Fitzgerald is out there investigating anything goes. One wonders if the President has the statutory authority to fire the Special Prosecutor (or if he can order the Attorney General to do so). If your Maximum Leader recalls all his Watergate history the President can order the AG to fire special prosecutors. Your Maximum Leader wonders if he shouldn’t just do so and take the hit. His poll numbers don’t have anywhere else to go. His stature with the rest of political Washington doesn’t seem to be that great too. If the Democrats take control of the House or Senate in the fall then he will be investigated (regardless of what happens to Fitzgerald). What is the real downside? You say that Fitzgerald has had the time and resources required to find out if a crime was committed in the case of leaking Plame’s name to the press. No charges have been filed in that count and the office should be closed. The country has years of experience with Special Prosecutors who have run amok in their investigations. In fact your Maximum Leader would argue that every Special Prosecutor has run amok in their investigations. Perhaps it is better end it now.


Your Maximum Leader will go now. He hopes to post something more later. But don’t wait for it.

Carry on.

Britney is my April Fool

You’ve doubtless seen the strange yet wonderful statue (if so dignified a term may be applied to a piece of bad fiberglass pop art) depicting Britney Spears blissfully giving birth to her son, Sean Preston, upon a bearskin rug.


Winchester Plant Closes

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader notes with some sadness that the Winchester factory in New Haven, CT has finally closed. When the close was announced many bloggers, including your Maximum Leader, started to post obituaries for the venerable American rifle. Well now the plant has closed and the future of the Winchester brand is uncertain. Well… What is uncertain is where the rifles will be produced. It seems certain that Winchesters will be manufactured… Somewhere.

Your Maximum Leader likes the photo that AP chose to run with that story. The one with Ike, Omar Bradley, and Winston Churchill. Here it is.

Your Maximum Leader will have to admit, that he can’t tell if these rifles are Winhesters. He is not as good at id’ing gun porn as he should be. But one thing he will note. Your Maximum Leader’s firing stance is closer to Ike’s than Churchill’s or Bradley’s.

Carry on.

Marriage Not For Blacks

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader read this post a few days ago over on Not Exactly Rocket Science. It is a very thought provoking issue, and one that doesn’t get lots of discussion in and around the chattering classes.

Your Maximum Leader remembers the Smallholder telling stories of when he used to teach in an inner-city school. Many of his experiences would seem to reflect the idea that black society is not putting value on traditional values in the same way white/hispanic/asian society does. Alas, your Maximum Leader doesn’t seem to have too many anecdotal stories to share on this subject. As it turns out your Maximum Leader’s black friends tend to be educated, married, and middle class… Hummm… They are remarkably like your MaximumLeader…

NB to Readers: Your Maximum Leader again apologizes for his Trackbacks and Comments acting a little funky. He doesn’t seem to be able to recieve or send Trackbacks. And if you are trying to post a comment, just click the post button once then navigate away from the comment entry screen. Somethin’ is goin’ on and he’s trying to figure out what it might be.

Carry on.

magnae clunes mihi placent, nec possum de hac re mentiri.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is still in a rather foul mood.

But thanks to this post on a LiveJournal site, he is feeling a little better.

(doffing bejeweled floppy cap to Teafizz)

Carry on.

Making Our Parents Proud

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is sure that those of you inclinded to look for these types of stories have already seen that porn star Savanna Samson (real name: Natalie Oliveros) has her own brand of wine. And now her wine has been very highly rated by wine guru Robert Parker.

Your Maximum Leader, he will admit, has a rather unrefined wine palette. Indeed, his tastes in wine tend to run both red and rather acidic. (Remember his favourite wine is Hungarian Egri Bikaver.) So he wouldn’t know what to think about Ms. Samson/Oliveros’ wine. He is happy that the wine business is doing well for Ms. Samson. He hope that it continues to do so and that she wisely invests her earnings. He really passes along the whole article for the last two lines. He quotes:

Still, she never had her parent’s blessing for her career choice as an adult movie star. “They were so devastated. They were terribly, terribly upset.”

But while she will continue her film career, wine-making may offer some redemption. “I wanted to do something that my parents could be proud of,” she said.

