Woo Hoo! Par-tay!

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader can hardly imagine the fun they will be having down in the heat outside President Bush’s ranch in Crawford. Surely you’ve heard? Now Cindy Sheehan will be joined by FBI-wistleblower (and Congressional Candidate) Colleen Rowley.

Also joining the party is Minnesota State Senator Becky Lourey, who’s son Matt was killed in Iraq.

The fun in the Texas sun should make the news! Maybe the Sheehan/Rowley party-cum-protest will be so loud it will make the neighbours want to shoot off their guns…

Now your Maximum Leader has nothing against Colleen Rowley or Senator Lourey, but he must ask (if only rhetorically) why? Does Ms. Rowley think that the exposure will help her in her race for Congress? Does Ms. Lourey think that the exposure will help her in her race for Governor? Why exactly would standing at the side of a woman who seems to be so grief-stricken that her rational faculties have left her be a good campaign move? It would seem to your Maximum Leader like cheap political opportunism.

It didn’t work for Max Cleland, he doubts it will work for Rowley and Lourey.

Carry on.

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