What’s up?

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader has been neglectful of you. He’sbeen thinking of himself and his well being, and not those of you, his loyal readers…

In all honesty, the past few days and last weekend were quite busy. And when they ceased to be busy… Your Maximum Leader found distractions. Well… One distraction actually…

You see… Your Maximum Leader planned on writing lots of good stuff on his blog on Saturday. But instead he bought an X-Box 360. Yup. He did.

He was of two minds about the purchase. On the one hand, it would be fun, fun, fun. On the other hand, they are a terrible distraction and can bring out the worst in small(er) children (and some adults). But he put aside his misgivings and made the purchase. Since then he’s been trying to perfect his slapshot at NHL 2007.

He’ll try and blog more this week…

Carry on.

Shakespeare for Bloggers.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader realizes that his nearly four years old schtick here at Naked Villainy may have convinced some of you that he is a pompous illest who you wouldn’t want to spend much time with… He hopes that those of you who know your Maximum Leader might think differently…

As many long-time readers know, your Maximum Leader is a great lover of Shakespeare. Shakespeare’s plays, while a joy to read, are really meant to be experienced not only in your mind, but with all your senses. To get the full effect you need to see and hear them. (Excursus: Indeed, your Maximum Leader and Villainette #1 watched Olivier’s King Lear just this past weekend.) This is one of the reasons that your Maximum Leader has always been a fan of well-done film versions of Shakespeare’s plays. But more than seeing The Bard on celluloid, his works should be seen on a stage… And that is where your Maximum Leader is going with this…

The Shakepeare Theatre Company of Washington is currently performing one of your Maximum Leader’s favourite plays, Richard III. This production has been very well reviewed. (See here, here and here.) Your Maximum Leader was going to be picking up some tickets for himself and his lovely wife to see this play before it closes on March 18th. So he wondered… Would some among the blogging community like to see this play too? Could we get discounted group tickets? Would there be drinks beforehand (or afterwards - remember though, the play is long)? These questions and so many more can be answered by your Maximum Leader, if only he could gauge interest.

If you are interested in a night of Shakespeare let your Maximum Leader know. Shoot him an e-mail at “maximumleader” - the “at” symbol - “nakedvillainy” - “dot” - com. He will get a quick head-count and see what can be done about the tickets. Your Maximum Leader had hoped for a Saturday or Sunday Matinee (2:00pm) in late February. But that is not etched in stone. If you have a preference for days or times let your Maximum Leader know. Matinee tickets regularly run for $70. They say that groups of 10 or more can get discounts between 20 and 50%. Don’t be stingy! This is culture people!

If you are interested… Write your Maximum Leader and let him know…

Carry on.

Card Catalogue

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader made himself a Naked Villainy card catalogue card… Here tis:

Thanks to Rachel (who doesn’t seem to be oddly obessed with Jimmy Carter.) for the link.

Get your own…

Carry on.

Busy Days

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader has some guests arriving at the Villainschloss today - so between his guests and regular responsibilities, he will not likely be posting much.

Your Maximum Leader is also waiting for news… News of Mrs. Smallholder… She is going to the hospital today to birth the third wee Smallholder. We don’t know anything about what to expect. Well… Except that the baby will be half-farmer and half-cultured… And we expect the child to be good-looking, but that is thanks to Mrs Smallholder’s genes and not our manure bespeckled friend…

In the meanwhile…

Go and read this post from the great and terrible Velociman. The V-man is one of my all-time favourites. His posts never cease to delight (and sometimes disturb) your Maximum Leader.

Carry on.

What what?

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is having a hard time getting started today. It is already afternoon and he feels like crawling into bed and getting some sleep. It is likely that this will be all you hear from him today.

First off, many thanks to Buckethead and Mrs Buckethead for hosting a fabulous par-tay at Casa de Buckethead yesterday. Your Maximum Leader had a great time and was sorry he had to cut out early. It was a pleasure to see many of the Perfidious ministers as well as the very engaging and beautiful Princess Kat.