Your Maximum Leader assumes that becoming a vintner is a reputable career… Although he is unsure of the redemptive qualities of wine-making. Last time he checked, redemption was more of a religious/spiritual and not commerical activity.

Carry on.

Parenting Skills & Dancers

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader, in persuing the news wires, sees that a 31 year old man was arrested over the weekend for being a sucky parent. (NB to Phin: Please take note and do not emulate Mr. Killion’s example.) It seems as though Christopher Killion left his young son in the car while he was partaking of the view at a strip club. Mr. Killion told his son to stay in the car lest “monsters” come and eat him.

What a putz. Mr. Killion probably wouldn’t have been allowed to have a son in the Mike World Order. He would have failed the IQ test. We know that Mr. Killion is stupid because every man knows that strippers love little kids. They go crazy over them. That is why strip clubs don’t allow little kids to enter in the first place. The owners know that the strippers’ motherly instincts would kick in and JB’s Gallery of Gals would turn into JB’s Topless Daycare in a matter of moments. You see, Mr. Killion should have just brought his son into the club with him and handed the boy off to a stripper while he enjoyed a high-quality cold brew.


In other news a (now former) dancer touring with the smash hit musical “Movin’ Out” is suing the producers of the show. She claims that she was sacked from her gig because her breasts grew too large. She is suing for $100 million. If she wins her suit she should consider opening a topless daycare…

Carry on.

Chef takes a hike

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader was going to do a post saying that he’s got nuthin’ to post about today. Somehow that type of a post (although your Maximum Leader has done so before) seems rather like a little white lie. Afterall, isn’t a post about nuthin’ still a post about something…


Your Maximum Leader did see an article that prompted him to blog. Isaac Hayes is leaving South Park.

You know your Maximum Leader is all about the hard-hitting news…

Carry on.

Extreme Makeover: Ma Sheehan edition

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader, for the most part, ignores Cindy Sheehan and all reporting of Cindy Sheehan. But for some reason Jeff’s latest on Mother Peace (or however she is styling herself nowadays - Hugo Chavez’s American Ho, Fidel’s Kinky American Beeyatch, or whatever…) just struck your Maximum Leader as really really funny.

Go, see what Jeff recommends.

As your Maximum Leader was reading over the post he thought to himself, “You know, Jeff could become a fashion consultant for some high profile California criminal defense attorney. You know, like Gloria Allred or something…” Gloria did a good job on Amber Frey from that whole Scott Pterson thingie. (Is Scott Peterson dead yet? Is he suffering in prison as some Crip’s beeyatch or something? He ought to be…)

Anyhoo… Your Maximum Leader should also thank Jeff for the links in that post. He had no idea what Chenille was. Indeed, he’s still not sure that he does, but the picture helped.

You know your Maximum Leader still has a print out of the tutorial that the lovely Annika gave him about shoes. With three women in the Villainschloss it comes in handy when they start to get dressed up…

Carry on.

Why We Love Skippy

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader has had a rough day. He can’t explain why, but it was a bear of a day. Indeed, your Maximum Leader has looked forward to the time (now by the way) that he can relax in the Villainschloss with his computer, his iPod, and peace.

So… Your Maximum Leader has settled down and is relaxing and is catching up on some reading. NB to Sadie concerning your comment - No, your Maximum Leader was not wearing a Maximum Leader shirt. But if you were watching the Pacers v. Wizards game last night you would have seen your Maximum Leader walking along the side of the court about 2 minutes into the 3 quarter. At one point he was about a foot from Antwan Jaimison before said Mr. Jaimison inbounded the ball. Your Maximum Leader was the tall man with glasses, wearing the Tommy Hillfiger sweatshirt, jeans, and carring a fresh beer. (He was just leaving the VIP suite and returning to his seat…)


Your Maximum Leader decided to start reading his favourite blogs. You know, catch up on everything he missed today…

As is your Maximum Leader’s habit, he begins his blog reading at the top of his blogroll in the Loyal Minions category. He made it down 6 positions.

Now after reading Skippy’s lastest he sees no reason to continue reading further. Your Maximum Leader will finish this post and likely re-read Skippy’s latest (because it is so damn good it deserves a second reading) and then turn off the computer and go read a book. Nothing he could possibly read tonight on the whole friggin internet will be a good as Skippy’s latest. So he will call it quits.

