What is this room called again?

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is disgusted. He normally holds the Queen of Great Britain in rather high regard. She is an intelligent woman who knows much more than people give her credit for. (Did you know that during WWII she was a truck mechanic? And she’s been known to work under the hood from time to time… And your Maximum Leader isn’t talking about Prince Phillip’s hood either…) Well, your Maximum Leader is just disgusted to hear that on an impending visit by French President Jacques Chirac to Windsor to visit the HM the Queen, the name of one of the rooms of Windsor Castle will be temporarially renamed. The “Waterloo Chamber” will be renamed (for Chirac’s visit) the “Music Room.”

Great Jeezey Chreezey! Your Maximum Leader can hardly fathom it. He only hopes that it was some hypersensitive protoccol droid that felt this change had to be made so as to not offend the French. Your Maximum Leader wonders, does Jacques Chirac go around with some sort of inferiority complex because of Napoleon’s defeat? If he doesn’t feel chronically inferior due to Napoleon, perhaps he should for French collaboration in WWII.


And your Maximum Leader doffs his bejeweled floppy hat to Rachel for posting the article on her outstanding site.

Carry on.

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