Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is sure he’s used his puny words to describe how great Outer Life is. If you doubt it, or have never visited Outer Life read this.
Carry on.
Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is sure he’s used his puny words to describe how great Outer Life is. If you doubt it, or have never visited Outer Life read this.
Carry on.
Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader will commend two posts to you before the signs off for an evening of fun with the villainous progeny and hour upon hour of Rome:Total War.
The first is a great post on the Jawa Report. As you all surely know, Dr. Rusty Shackleford was a constant advocate for Roy Hallums while he was held hostage in Iraq. Now that he has been released, Susan Hallums has thanked Rusty for his help. Bravo, Rusty! Bravo! You’ve done yeoman’s work in this. Your Maximum Leader hopes one day Roy will be able to write you as well.
The second is this interesting take on agribusiness from Phoenix. Her own agribusiness that is. It is an interesting counter-point to our own Smallholder. (Or is that Pointer-count?)
With that dearminions your Maximum Leader will sign off for the day. Good luck and
Carry on.
Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader asks you, “Do you have what it takes to be very Sexy Sadie’s Co-blogger?”
Sadie is looking for a co-blogger. Not a guest blogger mind you. A co-blogger. Sort of like a friend with benefits… Only it is really like a blogger with no benefits… (So to speak.)
Sadie asks only that you fill out her form and tell her why you want to join the par-tay.
Your Maximum Leader thinks there are a few other questions she should ask…
Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader sees that his server and website are back up and working fine this morning. That is very good news to all of you; as he is sure that you have been aching to your very core as you suffered from Naked Villainy withdrawl DTs.
Your Maximum Leader has a lot to blog about and he will get right to it shortly. He still owes JohnL a meme update (which will come today).
Alas, there is much upon which your Maximum Leader wanted to opine that now seems to have reached its expiration date. Damn the medium of the blog. If you don’t post right away some things seem like old news…
Your Maximum Leader and the Smallholder were discussing the fleeting nature of some stories (and other) topics on the phone over the weekend. A very interesting topic of conversation was the role of morality in society. That is a timeless issue on which your Maximum Leader would like to bloviate about soon.
One interesting little happening overthe weekend that your Maximum Leader will share with you all… He received an e-mail from a gentleman who googled the name “Richard T. Couture.” The gentleman was going through the extended results and found a post your Maximum Leader wrote referencing his friend “the late Richard T. Couture.”
The writer of the e-mail was a student of Richard’s in the late 1950s and was wondering “what ever happened to him?” Your Maximum Leader was a student of Richards in the late 1980s. Your Maximum Leader responed to the gentleman and gave him an update on Richard Couture’s life (and death) in the years since 1959. Indeed, your Maximum Leader is going to try and find a photo to send along to the writer.
It was this morning that your Maximum Leader stopped to think about how amazing that little virtual encounter was. Two people who have never met sharing memories of a mutual friend… How technology can do incredible things.
Expect more updates later today.
Carry on.
Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is told by the good people at that the server is mostly fixed. You, dear reader, should have no problems viewing the site. Alas, it seems as though there still may be back end problems that would affect updates. The good techs assure me that problems should be resolved later today.
This is good news as your Maximum Leader has lots he would like to blog about.
Carry on.
Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader has learned that his host server is experiencing technical difficulties.
Blogging will be light, as indeed viewing will be light on your end, until the problem is resolved.
Carry on.
Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is returned to the Villainschloss. Actually he was back last night and ready to blog his little heart out. But he couldn’t seem to connect to his blog. If you are having trouble reading this page (and if you are reading this it would seem as though you don’t) let you Maximum Leader know. Indeed, let your Maximum Leader know if anything seems funky about the site.
In the meanwhile… Your Maximum Leader wanted to blog about the Roberts nomination, the elections in Egypt (and an interesting question put to him by the Minister of Propaganda concerning your Maximum Leader’s support of religious groups in that election), the continuing situation along the US gulf coast, and complete a meme for JohnL of Texasbestgrok.
But he has some other things to do which are more pressing right now. He’ll blog later as he has more time. Check back for updates…
In the meanwhile…
Click through here to read about a drunk Belgian woman who died badly.
Yeah. Yeah… All the stuff in the world going on and your Maximum Leader links to a drunk woman being killed while peeing on someone’s grave. Makes you wonder why you read this site doesn’t it.
NB to Minion Molly… Your Maximum Leader is interested in any anecdotes you can share about Katrina victims in your area.
Carry on.
Here is Smallholder in all of his metrosexual glory.
Note the sophisticated pose.
Note the meticulously coiffed hair.
Note the designer clothes.
Note the imported Italian genuine leather shitkicking work boots.
I’m here to chew gum and kick ass.
I’m all out of gum.
Expect posts on the morrow.
Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader should point out some things to you.
Jeff returns.
MuNuvians go down then return.
Now Gordon the Cranky Neocon has vanished.
Coincidence? Your Maximum Leader thinks not.