NB to Brian: Your Maximum Leader was going to write more about summits and President Bush. But it will have to wait until the morrow.

G’night minions. Catch you later.

Carry on.

She’s Dreamy

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader doffs his bejeweled floppy cap today in honour of the birthday girl. Yes, loyal minions the dreamy and oh-so-desireable Jennifer Love Hewitt is 27 years old today. The platonic star of your Maximum Leader’s heart (as well as the big screen, small screen, radio, iPod, runway, and red carpet) has gracefully aged another year.

The dreamy Jennifer Love Hewitt

In the Mike World Order this day will be a paid holiday. All shall be commanded to bring forth the finest meats and cheese in all the land and feast. Wine will flow in abundance. And the masses shall be happy…

Of course, if the dreamy Miss Hewitt had no other dinner plans tonight she could give your Maximum Leader a call and he would call in a few favours and be happy to take her out for a fine meal at Picasso in Vegas. (NB to JLH: In order for your Maximum Leader to make this happen he needs a call sorta quickly…) Last time your Maximum Leader ate at Picasso he had a dish with lobster in a champagne cream sauce with tender sauteed veggies. It was light and refreshing. He would recommend it to you. Of course, you are free to get whatever you like. Your Maximum Leader will take care of everything for you.

Of course your Maximum Leader can arrange that all those nasty paparazzi are kept at a distance so as to not spoil your dinner. Or if you prefer your Maximum Leader will let the paparazzi close - but then have their legs broken. You know… For kicks…

But what is your Maximum Leader doing prattleing on about Picasso… You may want to have dinner somewhere else. That’s okay. You just let him know and the arrangements will be made.

You may want to dress up. Of course dressing down is also fine. Your Maximum Leader doesn’t care. He really liked that white suit you wore to the MTV Fashion awards a while back. You might revisit it.

Anyhoo… Your Maximum Leader hopes that Jennifer Love Hewitt has a fabulous 27th. (NB to JLH: Don’t forget to call if you want your Maximum Leader to make plans… The number is on the restraining order at your agent’s office. Heh.)

Carry on.


Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader has, as you’ve no doubt noticed, been raving about his iPod. Well, today he stopped by the Apple Store in the Pentagon City Mall to get himself a gadget that will allow him to play his iPod through his car stereo. (Alas, the Villainmobile is a 2003 Mercury Marauder and getting an iPod cradle built-in was not an option.)

Well… Your Maximum Leader had done a little homework and had read up on some of the various Mac/Apple adherent web sites about gadgets that would play his iPod in the Villainmobile. Most of them were fancy high-fallutin’ thingies that would plug into cigarette lighters and broadcast your iPod output over an unused FM signal to your car radio. Most of them cost between $80-100.

When your Maximum Leader got to the store he was immediately greeted by some very cheerful (but not overly so) Apple dudes. They asked if your Maximum Leader needed any help finding something. Your Maximum Leader responded that he needed a gadget. The Apple dude said, “Look man. I’ve got to ask you a question first. The question is, do you have a tape deck in your car?” Your Maximum Leader responded that in fact he did. The Apple dude said, “Great! Then you need this gadget.” The gadget in question was a souped up cassette tape with a cord leading from the side out to a little plug that would fit in the headphone port of the iPod. Your Maximum Leader laughed aloud and said that this low-tech gadget resembled something he once owned to get an old CD-Walkman to play in his late (and oft-lamented) Honda Civic. The Apple dude said, “Yup. It’s pretty much the same thing updated for your iPod. It may not look like much. And it will not charge your iPod battery. But it will work and never fail you. All these FM broadcasting things are subject to weird atmospheric, electronic, and magnetic interference. If you want a sure thing get the cassette gadget.” As your Maximum Leader pondered the Apple dude added, “Oh yeah. And it is only $20.”

Sold! (And by the way, it works wonderfully.)

