Dr Rusty.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader hasn’t noted here, but has noticed in his travels around the blogosphere, that his friend Dr. Rusty Shackleford’s site The Jawa Report has been down for quite a while now. (Don’t clicky that linky - it don’t work.) Of course, Dr. Rusty has a backup site. It is here. (Clicky on this linky - it works.) Keep checking in on Dr Rusty.

If you don’t, the terrorists have won. And, unfortunately, that is not any hyperbole. They will have shut down a site that exposes their deeds for any who want to see.

Carry on.

Geography of the Bobgrrl

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader, once again, is making a retraction/restatement. Yesterday he erroneously mentioned that our loyal reader and friend, bobgrrl (of 1 Girl 4 Martinis) was a denizen of SoCal - or Southern California.

Well, in fact she is not a SoCal resident but a CentCal resident. In fact it says as much on her blog. Well, actually it says that she is in “San Jose” - not “Central California.” Your Maximum Leader is not geographically illiterate. Indeed, he is pretty geographically literate. You just wouldn’t know that from his recent post. In point of fact, your Maximum Leader has been to San Jose a number of times. A good friend of his works there in San Jose (and lives in Belmont Woods - just about half-way between San Jose and San Francisco) so he knows a little of the area. (NB to his Central California/Bay Area friends: Hey Mike and Donna!)

So what does this geographic blunder really mean? Well, it means that your Maximum Leader suffers from a remarkable lack of editing on his blog. He doesn’t edit spelling, grammar, geography, or pretty much anything. At least most of the time. But then again, you all knew that already…

So, let it be noted for the record, the bobgrrl is in Central California. Not Southern California.

Carry on.

Got Nuthin’

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader has got nuthin’ at this moment. Of course it hasn’t helped that he’s been up to his eyeballs in other work. Yes… As hard as it is to believe, your Maximum Leader has responsibilities beyond blogging. And as hard as that might be for you to understand, it is harder for your Maximum Leader who would much rather blithely opine on this and that than do other things.

Actually, it isn’t entirely accurate to say that your Maximum Leader as nuthin’ to blog about. In fact his mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives. He just doesn’t have the energy to blog.

Just to paint you all a pathetic picture right now… Your Maximum Leader is sitting in his office at the Villainschloss. He has a Washington Nationals (Go Nats!) souvenir cup filled with ice, four fingers of 1792 bourbon, and Coca Cola. Playing on iTunes is Tom Jones. (Who right now is belting out “She’s A Lady.”)

As you all know, when one doesn’t have the energy to blog one does the whole link dump thingie… So… Here are some links…

Myllan caps. Tiaras. We’re all about royalty here.

Your Maximum Leader is about to put on Shaun of the Dead and finish his bourbon. In honour of that one should read over what the Colossus writes about a wish list for when the zombies attack. In the peice the Colossus notes that he would go with NATO 7.62 ammo vs Russian 7.62 x 39. He takes this decision because he says good Russian ammo is hard to come by. Your Maximum Leader has solved this problem by purchasing himself boxes of 7.62 x 39 ammo by the crate. He believes he could scrounge together about 6000 rounds of 7.62 x39 ammo. That would last long enough to find some more.

The Passion + The Rock = Pure Llama Gold.

The things Annika will do for 100 quid.

Buckethead is on to something here.

And finally… The US got their butts kicked by the Czechs in World Cup Soccer. (But the game still scored big ratings on the Duece.) Well… There is always 2010.

Running low on Bourbon. Gotta go…

Carry on.

Mrs P. & the cap.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader needs to say it… He just loves Mrs. P. Not in a “blog crush” sort of way.* He just loves reading everything that Mrs. P writes. Indeed, he’s found that after checking the list of loyal minions on the sidebar, the next blog he clicks onto is Patum Peperium. He finds himself getting giddy over the next report of Chuck and Camilla, or the abandoned bishop, or a missive on the evils of “Red” Ken Livingstone. And is Mrs. P and epicure? Of course she is! He only wishes he had time to try out all of the recipies that she posts. (The same could be said of all the recipies that Brian posts as well.)

Mrs P has even inspired your Maximum Leader to learn new things. Yes. Yes indeed. She has. You see the little cartoon of your Maximum Leader over on the left-side sidebar. The cartoon of your Maximum Leader a la Richard III - as drawn by the Big Hominid. The one with the bejeweled floppy cap… Yes that one.

You know how your Maximum Leader will, from time to time, for effect, “doff his bejeweled floppy cap” in the direction of some other blogger or reader who deserves his thanks… Well, after doffing his bejeweled floppy cap in Mrs. P’s direction last week your Maximum Leader thought to himself, “You know, Mrs P probably knows the real name of that floppy cap. She is probably just too polite to correct your Maximum Leader.”