Over on the Llamabutcher’s site it seems as though your Maximum Leader and Robbo share some TV viewing in common. Neither of us has seen an episode of 24 and we both watched the season premier of “Rome” on HBO. Robbo calls out for a review. Your Maximum Leader will attempt to oblige…

And finally, your Maximum Leader cruised on over to the Hatemongers this morning for his daily fix of… well… hate… When he discovered there was no HMQ update! What? The Crack Young Staff of the HMQ takes off Martin Luther King Day? Humm… Curious…

Carry on.


Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader must be honest with you. He just hasn’t had the time or inclination to blog. This is not due to a lack of subject matter. Indeed, there has been so much he’s wanted to comment upon. It has been a combination of too little time being mixed with too little energy. If given the choice recently between blogging or sleeping; your Maximum Leader has chosen sleep.

Of course, on the upside of things… Smallholder has decided to post. That in and of itself has struck your Maximum Leader a little dumb. He’s grown unaccustomed to checking his own blog to see if one of his minister has written anything…

Thanks to Smallholder for posting. And look for some of his new rotating tag lines to start appearing…

Carry on.


Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader was doing a little Christmas shopping over the weekend. While looking over Amazon for suitable gifts he was directed towards a book called “The Alphabet of Manliness”. The book is written by a “blogger” named Maddox.

Have any of you ever read Maddox’s site? It is modestly named “The Best Page in the Universe”.

It amused your Maximum Leader. Perhaps it will amuse you too.

Carry on.


Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader has, and will for the foreseeable future, enabled comments on certain posts. He’ll do this on a case by case basis. He understands from our good friend Phin that whatever problems that existed between your Maximum Leader’s hosting company and his comments is now fixed.

Oh… And by the way… Has your Maximum Leader mentioned that if you have a blog or a web site that need some fixin’ up you need to call Phin and Sadie at Apothegm Designs. Oh yes… You must call them right away.

Carry on.

Like Buttah…

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is gonna probably hang it up for the day. He realizes after perusing some of his favorite blogs he realizes that nothing he’s got today will come close to the animaversions of others.

Need proof?

Dr Rusty is (if your Maximum Leader might channel Stuart Scott) like buttah because he’s on a roll… You should go over to The Jawa Report to learn about a nutjob who the Florida Democrats have nominated for Congress, Geneva Convention Rights for the bad guys, and (your Maximum Leader’s favourite) the best lookin’ Stormtrooper around.

Your Maximum Leader thought that Skippy’s most recent is a classic. It captures everything that we love about Skippy. Politics, sex, and self-loathing.

The Hatemongers take academics to task.


Mrs P is recollecting stories of ladies undergarment failures. (In church no less.)

Oh yes… Thanks to Buckethead your Maximum Leader now has this image stuck in his brain… Not the first image… The second…

That image almost requires a stiff drink…

Carry on.


Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader was reading, as is his wont, Outside the Beltway yesterday. Of all of the items posted there, one drew his attention more than others. James Joyner wrote a bit called the “Professionalization of the Blogosphere.” In it Joyner does a little thoughtful analsis based on a post by Conn Carroll at the National Journal.

The Carroll piece, the salient portion of which is cited in Joyner’s post, states that the blogosphere is being more and more dominated by professionals. Professionals being defined as those with advanced degrees and in fields at least somewhat related to the content of their blog. Joyner goes on to say that this stands to reason as, at least in the field of political commentary, only those who have a passion for a subject (like politics) would want to spend the time commenting on that subject in the way that a regularly updated blog requires.

A salient point of Joyner’s piece is this:

Furthermore, I’m not sure why amateurism in the sense of not having a clue about the things one opines about is all that desirable. The lure of political blogs, to me at least, is that one often gets better insights from them than from the professional punditocracy. Many if not most of those who are regulars on the television and radio talking head circuit simply don’t have much to offer as commentators. They might be attractive and have soothing voices but most of them are just recycling the conventional wisdom. Many of us watched those shows and thought “I could do better than that!” but had no way to prove it.

Your Maximum Leader can certainly agree with that point. And it is that point that stirred around and around in your Maximum Leader’s mind. There was something wrong about it but he couldn’t figure out what.

Then it came to him. Amateurish.

Your Maximum Leader doesn’t often use the word amateur in the negative sense. To your Maximum Leader a true amateur is one who pursues an activity because he loves it. Afterall the root of the word amateur is the Latin “amare” which means “to love (something).” Bloggers are, for the most part, amateurs in the classical sense. We love whatever it is that we spend our time commenting upon. That could be politics, culture, sports, or… Jennifer Love Hewitt.

