Welcome, Seekers of Anti-Culture!

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader tries not to obsess over site traffic numbers. He is a pretty self-confident fellow who finds most of the validation he needs within himself. But it is fun nonetheless to look at my site traffic numbers once or twice a month.

Speaking of site traffic, your Maximum Leader congratulates a href=”http://mypetjawa.mu.nu/archives/057105.php”>Dr. Rusty on his eminence in the blogosphere. Your Maximum Leader can say that he visits Rusty’s site every day and commends that all his minions do too. And your Maximum Leader should add that Rusty seems to have figured out the place of blogging in his life. It should go: God, Family, Fishing, Blog (3-5 entries daily), Work.

It was reading that post of Dr. Rusty’s concerning blog traffic in hours read that prompted your Maximum Leader to check his own site traffic and write this post.

Excurus: Your Maximum Leader would like to explain something to his minions. In Rusty’s post he mentions bloggers that do not use Sitemeter. Your Maximum Leader is one of those. He doesn’t use it for a number of reasons. First, as Rusty points out, Sitemeter is notoriously inaccurate. And your Maximum Leader, if he wants to have statistics, want reliable metrics. Second, your Maximum Leader is something of an (aesthetic) control freak. That little Sitemeter icon thingie is damned ugly and he doesn’t want it on his site. And third, your Maximum Leader is paying for his bandwidth (of which he has much - much more than he needs - more later) and has accurate numbers from his hosting company. (Which by the way is Superb.net. They are great!)

On to the point…

Your Maximum Leader is pleased to announce that Nakedvillainy has been increasing it’s daily readership by a few people every week. We are currently averaging about 289 unique visits a day. That’s not too shabby. To give you all a frame of reference, in March of this year, Nakedvillainy was averaging about 50 unique visits a day. In celebration, your Maximum Leader must will stand on the balcony of the Villainschloss and give his many readers, and all those fellow bloggers who link to this site, a royal wave.

Well… Here is where it gets interesting…

In October this blog had about 7100 visitors. (7122 unique visitors to be precise.) In November this blog had 10,292 visitors. Your Maximum Leader thought that a jump of over 3000 visitors in a month was pretty impressive. Then he checked out the daily numbers. On reviewing the numbers, it seems as though we had over 1000 visitors on November 30th.

Was this a little Instalanche? A Jawa-lanche? Or a strange confluence where the Big Hominid, Kilgore, Sadie, Bill, the Llamas, Jeff, Brian, Gordon, JohnL, the Tall Dog, and others all on the blogroll linked to some post at the same time?

Well, it was none of the above.

It seems that 1821 visitors on November 30, 2004 came to Nakedvillainy from sex3k.com (Don’t think for a moment that the sex3k link is safe for work.)

Yes, minions. It’s finally happened. After all the posts talking about “cutlering” and strategic use of provocative keywords (like nude, naked, sex, and all); Nakedvillainy.com was linked to by a real honest porn site.

Talk about a quick way to start burning up your bandwidth. Get linked to by a porn site. We had about 3000 visits yesterday, all but 300 or so were from the porn site. (Don’t fear about burning up the bandwidth and not getting your Maximum Leader/Smallholder fix - even yesterday we only used up about 10% of our daily traffic allowance.)

Of course your Maximum Leader had to find the link to Nakedvillainy fro sex3k. But alas, he couldn’t find it on the site. But it must be there somewhere; because the visitors are still coming. (Heh.)

So, if you came here for porn, your Maximum Leader aims to please. You may click here, here, or here to get some porn out of your Maximum Leader’s private stash.

If you didn’t come here looking for porn - thanks again.

Carry on.

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