Got nuthin folks

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is in the midst of a very long brain fart (so to speak). He finds that he occasionally has had an idea about which he might write a post, but it flies from his mind very quickly. He will try and focus on something and write.

Of course, the fact that a squadron of Marine Osprey’s has been buzzing over him for two days now doesn’t help his concentration. When your Maximum Leader was out yesterday he was able to catch one of the Ospreys on his cell phone.


He figures this one was about 250 feet up when the photo was clicked. They seemed to be flying all around at that altitude most of the day. They were a little noisier than he thought they would be… But then again… Your Maximum Leader used to live a few miles away from Oceana Naval Air Station. The Osprey is nuthin’ compared to a Navy F-18 taking off with afterburners. So it is all relative.

Carry on.

Time traveling barcaloungers

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader has been up to his eyeballs in various things he’s had to do. Alas, that leaves you, his loyal reader, hoping that Smallholder posts something so that you aren’t subjected to the old post you read yesterday still hogging the top line of the content section.

Since your Maximum Leader hasn’t had time for much original content. So here is a fun little link for you…

Try this on for a line: It was very much like Dad telling his teenage son he doesn’t get a vote on where the family goes for vacation, and the son goes off and sulks for eight years when the fam doesn’t go to Cancun or wherever Brooke Burke went on Wild On; and instead goes someplace sensible and boring like Disney World.

Ah… Brooke Burke… She is not as dreamy as Jennifer Love Hewitt… But not that bad…

Should your Maximum Leader mention that you will not guess the full context of the link just from that line? Has he now already mentioned it? Humm…

Carry on.

And we’re back…

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is back on-line. His host suffered some sort of server outage that kept this blog off the interwebs for a good portion of today.

In case you can’t get to you can always check for your Maximum Leader over at:

Don’t bother clicking through on that link… Your Maximum Leader didn’t post anything there today… It was a busy busy day. No time for blogging…

Carry on.

Short break

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader has decided to take a few days off. Lots of things are going on this week that require his undivided attention. If things change, he’ll start posting and you’ll all know… Otherwise… See you next week.

Carry on.

Obligatory Post

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader apologizes for posting nothing yesterday. He is going to have to re-evaluate his posting habits. The Villainette’s are doing more both after and before school; and your Maximum Leader is actually a contributing member of society with other responsibilities. Perhaps he should banish this idea he has of writing something for the blog most every weekday… He’ll think about it.

Of course, if one is going to blog, one should have something to blog about. Alas, he didn’t have much to say yesterday. Your Maximum Leader did miss the anniversary of the Battle of Stamford Bridge. That was yesterday. Your Maximum Leader should save his blogging thunder for the impending anniversary of the Battle of Hastings, which is happening on October 14th.

Your Maximum Leader has been thinking a lot about sports. He’s been rooting on the Nationals against the Mets. If you can’t be a winner in the Division, you can at least be a spoiler. It isn’t quite as sweet a role to play, but it is better than being the Marlins.

He’s also been thinking about Football. He’s all excited about the Packers, but he is waiting for the other shoe to drop. The Pack are off to a great start, but he wonders if the teams they have beaten have been coasting on reputation from last year. Your Maximum Leader has also been thinking about the San Diego Chargers. He thought that the Chargers would be a great team this year. He was confident that they could make it far into the playoffs. Alas, it is not to be. Your Maximum Leader wonders if they will win 8 games this year. Your Maximum Leader is putting the blame for San Diego’s bad start firmly at the feet of Norv Turner. Turner knows offensive schemes. Turner knows quarterbacks. He doesn’t do well as a head coach. It was a bad move to fire Marty Schotenheimer.

And in other news… Whew! That was short… Apparently the UAW and GM have reached a tenative agreement to get everyone (in the UAW at least) back to work.

Carrry on.

Foodie Blog

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is transfixed by a blog he found via Rachel.

He’s now added the Old Foodie to the blogroll.

Your Maximum Leader has been reading old entries for waaaay too long today.

Clicky and read-y.

Carry on.

The horror!

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader must share this with you all w/out comment.

Kev is a brave man. Your Maximum Leader doesn’t like publishing photos of himself on the web, much less a video.

Carry on.

