Where is your Maximum Leader?

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader hasn’t meant for his blogging to be so irregular over the past two weeks. Indeed, if you knew your Maximum Leader personally you’d know he is a very regular fellow.

Alas, he cannot go into much detail, but please let it suffice to say that your Maximum Leader has been busy. At this point you are probably saying to yourself, “Self, my Maximum Leader probably isn’t blogging because he mentioned he was at the beach. He’s probably sitting by the surf and sipping girlie drinks.”

Well… Allow your Maximum Leader to assure you all that he is no longer at the beach. Additionally, he never drinks girlie drinks. He is a Scotch and Bourbon man. Indeed, this weekend he was able to sample freely from a rather large bottle of McCallan 18 year old Scotch. It was delicious.

No… The beach is no longer the reason for his irregular blogging. Yesterday that would have been an excuse. For yesterday he spent the better part of the day returning to the Villainschloss from the Beach. Today has been spent getting his affairs in order. You know a week at the beach will get one’s affairs out of order quite quickly. Losing that whole “routine” thing.

Your Maximum Leader knows you are out there, lurking, waiting, anticipating his next post. He hopes to post something good tomorrow.

Carry on.

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