For the most part bloggers are amateurs in the sense that Olympic Athletes used to be amateurs. We have a passion for what we blog about (sometimes it is ourselves) and we want to comment upon it.

Carry on.

Long Weekend Over…

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader hopes that you all had a great long weekend (assuming of course that you didn’t have to toil for The Man). Over the weekend your Maximum Leader hoped to use all the free time he had loitering around the Villainschloss to write some posts to put up during the week. Alas, a sick Wee Villain and the allure of the PC game Rome: Total War pretty much killed most of his creative time.

Then again, there is the issue of his fingers. Yes, his fingers. Your Maximum Leader seems to have lost the ability to type. Thanks to the work of Mrs Lamb in high school, your Maximum Leader has been a competent typist. Not the type of serious typist you would have seen with a beehive coiff and sensible shoes in a typing pool at General Motors in the 50s or 60s mind you. But a competent typist. He has been known, when on a roll, to hit about 80 words per minute. Reasonably few errors. But honestly, thanks to the joy of word processors your Maximum Leader has been rather careless about errors.

Then, on Sunday he noticed something. He can hardly type. Indeed, just to type out this little missive is taking forever. He just can’t seem to control his fingers. Is he thinking about what his is doing too much? Has he made a slight adjustment in his posture? Has his computer become the pitcher throwing a killer sinker that your Maximum Leader just can’t pick up - but swings for anyway?

Who knows? But whatever the problem is your Maximum Leader hopes that it will pass. Perhaps he’ll pick up some book off the shelf and just try retyping it into Word to get his groove back. Sort of like being sent to the minors for rehab…


For your reading pleasure, for your Maximum Leader has been reading a bit, here are some cool links…

You know… Your Maximum Leader was just thinking that he’s not gotten a Canadian Politics update recently from our friend Skippy… Just the thought must have willed it to be so… Here tis. Does your Maximum Leader detect gruding admiration for Stephen Harpr’s political skilz in this post? Humm…

Did you catch the Hatemonger’s riff on Buffalo last week? Well… As one might expect, it has ruffled a few very large feathers. One wonders if Buffalo-born Tim Russert will leap to the defence of his hometown?

Has your Maximum Leader mentioned recently that he anxiously awaits the posting of the Velociman? He does. Anxiously. If you don’t read Velociworld you are missing… Well… You are missing out on some of the best writing out there. Just in the past few days we’ve gotten subsitute teachers, dunce caps, and cornholing and zombies.

You know something? The Velociman is a well-rounded fellow… He wrote that whole post about “cornholing” to which your Maximum Leader linked above. One wonders if he’s heard of this cornhole? Your Maximum Leader hadn’t until a few months ago… It seems to be very popular on college campuses…

And lest you think your Maximum Leader isn’t always thinking (and linking) political/current events stories….

Your Maximum Leader must agree with Mr. Holmes on the awful nature of the McCain-Feingold Law. Your Maximum Leader isn’t a big McCain fan, but in all honesty he doesn’t have the loathing for McCain that Preston does. Indeed, your Maximum Leader thinks that McCain is a pretty conservative fellow. He does hold a number of positions with which your Maximum Leader takes exception, but he doesn’t really have strong emotions one way or the other towards McCain.

Kate on Outside the Beltway points out a proposal by the Blair Government in Britain to intervene in to save children from miscreant parent before the children are born. Wow! Your Maximum Leader doesn’t know what to say. The idea is unimaginable frankly… Well not actually unimaginable since someone has gone and proposed it…

Well… This post has taken waaaaay too long to type out. So… Here it ends.

Carry on.

Friday Link Dump!

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader’s mind is awash in cascading nodes of thought.

But he shall not blog a vaugely original thought right now. Instead he shall dump links! Woo hoo.

(Your Maximum Leader knows that Naked Villainy readers are really just waiting with bated breath to hear how CSI:Batesville turns out. Or since it is a trial we’re waiting to hear about are we really into the second half hour of Law & Order: Porcine Victim’s Unit?)

Anyhoo… On with the links!