Not wanting to be found wanting by Mrs P in this matter, your Maximum Leader googled. He read. He researched. And he googled some more. He even went so far as to call th Metropolitan Museum in New York City and speak to a deputy sub-altern assistant curator of costumes…

That bejeweled floppy cap is actually a bejeweled myllan cap.

He thought you would like to know.

So now, for Mrs P’s kind plugs of this site recently as well as her great comments (especially the Frog & Peach - a bit your Maximum Leader is still laughing about) - your Maximum Leader doffs his bejeweled myllan cap in her direction.

Carry on.

Unlike Zarqawi, your Maximum Leader is not dead

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader just had a moment to pop in and say that he is, in fact, not dead. This makes him much better off than the late-not-to-be-lamented Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi.

Notice how your Maximum Leader doesn’t blog for a day or two and suddenly… Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi is dead.

Coincidence… We think not…


Your Maximum Leader is going to read up on what he has missed over the past few days. He may also try and post some thoughts on immigration.

Carry on.

Frogs & Peaches

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader didn’t have an opportunity to thank the positively delightful Mrs P for the Frogs & Peaches comment to this post. Mrs P also did a whole Friday Afternoon Fun post about the Moore/Cook routine about the Frogs & Peaches. Your Maximum Leader didn’t have a chance to listen to the link Mrs P provided on Friday (getting the Villainettes camping and all…). But he did read her post and listen to the link yesterday.

Your Maximum Leader has heard many of the Moore/Cook routines before, but never this one. It is a shame really… Had he heard of it before he would have brought it up with a (now departed) friend. This friend of your Maximum Leader’s had a beautiful plantation home on the James River outside of Richmond. He would always throw a big Christmas party on Dec 26th. Attending this party was always a highlight of your Maximum Leader’s holiday season.

One year, after the party (or the after-party-party as we called it), we started wondering aloud what we could do to spice up the menu. Party food was pretty much unchanged for years and years. There was a country ham, a turkey, a leg of venison, crab dip, little party wieners, those tiny tiney quiches, spinach turnovers. We figured we could really mix it up if we thought of some fun dishes to add to the menu. Among the suggestions were: a punch made out of Alka Seltzer and marachino cherry juice, fried eggs as finger food (carried around the parlour in a skillet of hot grease), and your Maximum Leader’s favourite - Krispy Kreme Doughnuts flambe. Had he known of the Moore/Cook piece he would have suggested Frogs & Peach or Peach & Frog.

Your Maximum Leader doffs his bejeweled floppy cap towards Mrs P and thanks her for the laughs.

Carry on.

Some dumped links & possibilities…

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader, for no particular reason, thinks you should visit some of these other fine blogs.

Skippy’s recent post on watching Chris Matthews reminds your Maximum Leader of why he does not watch Chris Matthews. (NB to Skippy: Stay out of jail now that it is pretty much illegal to smoke in Canad. If you need any smokes - let me know. Virginia is - still - a tobacco state).

Check out the Royal Navy Geekery in abudance this (Glorious) 1st of June over at the Llama Butchers. Robbo edumicates us about two (count ‘em) two battles on this date in history.

Did you know that the Beautifully Atrocious Jeff is now co-blogging with Agent Bedhead? Do you know why Dead Sexy Sadie is sooooooo dangerous? She has not only hetro-men in her thrall, but now she has gay men in her thrall too! That makes her a double threat. And no less Dead Sexy your Maximum Leader will add.

And finally… Your Maximum Leader anxiously awaits the dispensing of advice to Mr. Basil Seal from bobgirrl.

Okay… That isn’t all of this post…

Your Maximum Leader learned today that a particularly nice storefront in downtown Fredericksburg might become available soon. He learned this from a person who may have an interest in starting a restaurant/bar in the downtown area. The interested person asked your Maximum Leader for thoughts on a bar/restaurant. Your Maximum Leader suggested a late 19th Century British Club atmosphere. He further suggested that the place be called Flashman’s - after our favourate cad, Brig Gen Harry Paget Flashman (VC, et al). The menu would have a variety of beers, brandy and wines to compliment the varied victuals that would be served. Dishes might include the Gul Shah curry, the Otto Von Bismarck Ruben (with extra kraut), the Lola Montez spicy paella, the Robert E Lee Po’ Boy, and others. Alas, your Maximum Leader couldn’t think of a dish that would do our Flashy justice. Suggestions appreciated…

Carry on.

Family Time…

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader should let you all know that he will not be posting tomorrow through next Tuesday. Tomorrow he is taking the day off and he and Villainette #1 are going to Dee Cee for a day of culture and cuisine. (AKA: The Smithsonian and lunch out.) We might also take in the Nats v Dodgers contest tomorrow night.

Then it is off to the beach for a few days. He will return to posting on Tuesday…

In the meanwhile… Imagine yourself going to Ayn Rand Camp.

Carry on.