Congrats (and thanks for the bread)

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader has been frustrated for the past few days. You see, he’s been trying to leave a congratulatory comment over at The Ministry of Minor Perfidy for new papa, Johno. (Awww… See the cute baby and proud father here.) Your Maximum Leader’s frustrations stem from the fact that when he tries to leave a comment, the little graphic “phrase” that you have to enter to prove you are a person and not some nasty spamming computer doesn’t load. So his comment doesn’t get published.

Of course, the flip side of the trouble commenting is that your Maximum Leader must make his congratulatory comments here. Johno, Mrs Johno, many congratulations. Your Maximum Leader doffs his bejeweled floppy cap to you both. (But mostly to Mrs Johno — who we all know did the hard stuff.) And to the Wee Johno… Your Maximum Leader wishes you the best. You’ve got two great parents who will steer you right.

Also on the Ministry’s web page…

Anadama bread. Which your Maximum Leader has never had before, but it reads very well and makes him salivate…

Carry on.


Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader has the writers block. Apparently a rather bad case of it in fact. He thought he’d be able to crank out some good stuff when he had some free time over the past few days. Alas, his little brain isn’t working the way he’d hoped.

Last Friday night your Maximum Leader slept. Then on Saturday he spend the day with Mrs Villain going to Farmvegas, VA for the dual purpose of buying a new living room sofa and chairs and meeting at his Alma Mater (your Maximum Leader volunteered to serve on the class reunion committee). Then Sunday was spent watching football. Yesterday was Villainette #1’s birthday. And your Maximum Leader apparently has nothing to say about anything.

Hey how about that Fred Thompson you might ask? “Eh?” would be your Maximum Leader’s reply.

What does my Maximum Leader think about the Petraeus testimony before Congress you might inquire? “Eh.” would be your Maximum Leader’s reply.

Your Maximum Leader apparently has caught a bad case of bleh. Perhaps this posting will act as something of a mental exorcism. Perhaps declaring that you have nothing about which you can write will somehow magically liberate your mind and fingers and open the creative floodgates. Then again… Perhaps not.

Your Maximum Leader sent Smallholder some new login information so that he could post something. But he is busy with the beginning of school and farm stuff…

Perhaps it is the furniture shopping that did it? Perhaps it is the NFL that has sapped his creative energies? If your Maximum Leader could somehow show that he lost his ability to blog after watching the NFL kickoff on Thursday could he sue the league for damages? (Even better, could you sue for damages because you aren’t getting blog content from your Maximum Leader?) The NFL would likely settle the case for a few grand at least. Your Maximum Leader could then use the money on some over-indulgent sinfest that would likely be the genesis of a post or two… Perhaps that is the strategery your Maximum Leader should employ… Sue the NFL and try to get a settlement… (Of course, blogging about your plan is a sure-fire way to ruin the plan…)

Anyhow… When your Maximum Leader has something to blog about… He will…

Until then…

Carry on.

Mu-Nu Kerchoo?

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader can’t seem to get to any of the mu-nu blogs.

Somehow the disappearance of mu-nu is related to the resignation of Alberto Gonzales… Your Maximum Leader will leave it to you all to figure out the connection…

Carry on.

SQL troubles

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader’s web hosting company is doing some sort of MY SQL upgrade. This change is making it difficult for your Maximum Leader to post here or view his blogroll.

If you are itching for your Maximum Leader today, you can find him at ye olde backup site on blogger:

Got Villainy?

Carry on.

A happy man.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is happy when his readers and interwebs friends are happy. And today, he doubts that anyone out there reading this page could be as happy as our friend Buckethead. Why you ask? Because he now has an iPhone.

Your Maximum Leader will say that he found himself, a few weeks ago, in an Apple store fondling an iPhone. While he felt the pangs… He was strong. He stayed with his Razr when the other trainees ran. He prevented a breach of the central cooling unit of the anti-matter containment field that is his checking account. No iPhone for your Maximum Leader… He does doff his bejeweled floppy cap in Buckethead’s direction in celebration of his techno-geeky happiness.

Before your Maximum Leader goes… Your Maximum Leader holds out hope for Skippy having a happy day one day. Or even better, a whole string of happy days.

Carry on.

It’s Dangerous.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader was invited a little while ago by his friend Ted (of Rocket Jones fame) to participate in a new group blog he was starting. Ted, you see, had recently completed reading the “Dangerous Book for Boys.” So impressed by this book was Ted that he thought it would be a great idea to get some bloggers together to share bits of knowledge and life experience (or just trivia) in a way that would be educational and fun for parents and kids.

