Who is the fairest?

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader was inspired to change the poll question today after reading the Poet Laureate’s site.

But as for the first poll…. You all voted wisely. At least some of you did. Jennifer Love Hewitt was voted the fairest of them all with 43% of the vote. Halle Berry was second with 30% of the vote. Jaime Pressly and Kate Moss were tied with 13% each. Heather Graham and Ann Coulter received no votes.

Your Maximum Leader is happy with the results. O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay! As a gift to all the minions who voted for “Love” here is a little gift.

Since Ms. Hewitt won the vote fairly (and without the intervention of the Supreme Court of the United States) this should stop the Minister of Agriculture from pratteling on about Jaime Pressly this and Jaime Pressly that…

Being pleased with the outcome of the voting, your Maximum Leader has determined that it is safe (for now) to continue with meaningless plebicites.

Moving on to the second poll…

It seems that the Big Ho is feverish and thinking that he may puke. He asked rhetorically if he would puke tonight. So! That becomes the new poll question. We’ll compare your thoughts to the actual happenings later.

Voting in the same place. Near the bottom of the left side nav bar.

Carry on.

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