General Housekeeping Stuff

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader has been making some quiet changes here at Naked Villainy. Well… Mostly they are changes to the blogroll. Nope, not really cleaning out blogs but adding some on. (Sorry Sadie - who remains - by the way DEAD SEXY! NB to Sadie: You wouldn’t be up for coming to the Villainschloss and discussing engineering problems with your Maximum Leader would you?)

Yes… Your Maximum Leader has added some blogs to his blogroll that he’s read off and on for a while and now he’s commiting to read with some regularity. He’s also moved some blogs around on his blogroll. He would like to note that he has rounded out his Loyal Minions Category with an even 10 by adding the Hatemongers and Llama Butchers to the list. He doesn’t forsee expanding the Loyal Minions categeory further. That is, of course, subject to his autocratic whim…

Among the other addees are: Mixolydian Mode, 1 Girl 4 Martinis, Feisty Republican Whore, Wuzzadem, Tommy Funebo (which is in Swedish by the way), and Tinkery Tonk. Speaking of Tinkery Tonk. That title floats around in your Maximum Leader’s brain. He finds himself just sitting staring at his monitor and the words “Tinkery Tonk” repeat over and over in his mind. Tinkery Tonk. Tinkey Tonk. Tinkery Tonk. Tinkery Tonk. Perhaps typing them out will exorcise them from the little voice in his head…

If you are a reader and linker to Naked Villainy and don’t appear on the blogroll - but think you should let your Maximum Leader know. No guarantees. Your Maximum Leader has had some trackback and commenting problems here of late that he needs to look into. So he thinks that he might be missing some of you.

And finally… Do not expect many updates from your Maximum Leader on Friday May 12 or Friday May 26. Tomorrow your Maximum Leader has some business to which he must attend and it will likely keep him away from blogging all day. And on Friday May 26 your Maximum Leader is taking Villainette #1 out of school for a day with dad. She’s been shortchanged twice now on the go-out-with-dad-and-do-something-fun front. So we will likely sleep in, go out for breakfast, then visit the Smithsonian, get a nice lunch, and other fun stuff. She, and your Maximum Leader, are really looking forward to it. Also, it comes right after Villainette #1 finishes the SOL tests. So it will be nice to blow off some steam…

Carry on.

Reverse the Hate

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader was amused this morning. Very amused. The Crack Young Staff’s pitch for a new MTV show today just made your Maximum Leader laugh.

Of course, there was that one time the dreamy Jennifer Love Hewitt was on Punk’d… Surely you remember the episode… It is, in fact, the only one your Maximum Leader has ever watched… The one where the dreamy Jennifer Love Hewitt was speaking to a “producer” about a possible film role. In the middle of their discussion a “gangsta enforcer” came into the “producer’s” office to collect on a very large “Super Bowl bet.” The “producer” begged the dreamy Miss Hewitt to help him get some cash and thereby save his life and limbs…

What? You didn’t see that one? Well… Too bad. Your Maximum Leader did. As he said, it is the only one he’s ever seen. Let it suffice to say that your Maximum Leader wouldn’t want to acutally put the dreamy Miss Hewitt in a bad situation. Anyone else is fair game (even the Smallholder); but not the (platonic) object-of-your-Maximum-Leader’s-affection - Miss Hewitt.

Carry on.

Howard Kurtz Asks…

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader sees that Washington Post columnist Howard Kurtz is asking in his column today “Blogs: Good or Evil?”

Your Maximum Leader will not presume to speak for others, but he will vote for evil.

Carry on.

Who Rules?

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is being educated by the Crack Young Staff this morning. While your Maximum Leader always thought that the Pentavirate was actually running the world, it seems as though it is actually Irving Kristol.

Here is something to think about though… If Irving Kristol rules the world, what exactly is Gertrude Himmelfarb’s role in world domination?

Just askin’

Carry on.

Freshness Date

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader has been a particularly lazy blogger. He is sure that the last post he published is now well past its freshness date and the site begs for a new post.

Your Maxmium Leader realizes that if he does not update his (few) loyal readers will go elsewhere.

Of course, abandoning your Maximum Leader’s blog is a great and terrible offence. But this once he’ll let it slide.

Your Maximum Leader took a long weekend with his children over the past few days. It was a nice time. Mrs. Villain has some church retreat to attend, this left your Maximum Leader with all three of his offspring. (And his trusted hound…)

Much villainy (unencumbered by mother’s goodness) was imbued into the villainous offspring this weekend. Villainette #1 learned how to bat her eyelashes and make puppy-dog eyes to manipulate men into giving her what she wants. Villainette #2 learned how to throw an elbow at a boy who is picking on her at recess. And the Wee Villain perfected his ability to make the stinkiest diapers imaginable.

Villainy abounded…

NB to readers: Your Maximum Leader had written three posts this morning and thought they were published. But some hiccup occured with the internet connection at the central station and all was lost. Damnation.

