Who Does His Advance Work?

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader sees (thanks to Dr. Rusty Shackelford) that New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg spent the afternoon assuring Muslims in America that we love them and will not discriminate against them in a mosque who’s Imam spends his free time denying the Holocaust. Sheik Fadhel al Sahlani says that reports of 6,000,000 dead jews are “exaggerated.”

Isn’t this a fine how-do-you-do? One wonders who did Mayor Bloomberg’s advance work on this. One hopes that the Mayor will soon have himself a new advance team. Indeed, your Maximum Leader knows some people who might be able to help him… Mr. Mayor, give your Maximum Leader a call. He’ll give you some advice. (Psst- That advice is “More vetting.”)

Carry on.

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