Welcome To The New Digs

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader bids you welcome to his humble new home. It comes to you through the creative and technical talents of Apothegm Designs. (If you have a blog and want to make it better - shoot them an email at: apothegmdesigns -at-gmail -dot- com.)

As you can see there are comments and trackbacks. There is also a functioning RSS/XML feed (just for you Dr. Rusty.)

For now the comments are unmoderated and will allow unregistered commenters. If this becomes a problem, your Maximum Leader will likely change his position on comments and require moderation of comments and registration.

One frequent reader has said the site looks a little funereal. Funereal? Your Maximum Leader will have you know that the stunning header graphic is a combination of photos of Westminster Hall in London. (If you’ve never been to visit, your Maximum Leader recommends it. Westminster Hall is one of the most beautiful medieval structures in the world. We have King Richard II of England to thank for it.) He doesn’t think it looks funereal at all. Indeed, it has turned out better than the conceived in his mind.

So, as your Maximum Leader said, welcome to the new and improved Naked Villainy blog. If you are really excited about it (and every sane minion should be) celebrate by buying a t-shirt or mug or something.

Over the next few days you may notice little changes here and there. The addition of more archived posts, the tweaking of the blogroll, perhaps the addition of Blogads. But the writing will be the same bloggy goodness you’ve come to expect from your Maximum Leader and his ministerial cronies.

Carry on.


    About Naked Villainy

    • maxldr


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      "maxldr-blog"-at-yahoo-dot-com or

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    • No really follow on
      Twitter. I tweet a lot.

Naked Villainy… More alarming than the Dalai Lama’s love child.

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