Carry on.

Fine Chap that Mr. Seal.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader has been very pleased to read the blog of (and frankly to be blogrolled by) Mr. Basil Seal. Other noteworthy blogs have made mention of Mr. Seal’s fine work. Now it is time for your Maximum Leader to jump on the bandwagon…

In a post today, Mr. Seal relates a number of quotations from one of your Maximum Leader’s favourite characters, Brigadier-General Sir Harry Paget Flashman (VC, KCB KCIE). If you’ve not read any of General Flashman’s memoirs you’ve really been missing out. Go and read the Flashman excerpts at Man About Mayfair. Then go and buy some of the memoirs for yourself. (NB: There is even a Sir Harry Flashman Society. Who knew?)

But before you leave Mr. Seal’s site, scroll on down and persue his earlier postings. They are worth the time.

Carry on.

Loathing, Leaking, and Loafing

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader will start this post by thanking the many of you who have expressed concern for him after his last post.

To fill you all in a little bit… Your Maximum Leader’s life was even less fun after his post. His work situation isn’t ideal and he is looking. His best friend’s dad has had heart surgery. Two toilets in the Villainschloss are not functioning properly. And your Maximum Leader and Mrs Villain spent all day yesterday in the hospital with the Wee Villain. He was diagnosed with a double ear infection last week. Somehow that condition has transmogrified into dehydration (although he was eating and drinking). So the Wee Villain was poked, prodded, and IV’ed for about 8 hours yesterday. He is doing much better at home today, but will likely see his pediatrician every day this week until his condition abates. Please keep the Wee Villain, and the BigHominid’s dad in your prayers.

In what might be the only update of this site today… Here are other stories….

Your Maximum Leader is sorry that he missed the DC area bloggers gathering on Saturday night. He hopes everyone understands and will invite him next time.

You should check out the latest from the Hatemongers. This is Third Annual Week of Loathing. The object of this week’s loathing is Sarah Vowell. She is on your Maximum Leader’s “list.” While he will not go so far as to say that she’d be “up against the wall” in the Mike World Order, she might be chained in a dungeon and forced to listen to Rush Limbaugh constantly. (Which frankly would be torture for just about anyone…)

It is sort of funny that the Hatemongers should pick the Christian observance of Holy Week to be their Week of Loathing. It is almost like we can loath this week while trying to repent our sins at the same time. Get all that bad juju out of our systems and then be resurrected on Sunday with a new clean (yet still appropriately misanthropic) world view.

Your Maximum Leader would like to comment a little bit on the Bush as Leaker-in-Chief post directly below this entry. The good Minister of Propaganda would, your Maximum Leader is sure, acknowledge that some of those quotations are taken a bit out of context. The President spoke those words in the context of who disclosed Valerie Plame’s name; not the leaking of information contained in the National Intelligence Estimate (NIE). So we are talking about two different things here. The first issue is who leaked Plame’s name. On that count it appears as though Scooter Libby is still on the hook for that - although it might not be a crime (since no one has been indicted for it). The second, related, item concerns the NIE. Not a single commentator or pundit has challenged that the President can declassify documents at his discretion. Indeed it seems as though every President in the modern era has done so. And when they have it has almost always been to do exactly what Bush has one - namely to address critics and defend policy.

Now where your Maximum Leader will admit to there being problems are these: 1)The Administration is still under investigation. Give a Special Prosecutor unlimited time and money (which they have) and they will get someone convicted of something. 2) The Administration’s claim to be a good steward of intelligence information and against leaking - in general - is greatly diminished. 3) The Wilson/Plame claims of being attacked by the Administration (or should one say counter-attacked) are obviously true.

Problems two and three are mostly image problems. In time they will wane and people will become disinterested. Problem one is the real tricky one - and the one that can’t be ignored. So long as Patrick Fitzgerald is out there investigating anything goes. One wonders if the President has the statutory authority to fire the Special Prosecutor (or if he can order the Attorney General to do so). If your Maximum Leader recalls all his Watergate history the President can order the AG to fire special prosecutors. Your Maximum Leader wonders if he shouldn’t just do so and take the hit. His poll numbers don’t have anywhere else to go. His stature with the rest of political Washington doesn’t seem to be that great too. If the Democrats take control of the House or Senate in the fall then he will be investigated (regardless of what happens to Fitzgerald). What is the real downside? You say that Fitzgerald has had the time and resources required to find out if a crime was committed in the case of leaking Plame’s name to the press. No charges have been filed in that count and the office should be closed. The country has years of experience with Special Prosecutors who have run amok in their investigations. In fact your Maximum Leader would argue that every Special Prosecutor has run amok in their investigations. Perhaps it is better end it now.


Your Maximum Leader will go now. He hopes to post something more later. But don’t wait for it.

Carry on.

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