Well then your Maximum Leader and the Apple dude (who was soon joined by a second Apple dude) started talking about the G4 Powerbook and the new Intel powered laptop. Your Maximum Leader mentioned that Mac based apps weren’t optimized to run on Intel chips - so wouldn’t one be better off waiting a year or so for the programming to catch up to the technology? The Apple dudes said you could do that, but the increased speed of the chip would offset the optimization problems… Well… Your Maximum Leader and the Apple dudes talked for a little bit longer. The subject meandered… And before you knew it, your Maximum Leader was considering plopping down $2500 on a Powerbook.

Then suddenly the spell was broken as your Maximum Leader imagined the response Mrs. Villain would have given him had he returned to the Villainschloss with a Powerbook…

Your Maximum Leader was flirting with the idea of joining that strange Apple cult.

Then he thought better of it.

But now he has filed the idea away in the dark recesses of his mind. It will, perhaps, be revisited some day…

Carry on.


Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader sees that Japanese women are “bitter at Valentines chocolate duty.”

Heh. D’ja gettit? Bitter… Chocolate… Completely hillarious…


Japanese women are upset that they have to buy chocolate for the men in teir lives on Valentine’s Day. Welcome to the Western World sister! Your Maximum Leader feels your pain at spending outragous amounts of money on candy and flowers. But the western liberal democratic capitalist systems laughs at you! Hah!

That being said… Your Maximum Leader spend $81US on Valentine’s Day gifts for Mrs. Villain and the Villainettes. Sad really. Your Maximum Leader supposes he deserves to be labeled as going “Vichy” on the V-Day. Thanks Robbo. You know how to hurt your Maximum Leader…

Carry on.

Saint Valentine’s Day

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader will, against his better judgement, wish all his readers a happy Valentine’s Day. He says against his better judgement because he honestly feels that this is a “holiday” foisted upon the world by the likes of Hallmark and sundry chocolatiers. Oh yeah… Florists are responsible as well. Your Maximum Leader is sure that he shouldn’t have to re-educate his readers that Saint Valentine was beaten and beheaded in Rome in 269 for baptising the faithful, pardoning (spiritually that is) prisoners, and other stuff that saints do. So remember, those red roses you are sending your sweetie today don’t really represent love. They represent the blood flowing out of Saint Valentine’s beheaded body.

How is that for a romantic image for ye?

Anyhoo… Out of fear of the wrath of Mrs. Villain your Maximum Leader wil be engaging in shameless commercialism on this “Valentines Day.” He will get some flowers and will likely get some cards too. Now that the Villainettes are old enough he must get three cards and three sets of flowers. Your Maximum Leader may also break down and get some chocolate too. Some Lindt or Godiva. (Because Hershey and Nestle just aren’t gifting chocolates you know.)

Since he is debasing himself by “playing along” with the shameless commercialism surrounding this holiday allow your Maximum Leader to debase himself even further by plugging various blogger swag…

As you all know nothing quite says “I love you” so much as a Naked Villainy T-shirt. They come in Long and Short Sleeved models… Ladies you should recall that your man will feel confident and look particularly sexy when wearing a “Well Hung” Naked Villainy T-shirt. Ladies, please note that you will look sexy and irresistable when wearing your Naked Villainy camisole and thong combination.

But let us say, just for the sake of argument that you are completely insane and don’t want any Naked Villainy swag… You could check out the Big Hominid’s swag store. There you could get sick and twisted mugs, cards, mousepads, and more!

Let us say that the Big Hominid’s store isn’t for you… You could always check out Llama swag! A Llama tee is perfect for any occasion. And a Llama stein would look good filled with beer - or sitting on your desk filled with old ballpoint pens.

Of course, not all blogger swag consists of t-shirts and mugs. Your Maximum Leader’s friend Jeff reminds us that man must also know what time to BBQ. So you could purchase a Beautiful Atrocities wall clock and BBQ apron!

You might choose to start your offspring off on the right foot by swaddling them in Perfidious swaddling clothes. Then when they grow up they will become Hateful, Talentless, War-loving, Trailer Trash.

That, dear readers, is all of the shameless commercial promotion your Maximum Leader can stand for one day…

Carry on.


Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader, while browsing Brendon’s site, found a little story that filled him with a particular type of glee.

That glee is called: schadenfreude.

Carry on.

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    • maxldr


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