Wiped Out

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader wasn’t surprised by the election results in November. He wasn’t pleased with them. But all in all they were close to what he expected. And as much as your Maximum Leader would have like to see a George Allen victory, there was only one Republican who was defeated for whom your Maximum Leader can honestly say he feels deep compassion for.

Maryland Governor Robert Ehrlich.

Ehrlich was popular, had high approval ratings, and was widely regarded as being one of the most effective governors in years. Your Maximum Leader should add that he (out of habit) pretty much hates Maryland. So for your Maximum Leader to get all worked up about the Governor of Maryland is saying something.

Your Maximum Leader wants to smack every single Marylander who voted against Ehrlich because in their mind a vote for Erlich was a vote “for” George W. Bush. As crazy as it sounds, that is how a good many Marylanders probably did cast their vote. For Pete’s sake, Martin O’Malley (the Governor-elect) mentioned George Bush more in the campaign than he did Robert Ehrlich.

Stupid, stupid voters… Serves them right…

If you haven’t already read Brendan Miniter’s peice on Ehrlich in today’s Opinion Journal you should… Of course it just made your Maximum Leader angry.

Carry on.

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