First off… The funny links…

Go see the You Tube of Wilford Brimley on Big Stupid Tommy’s site. He wonders if a Concerned Fan has seen the video.

Your Maximum Leader isn’t sure how in all the hub-ub about Pluto being dropped back to the Minor League of Planets he missed Congressman Murtha’s call to withdraw from the International Astronomical Union. Many thanks to The Colossus for drawing our attention to this one.

Leave them behind. They deserve it. Nigel deserves nothing less than being left behind.

Now the serious links…

You know something loyal reader… Dr Rusty and his compatriots at the Jawa Report really do their best to keep you informed of the situation with western hostages and the continuing war against islamofacists. You should read his latest on the Steve Centanni situation. A situation which seems to be getting very little air time actually…

Very little air time compared to that sicko Karr and the whole stinking Ramsey Murder thing.

Your Maximum Leader had thought of doing a whole separate post about the Ramsey Murder thing, but he’s just decided to pour his invective into this post.

Let your Maximum Leader tell you a thing or two. First off… About 10 years ago he was sick to death of the whole Jon Benet murder story. After a few days it became apparent to your Maximum Leader that this case would never be solved. He wasn’t sure it was the parents, but at most levels he didn’t care who did it. That is a horrible thing to say, but your Maximum Leader was so disgusted over the level of coverage that it made him actually lose any feelings of sdness or pity he had towards anyone involved in the case. Sure it is a horrible thing for a child to be horrifically murdered. But at some point you have to move on.

Then you get this sicko John Mark Karr. Your Maximum Leader would like to see him dragged out in front of the Boulder Courthouse, publicly sodomized by some big angry convict, then shot in the head. Leave his body there to bloat in the sun and rot for a while.

Your Maximum Leader doesn’t actually care or know if Karr committed the crime. Your Maximum Leader thinks that anyone who confesses publicly to a captial crime before speaking (with their attorney) to the prosecutor involved should be dragged out and shot. He doesn’t really care at all if they did the crime. He doesn’t care if the people confessing have “problems” and need “help.” Your Maximum Leader will posit for you all that all the “help” these people need is actually a .45 slug to the back of the head.

If 20 people publicly confess to the same crime, before speaking (with their attorney) to the prosecutor involved in the case, then we shoot 20 people in the head. We leave the case open until the last of the confessors comes forward.

Regardless… Your Maximum Leader is sick of the whole story. There are more important issues before us than who murdered a little girl.

Sad to say… But its true.

Now your Maximum Leader’s invective have drained him of the ability to continue the link dump. Damn that guy Karr… Now there is another reason to shoot you.

Carry on.

Hold A Good Thought For Smallholder

The trial is tomorrow. Wish me luck.

Lest You Think Smallholder Has Gone All Soft And Fuzzy

Memento Moron and I have a similar sense of humor. We both a family men, first and foremost. But we are poles apart politically.

Immigration is a good case in point. We hammered each other over the issue months ago.

(Self-congratulatory note to self: Bush and Congress did exactly what I predicted. Absolutely nothing of substance. Sure, we might have sent a few thousand guardsman to the border and generated a few headlines for the November election, but Congressmen are smart enough to know that illegal immigrants are good for the economy, regardless of what they tell their innumerate constituents during campaigns.)

For the record, I think Memento is misguided, not racist. Characterizing the opposition to illegals as boiling down to “brown people are icky” was too broad of a stroke in the same way as “liberals hate America” is too broad of astroke. A good proportion of both camps fit those stereotypes, but there are exceptions. Seriously, Brian, I consifder you to be one of those exceptions: I don’t think you are a racist. Can we bury the hatchet, please?

Having, one hopes, set aside the hard feelings resultant of my sloppy language (a proclivity reinforced by the hasty nature of the blogging medium), let’s return to misguided, shall we?

Brian writes:

a) San Bernadino County, CA, in response to jail overcrowding, has instituted a new program where sherriff’s deputies are trained to interview incoming inmates and screen for illegal immigrants and turn them over to the INS. Since the program was instituted, the county has interviewed 600 inmates, 500 of whom turned out to be Illegals.

b) The Center For Disease Control reports that juvenile hepatitis cases are far higher in the western and border states, which have higher illegal populations than the rest of the U.S.

