With minions like this…

Greetings loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader loves it when the Big Hominid is creative. Look here. Your Maximum Leader loves it. He stared and stared at the “vision” graphic for a while. It was hard for him to tell if it was truely himself in a vision, or a photographic study called “ice crystals on blue food colouring.” Either way it is cool. Thank you Big Hominid. You are the greatest Poet Laureate ever!

Now off to watch a newly purchased Eddie Izzard DVD with Mrs. Villain! This one is “Circle.” Your Maximum Leader hears that it is not quite as funny as “Dress to Kill.” He already owns “Dress to Kill” and can attest to the fact that it is one of the funniest comedy routines he has ever seen. Your Maximum Leader has lowered his expectations somewhat, but is ready to laugh.

Note to any UK-based readers: Was the Eddie Izzard hosted ITN series “Mongrel Nation” any good? Your Maximum Leader read about it, but hasn’t found a way to obtain it yet. Comments appreciated.

Carry on.

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