Now, for the sake of full disclosure, your Maximum Leader has not read “The Dangerous Book for Boys.” (But he has ordered it on Amazon and will likely get it in the mail pretty darn soon. (There is nothing like Super-saver shipping is there…) But he will trust Ted’s judgement that your Maximum Leader has something worthwhile to contribute to this worthy endeavour.

Without further adieu… Your Maximum Leader presents: The Dangerous and Daring Blog for Boys and Girls.

And since your Maximum Leader is plugging the new site, allow him to plug his first contribution to the Dangerous Blog… Without asking the Smallholder’s permission at all, your Maximum Leader went ahead and slapped down some editing on two of the most linked posts ever in the history of this blog… Yes… Long-time readers will remember the posts well… They were the toad sexing posts. (Originals here and here.)

Go over to the Dangerous and Daring Blog for Boys and Girls… Learn how to sex toads, make spider houses, and tell a ghost story.

And in case you are wondering… The most linked post in the history of Naked Villainy… It was this one: 10 Things…

Carry on.

Cheney Administration

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader realizes that the Cheney Administration is over and that comments about it might be outdated… But let that not stop your Maximum Leader…

You see, your Maximum Leader spent the Cheney Administration getting to then watching the Washington Nationals v. Colorado Rockies baseball game. Once or twice he speculated to Mrs Villain and friends around on what he though President Cheney was doing. In the moment those idle musings were funny enough to elicit laughs…

Alas, none of your Maximum Leader’s comments were as funny as those penned by The Colossus. The absolute best of the Colossus’ great list (in the tradition of David Letterman top ten lists where inevitably the Number 2 answer is funnier than the Number 1 answer: 2. Dinner: bottle of whisky, foie gras made from the liver of Ambassador Joe Wilson, served on Triscuits.

Damn that made your Maximum Leader laugh. He supposes that after the foie gras a la Wilson he might have had sweatbreads a la Plame…

Carry on.

Crawling out from under a rock…

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader has been on a little mental health break. He’s been trying to relax and get his wits and mental batteries recharged. Thus… He’s not been blogging. He’s not been reading blogs. He’s not been surfing the internet. He’s not been watching the news. For the sake of full disclosure he will say that he has checked his e-mail periodically, but only to read messages from certain people (so if you’ve e-mailed and not heard back… now you know why).

While it was not planned to coincide with the release of the latest Harry Potter book, your Maximum Leader’s little mental health break did turn out to coincide (more or less) with the release of “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.” Your Maximum Leader’s copy of that book arrived at the Villainschloss last Saturday - as your Maximum Leader was leaving to go to the Washington Nationals v. Colorado Rockies game. (Nats won!!!!) Upon his return from the game, he was tired (and frankly under the affects of a few beers) and went directly to bed. Around mid-day Sunday he picked up “Deathly Hallows” and started to read. He finished about 50 pages.

Monday, your Maximum Leader went to visit the Smallholder. There was much browsing of used book stores and eating of cheap chinese food. Then, when your Maximum Leader returned Monday night to the Villainschloss - it was back to Harry Potter. He read up to about page 350.

Yesterday, your Maximum Leader and Mrs Villain went to the National Gallery of Art to see an exhibit of Florentine Renaissance sculpture by Desidero da Settignano. Then we persued some of the other galleries before lunch. (During this browsing your Maximum Leader was reminded that Mrs Villain probably likes the Dutch masters more than she thinks, and she doesn’t like El Greco - although your Maximum Leader really does like El Greco.) After our viewing of the art, we had a late lunch at Legal Seafood. (Where your Maximum Leader got a lobster roll… And frankly he could eat another right now…) Upon arriving back at the Villainschloss, it was back to Potter.

Well… Around 2:30am, your Maximum Leader finished the book. He really enjoyed it. Because he doesn’t want to spoil it for anyone, he will not make lots of comments here about the book. Your Maximum Leader will say that Rowling did an excellent job of pulling together all of the different hanging elements she had out there. Some characters survived that your Maximum Leader thought would die. And some died who he thought would live.

Now that he has finished Potter, it is safe to peruse the interwebs and see what is going on out there.

Carry on.

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    • maxldr


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