I guess those two articles, and my decision to blog on them, proves that I, the San Bernadino County Sherriff, and the CDC are latent racists who think brown people are.. um, what’s the word? Oh, yeah, “Icky”.

Dealing with a) first. I guess Brian is still trying to fight the FBI. You see, when everyone was jabbering about the crime caused by illegals, I linked to the official government report by the FBI. Law enforcement data shows that illegal aliens are slightly less likely to commit crimes than native-born citizens. Control for socioeconomic level and the gap grows. There are a few hardened narco-trafficers, but there are also native-born narco-trafficers. Despite what law enforcement says, the answer from the anti-illegal side is “nuh-uh.” Others go back to the old canard: If they are willing to break one law, they will be automatically break another law. This belief conflicts with reality - the government’s own statistics show this. In addition, the “illegals are more lawless and will steal your car” types are also blind to their own hypocrisy. I would wager that the vast majority of our readers (yes, you!) have, at one time or another, committed a victimless crime. This does not make us all more likely to commit armed robbery. The Minister of Propaganda, for instance, has violated 43 states’ restrictions on extra-marital hanky-panky. Yet he has not, to my knowledge, been knocking over liquor stores in his spare time. Absolutists who demand law enforcement and harsh punishment for every violation of law - “down with illegal border crossers for illegally crossing the borders” have yet to explain their plan for prosecuting the Minister of Propaganda’s sluttishness. Or, for that matter, prosecuting Polymath and my “experimentation” with alternative fuels.

Memento Moron, who refuses to accept the validity of the government statistics, gives us the San Bernadino Sheriff’s department screening process in order to refute it. His response - using a weak piece of datum to reinforce his own (erroneous) belief in the lawlessness of illegals reminds me of a quote I heard from Joel Salatin this weekend:

“Science can never convince. We only believe science when it agrees with our heart.”

True words.

But let me try one more time to lift the veil from Memento’s eyes. (I know that it is pointless, but hell, I’m a teacher. As a teacher you have to set aside cynical experience and opt for naive optimism on a daily basis.)

When the San Bernadino policemen, trained officers of the law, suspect someone is an illegal alien, they check to see if they are. Surprise, surprise, 500 of 600 suspected illegals are indeed illegal. Is this the whole sample of criminals? Do you think that they ran Bubba the uber-redneck through the screening process? What about Tyrone the stereotypical gang-banger?

In fact, I’d like to see the San Bernadino do a screenin for membership in black gangs. If they suspect someone of belonging to a black gang, they should check it out. If they do belong to a black gang, then that will prove, government statistics be damned, that black people are responsible for all crime in the United States.

We should also do a screening for white supremicist gangs. If someone is arrested with a swastika tatooed on their forehead, we should do a screening for membership in white supremacy groups. If it turns out that most do belong to the Aryan nations, then it will prove that all honkies are racist.

As for part “b,” I’m gobsmacked that Memento would even bring this weak crap.

Correlation, my friend, does not imply causation.

Click through that Wikipedia article. It is hi-larious.


Ice-cream sales are strongly (and robustly) correlated with crime rates.
Therefore, higher ice-cream sales cause crime.


Homer: Not a bear in sight. The “Bear Patrol” is working like a charm!

Lisa: That’s specious reasoning, Dad.

Homer: [uncomprehendingly] Thanks, honey.

Lisa: By your logic, I could claim that this rock keeps tigers away.

Homer: Hmm. How does it work?

Lisa: It doesn’t work. (pause) It’s just a stupid rock!

Homer: Uh-huh.

Lisa: But I don’t see any tigers around, do you?

Homer: (pause) Lisa, I want to buy your rock.

Didja miss me?

Anyone have a stick of gum?

Pip! Pip! For Memento Moron

When Geeks Marry Non-Geeks

Mrs. Smallholder, while a fine, fine woman (some would call her a saint), doesn’t “get” Monty Python.

Or Bruce Campbell.

Or “Big Trouble In Little China.”

This is why I continue to associate with the Maximum Leader, Minister of Propaganda, Foreign Minister, and even Polymath. They may be as wrong as wrong can be about politics, but at least they laugh at my clever asides.

Heh. If those links don’t force the Maximum Leader to fix the comments, I don’t know what will.

Update from Mrs. Smallholder: Clever? Bah.

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