What Was That About Slopes Being Slippery?

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader followed a link from Steve and lo and behold what does he see… Some bald Dutch guy getting married to two women. Yes. It seems that polygamous civil unions are okay in the Netherlands.

Your Maximum Leader doesn’t know what to say really. Of course polygamy has been all fine and dandy in Muslim nations (and Utah) for as long as anyone can remember. But we who were of the Western Tradition could always look askance at polygamy and say outwardly that it was wrong. (While inwardly wondering if Mrs. Villain would convert to Islam so your Maximum Leader could make an honest woman of the dreamy Jennifer Love Hewitt.)

As your Maximum Leader has said many times before. If the only criteria for allowing people to marry was “love” then there can be no restrictions on who can get married. (Well presumably we are only discussing Homo Sapiens here - but your Maximum Leader supposes that even that is up for debate.) Today it is the Dutch who realize this. Tomorrow it will be the Belgians. A week from now the Germans. Then Canada. Then Utah (above-board). Then Massachusetts. Then… Well you get the point.

Your Maximum Leader will just grimly set himself to the task of recording the end of civilization as we know it.

Carry on.

UPDATE: Dr. Shackleford shows us the difference between “Good” and “Bad” polygamy.


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