Carry on.
Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader sees that the MuNuvians are still without their blogs for a little while. As a friend to many MuNuvians your Maximum Leader is a little upset that he doesn’t have their blogs to read today…
But on the other hand, that might mean more people will come to Naked Villainy for bloggy gooness! Woo hoo! (Ahem…)
Actually, if you are a MuNuvian and you have a backup blog your ought to go and leave a trackback at this post up on Basil’s Blog. Your Maximum Leader figures he’ll help get the word out.
Of course, your Maximum Leader would like to blog a lot today; but fate is conspiring against him. He’s got lots of stuff to do today that will keep him away from blogging. But even worse! His computer is having BIOS problems and is getting the blue screen of death and doing physical memory dumps when he logs on. He has never had a BIOS problem before with any computer he’s owned so he is operating a little in the dark here. If you know about BIOS thingies drop your Maximum Leader a line. He’ll reward you greatly. (If it helps the blue screen of death says the error is: DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL. Your Maximum Leader hasn’t looked that up yet to gain any insight about it. Again, if you know about these things, let your Maximum Leader know.)
Your Maximum Leader sees that Jeff is back. After a few weeks of reading about Girdles for Gitmo we now have a new update! Huzzah! Who knew Col. Gaddafi had a daughter? Who knew she was a lawyer? Who knew she has long blond tresses?
Go over to Cranky’s site and read over a long serious exchange that Cranky had with Loyal Achates on a subject that can breezily be classified as “Why they hate us.”
Read Skippy’s thoughts on the Iraqi Constitution and the future of Iraq. Your Maximum Leader thinks that Skippy’s concerns are well-founded. He also can see how Skippy arrives at his projections for future trouble in the region. Your Maximum Leader isn’t completely sure that he agrees with Skippy. One thing he will say is that the Iraqi Draft Constitution is rife with problems. He will also say that the Bush Administration is contributing to those problems by pushing the work forward. The situation in Iraq is bad. It is bad but reasonably stable in non-Sunni areas. By rushing the Constitutional process forward the chances of creating an unstable Iraq in all regions (Sunni, Shia, and Kurd) is greatly increased. While your Maximum Leader certainly doesn’t want to spend more time in Iraq than required, he doesn’t think we should rush a process through to completion. The peaceful, sucessful future of Iraq and the region depends on Iraqis “getting it right.” They can’t do so if they rush and don’t start building the foundation needed for discussion, deliberation, and compromise. It will not happen overnight, and it will not happen when you have 3 days to “wrap it up.”
Read about how to catch a 24-Hour Randian Flu.
Did you read The Colossus’ Dr. No Reviews? No. Do so. They are great. Here for Pt 1. Here for Pt 2.
PS - Looks like the LlamaButchers are hanging out over on The Colossus’ site.
That is about it for now. Indeed, that may be all for today unless one of the various Minister’s chooses to post.
Remember, if you know BIOS stuff let your Maximum Leader know!
Carry on.
Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader wonders aloud… Is it just him or are all the Mu Nu sites down? And if they are down, have they been down for most of the day?
Just asking…
Carry on.
Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader keeps poking around in Movable Type and learning new things about his blogging software. One of the little tidbits he’s started to look at is the activity log. From the activity log he’s learned that some Naked Villainy readers are perverts. A recent sampling of keywords entered by readers in the search feature on the right-side toolbar includes: “Tricia Helfer,” “Jaime Pressly,” “tits,” and “naked 80 year old.”
Your Maximum Leader understands the first three. But that last one sorta grosses him out a little.
For those of you who want perversion… Check out a few pics that your Maximum Leader has used before. Here. Here. And finally, here. He isn’t sure if he would classify them as NSFW. But seeing as your Maximum Leader has your best interests in his heart, you might as well forego clicking on them at work andwait until you get home…
Carry on.
Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader asks you, “Have you a blog?” Then he clairifies his question, “Have you an old ugly blog in need of a facelift and back-end upgrade?”
Well if you do has your Maximum Leader got a recommendation for you…
Yeah baby. Apothegm Designs. They rock. Or for the classically trained amongst you, Si momentum requiris, circumspice. Look at how cool Naked Villainy is! Your site could look this cool (even if there isn’t a chance tht you could actually be as cool as your Maximum Leader…).
Have you seen the Llama Butchers site? Apothegm.
Fiesty’s site? Apothegm.
Confederate Yankee? Apothegm.
Seven Inches of Sense? Yup. You guessed it. Apothegm.
If you have a blog and think it needs a face-lift (blog-lift if you will), give Phin and Sadie at Apothegm Designs a call.
And by call he means send them an e-mail. Don’t really call them. They like e-mail better…
Carry on.
Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader extends a virtual handshake and a doffing of his bejeweled floppy hat to Brian B. Why you ask? Well today marks the one year anniversary of Brian’s blog, Memento Moron.
The world of blogs is better off for your being a part of it Brian. Congratulations.
Carry on.